

Tuesday, May 29, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
B.A. (Stanford University), MD.CM (黑料不打烊 University), M.D. 鈥 M.P.H. (John Hopkins University)

John 鈥淛ack鈥 Wennberg is a pioneer in the field of health care delivery and health services research. He currently holds the title of the Peggy Y. Thomson Professor Emeritus in the Evaluative Clinical Sciences at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, and is also the Founder and Director Emeritus of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice

After receiving his medical degree from 黑料不打烊 University Dr. Wennberg continued his studies at John Hopkins University. Following research begun while serving as Director of the Northern New England Regional Medical Program in Vermont, he published a landmark paper in the academic journal Science entitled: 鈥淪mall Area Variations in Health Care Delivery鈥. In it he compared medical treatments in very similar small towns in Vermont, USA and was surprised that the results revealed dramatically different surgery rates, despite the towns鈥 demographic homogeneity. He was able to demonstrate that the care a patient receives is largely determined by where they live 鈥 and not necessarily by what care is most appropriate.

Dr. Wennberg is the Founding Investigator of The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, a series of reports that examine the patterns of medical resource intensity and use in the United States. The Atlas project has also reported on patterns of end-of-life care, inequities in the Medicare reimbursement system, and the underuse of preventive care. This project has recently been replicated in the United Kingdom as the NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare.

In 2013 Dartmouth College awarded him their highest faculty honour by establishing The John E. Wennberg Distinguished Professorship for his countless accomplishments in the field of medicine

Doctorat 猫s sciences, honoris causa
B. A. (Universit茅 Stanford), M. D., C.M. (Universit茅 黑料不打烊), M. D. 鈥 Ma卯trise en sant茅 publique (Universit茅 John Hopkins)

John 芦 Jack 禄 Wennberg, pionnier de la recherche sur la prestation des soins de sant茅 et sur les services de sant茅, est le professeur 茅m茅rite Peggy Y. Thomson en sciences cliniques 茅valuatives 脿 l鈥櫭塩ole de m茅decine Geisel du Coll猫ge Dartmouth et le directeur 茅m茅rite fondateur de l鈥橧nstitut des politiques de la sant茅 et de la pratique clinique de Dartmouth.

Apr猫s avoir obtenu son dipl么me de m茅decine de l鈥橴niversit茅 黑料不打烊, il a poursuivi ses 茅tudes 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 John Hopkins. S鈥檃ppuyant sur les travaux de recherche qu鈥檌l avait amorc茅s 脿 titre de directeur du Programme de m茅decine r茅gionale du nord de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, au Vermont, le Dr Wennberg a publi茅 un article phare dans la revue Science intitul茅 Small Area Variations in Health Care Delivery, o霉 il comparait les traitements m茅dicaux offerts dans des villes similaires du Vermont, aux 脡tats-Unis. Il a 茅t茅 surpris de constater la grande diff茅rence observ茅e quant aux taux de chirurgie malgr茅 l鈥檋omog茅n茅it茅 d茅mographique de ces villes et a 茅t茅 en mesure de d茅montrer que les soins offerts varient grandement d鈥檜ne localit茅 脿 une autre, et ce, non n茅cessairement selon les besoins des patients.

Le Dr Wennberg est chercheur fondateur de la s茅rie de rapports intitul茅e The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, qui porte sur les mod猫les d鈥檌ntensit茅 et d鈥檜tilisation des ressources m茅dicales aux 脡tats-Unis. Le projet Atlas a 茅galement port茅 sur les mod猫les de soins de fin de vie, les iniquit茅s du syst猫me d鈥檃ssurance maladie Medicare et la sous-utilisation des soins de sant茅 pr茅ventifs. Ce projet a 茅t茅 reproduit au Royaume-Uni, o霉 il s鈥檌ntitule NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare.

En 2013, le Coll猫ge Dartmouth a d茅cern茅 au Dr John Wennberg sa plus haute distinction honorifique en cr茅ant le titre de Professeur 茅m茅rite John E. Wennberg, en reconnaissance de ses innombrables r茅alisations dans le domaine de la m茅decine.


Tuesday, May 29, 6 p.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
B.Sc. (University of Ottawa), MD.CM (黑料不打烊 University)

B.Sc. (University of Ottawa), MD.CM (黑料不打烊 University) Dr. Alice Mannor Chan-Yip was one of the first Chinese women to practice pediatrics in Montreal. In the 1970s she was invited to develop a half day pediatric clinic in the Chinese Community and promptly recognized significant inequity of health status among refugee children and youths as compared to those of mainstream Canadian families. The observed clinical evidences included children with high prevalence rate of nutritional iron deficiency anemia, nursing and dental caries as well as underweight and delayed growth. Embarking on clinical research led her to identify risk factors such as social isolation; lack of prenatal classes for Chinese-speaking families or family-centred child birth education. Simultaneously, she also identified low breast feeding rate, maternal fatigue and post-partum depression among Chinese women. While studying the data collected she was motivated to sensitize community leaders to support her grant-applications, and subsequently develop culturally appropriate health promotional and research projects in the community.

