External /ose/taxonomy/term/4/all en Undergraduate Science Showcase /ose/channels/event/undergraduate-science-showcase-363962 <h2>Join us on <strong>March 25, 5-8 PM</strong> in the <strong>University Centre (SSMU) </strong>for the 6th annual Undergraduate Science Showcase!</h2> Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:42:59 +0000 kira.smith@mcgill.ca 6882 at /ose The Dan Petrescu Speaker Series presents: Rethinking Learning with MIT’s Dr. Sanjay Sarma  /ose/channels/news/dan-petrescu-speaker-series-presents-rethinking-learning-mits-dr-sanjay-sarma-344149 <p>By <strong>Hilar</strong><strong>y Sweatman</strong></p> <p><em>“The big mistake is this: we assume that the professor has a pen and the student's brain is a sheet of paper and all the professor has to do is write on the sheet of paper and declare victory.” – Dr. Sanjay Sarma. </em></p> Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:30:33 +0000 kira.smith@mcgill.ca 6676 at /ose OSE Breakfast Club: Understanding How Students Interpret Uncertainties in Physics /ose/channels/event/ose-breakfast-club-understanding-how-students-interpret-uncertainties-physics-360508 <p>Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 PM </p> <p>Location: Ground floor boardroom, Rutherford Physics Building, 3600 rue University, Montreal, QC, H3A 2T8</p> <p>Host: The Office of Science Education</p> Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:58:53 +0000 lynne.mullings@mcgill.ca 6844 at /ose 2024 Undergraduate Poster Showcase /ose/channels/event/2024-undergraduate-poster-showcase-356154 <p>The Undergraduate Poster Showcase celebrates the work of students by providing them with an opportunity to share their research, passion projects, in-class work, and more!</p> Thu, 14 Mar 2024 19:15:56 +0000 brent.jamsa@mcgill.ca 6774 at /ose The Undergraduate Poster Showcase 2023: Gather with us! /ose/channels/news/undergraduate-poster-showcase-2023-gather-us-346528 <p><i>Office of Science Education Student Engagement Administrator <b>Ezelbahar Metin</b> and Communications Assistant <b>Bhavya Bhushan</b> sat down with presenters to discuss the upcoming Undergraduate Poster Showcase. This year, the highly-anticipated hybrid event will be hosted on March 15, 6-8 PM ET in the University Centre (SSMU) Ballroom and via livestream. <b>Register here to attend: </b></i><strong><em><a href="https://mcgillups.eventbrite.com/">https://mcgillups.eventbrite.com/</a></em></strong><b><i> </i></b></p> Fri, 03 Mar 2023 18:21:01 +0000 kira.smith@mcgill.ca 6689 at /ose The Undergraduate Poster Showcase 2021: The show must go on! /ose/channels/news/undergraduate-poster-showcase-2021-show-must-go-329386 <p><i>Office of Science Education Communications Assistant <strong>Brent Jamsa</strong> sat down with four students to discuss their upcoming presentations at the second annual Undergraduate Poster Showcase. This year, the highly-anticipated event will be hosted on March 16, 6-8 PM EST via Zoom. <b>Register here to attend: </b></i><a href="https://mcgill.ca/x/odx"><b><i>https://mcgill.ca/x/odx</i></b></a><b><i>.</i></b><i> </i></p> Tue, 09 Mar 2021 17:35:56 +0000 davis.hepnar@mcgill.ca 6498 at /ose Pursuing an Arctic research dream /ose/channels/news/pursuing-arctic-research-dream-344163 <p>Lizz Webb, a PhD student in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (and OSE Science Education Fellow) here at ϲ University, spent a week in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago barely 1,000 kilometres from the North Pole, as part of her studies.</p> Thu, 08 Dec 2022 22:27:50 +0000 kira.smith@mcgill.ca 6678 at /ose SciLearn helps connect students with course material outside of the classroom /ose/channels/news/scilearn-helps-connect-students-course-material-outside-classroom-344147 <p>"On a Monday afternoon during midterm season, the cafeteria of Royal Victoria College is the place to be."<br /> In this ϲ Tribune feature, Gillian Cameron captures the spirit of <a href="/ose/initiatives/scilearn/scilearn-peer-collaboration">SciLearn Peer Collaboration</a>, a collaborative learning environment for U0 & U1 students in Science courses.