If you see reddish stains in your sink, bathtub, or heaven forbid, on your laundry, it's a good bet you've got iron in your water. Don't look for nuts and bolts dripping from your tap, this kind of...
Self-cleaning windows are here, thanks to recent developments in 鈥減hotocatalysis鈥 and 鈥渟uper-hydrophilicity.鈥 Tongue-twisting terms, but well worth exploring. Titanium dioxide is a naturally...
Snus, pronounced snoos, is a smokeless form of tobacco which is produced and used essentially only in Norway and Sweden. Snus is typically placed under the upper lip, either as loose tobacco,...
Victorian ladies fainted with alarming frequency. They had been characterized as the weaker sex and had become conditioned to fulfil the role. A little shock, such as a glance at a passage in Lady...
Should we be spending hundreds of hard-earned dollars on expensive sunglasses or do we get the same protection from cheaper models available off of racks at the pharmacy? It seems that dishing out...
When I was young, the first official day of summer for me was not June 21st. It didn鈥檛 matter what the weather was, summer did not really begin until the day my mother made cold sour cherry soup...