</p> <p> </p> Thu, 08 Dec 2022 14:12:17 +0000 kira.smith@mcgill.ca 6675 at /ose Strategies to foster equitable and inclusive learning environments /ose/channels/news/strategies-foster-equitable-and-inclusive-learning-environments-343030 <p><a href="/ose/people/diane-dechief">Diane Dechief</a> from the Office of Science Education and <a href="/biology/stephanie-weber">Stephanie Weber</a> from the Dept. of Biology were among several ϲ instructors who recently gathered to share their ideas for fostering equitable and inclusive learning environments.</p> Wed, 26 Oct 2022 14:49:40 +0000 fergus.grieve@mcgill.ca 6666 at /ose Meeting the climate crisis with resilience and collaborative action /ose/channels/news/meeting-climate-crisis-resilience-and-collaborative-action-340349 <p>ϲ undergraduates have a unique opportunity to expand their climate science literacy and acquire tools for taking action to reduce the impacts of the unfolding climate crisis.</p> <p>Registration is now open to <b>students</b> <b>in every program</b> for <a href="/study/courses/fsci-198">FSCI 198: Climate Crisis and Climate Actions</a>, a new undergraduate course featuring a team of multi-disciplinary instructors who will present diverse perspectives on the scientific and social dimensions of climate change.</p> Thu, 14 Jul 2022 14:15:50 +0000 fergus.grieve@mcgill.ca 6645 at /ose “The show must go on!”: Undergraduate Poster Showcase brings students to the virtual stage /ose/channels/news/show-must-go-undergraduate-poster-showcase-brings-students-virtual-stage-330553 <p><em>ϲ Science student <strong>Catherine Wang</strong> attended the Faculty of Science’s Undergraduate Poster Showcase to support her peers. Here, she shares her impressions of the event.</em></p> Wed, 21 Apr 2021 13:16:24 +0000 fergus.grieve@mcgill.ca 6502 at /ose Setting the tone: how you write your syllabus can make a big difference /ose/channels/news/setting-tone-how-you-write-your-syllabus-can-make-big-difference-335686 <p><em>Research shows a syllabus written in a warm, friendly style can enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.</em></p> <p>By <strong>Diane Dechief</strong> and <strong>Véronique Brulé</strong></p> <p>Instructors: think back to when you were an undergraduate. Do you remember how you felt as you read the syllabi for your courses? Hopefully there were feelings of excitement and intrigue. But perhaps there was also confusion or worry that certain classes weren't really what you’d thought you were signing up for.</p> Thu, 16 Dec 2021 20:13:45 +0000 fergus.grieve@mcgill.ca 6598 at /ose Thinking Outside the Zoom Box with the Large Class Teaching Exchange (Part 2) /ose/channels/news/thinking-outside-zoom-box-large-class-teaching-exchange-part-2-333742 <p><em>Part 2: Considerations for Online Course Delivery</em></p> <p>By <strong>Hilary Sweatman, Jacqueline Kort Mascort, Véronique Brulé, Jennie Ferris</strong></p> Tue, 28 Sep 2021 18:10:42 +0000 fergus.grieve@mcgill.ca 6574 at /ose Thinking Outside the Zoom Box with the Large Class Teaching Exchange (Part 1) /ose/channels/news/thinking-outside-zoom-box-large-class-teaching-exchange-part-1-333689 <p><em>Part 1: Engaging Students Online</em></p> <p>By <strong>Jacqueline Kort Mascort, Hilary Sweatman, Véronique Brulé, Jennie Ferris</strong></p> Mon, 27 Sep 2021 19:08:27 +0000 fergus.grieve@mcgill.ca 6552 at /ose Building science students' communication skills with the MSWI /ose/channels/news/building-science-students-communication-skills-mswi-333686 <p><em>Marina Nysten and Joyce Wu are the co-founders of the <a href="https://www.mcgill-mswi.com/">ϲ Scientific Writing Initiative (MSWI)</a>, a student-run organization dedicated to promoting effective science communication at ϲ and beyond. The <a href="/ose/">Office of Science Education</a> recently collaborated with MSWI, which concluded its first year in service to the student body. Here, Marina and Joyce reflect on MSWI’s inaugural year and future plans as recent ϲ alumni.</em></p> Mon, 27 Sep 2021 18:46:42 +0000 fergus.grieve@mcgill.ca 6551 at /ose