Dr. Chan-Yip was also aware of the importance of culturally appropriate psychosocial support and actively engaged with community organizers and action groups to apply for Federal and Provincial grants and eventually established the Chinese Family Services of Greater Montreal in 1986.

A great philanthropist and community leader, Dr. Chan-Yip supports many charitable organizations including the Canadian Red Cross, the Canadian Wildlife Federation, World Relief, UNICEF, and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, SPCA.

In tribute to her late husband Professor Gar Lam Yip, a distinguished member of the Faculty of Engineering, she initiated a fund raising campaign which succeeded in establishing endowments for annual prize awards in Electromagnetic Theory to the graduating class as well as post-graduate scholarships in the fields of fiber-optics and photonics and Summer Undergraduate Research Education Scholarship. The Gar Lam Yip Photonic and Guided Waves Laboratory at 黑料不打烊 University was named in memory of Professor Yip for his distinguished research at 黑料不打烊 and on the international stage.

She supports various endowments for prize awards and research scholarships at the 黑料不打烊 University Health Centre and in the Faculty of Medicine. More recently she helped establish a prize in Health and Social Services Management that supports adult learners in the School of Continuing Studies.

Through her tireless efforts in community engagement, clinical research and teaching at the 黑料不打烊 University Health Centre, and her involvement with the Canadian Pediatric Society, Dr. Chan-Yip has been instrumental in developing innovative and culturally appropriate programs. In recognition of her service to the community she has been recognized with awards including the Intercultural Prize of the Montreal Children鈥檚 Hospital and an Honor Award from the Chinese Family Service Centre of Greater Montreal for dedication to community health promotion. She is also the recipient of Certificate of Merit and the Inaugural Noni MacDonald Award given by the Canadian Pediatric Society, the latter recognizes an author whose work, published by The Journal of Pediatrics & Child Health, makes an important contribution to pediatric medicine.

In 2010, for her lifetime support to the community as a medical educator and philanthropist, Dr. Alice Mannor Chan-Yip was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada.

Doctorat 猫s sciences, honoris causa
ALICE MANNOR CHAN-YIP, C.M., FRCPC, FAAP,听B. Sc. (Universit茅 d鈥橭ttawa), M. D., C. M. (Universit茅 黑料不打烊)

Alice Mannor Chan-Yip a 茅t茅 l鈥檜ne des premi猫res femmes p茅diatres d鈥檕rigine chinoise 脿 Montr茅al. Dans les ann茅es 1970, invit茅e 脿 organiser une clinique p茅diatrique d鈥檜ne demi-journ茅e au sein de la communaut茅 chinoise, elle a rapidement constat茅 d鈥檌mportantes iniquit茅s quant 脿 la sant茅 des enfants et adolescents r茅fugi茅s comparativement 脿 ceux des familles canadiennes. Parmi ses observations cliniques, notons une incidence 茅lev茅e d鈥檃n茅mie ferriprive, de caries dentaires, de syndrome du biberon, d鈥檌nsuffisance pond茅rale et de retard de croissance. Ses travaux de recherche clinique lui ont permis de d茅celer diff茅rents facteurs de risque, notamment l鈥檌solement social ainsi que le manque de cours pr茅nataux destin茅s aux familles sinophones et d鈥檌nformation sur la naissance ax茅e sur les familles. Parall猫lement, elle a constat茅 un faible taux d鈥檃llaitement, de m锚me qu鈥檜ne fr茅quence 茅lev茅e de fatigue et de d茅pression postpartum chez les m猫res d鈥檕rigine chinoise. Son analyse des donn茅es recueillies l鈥檃 amen茅e 脿 convaincre les responsables communautaires d鈥檃ppuyer ses demandes de subvention, ce qui lui a permis de mettre en 艙uvre des projets de recherche et de promotion de la sant茅 adapt茅s 脿 cette communaut茅.

Consciente de l鈥檌mportance d鈥檜n soutien psychosocial culturellement appropri茅, elle s鈥檈st engag茅e activement en compagnie d鈥檕rganisateurs et de groupes d鈥檃ction communautaires pour d茅poser des demandes de subvention aupr猫s des gouvernements provincial et f茅d茅ral, de sorte qu鈥檈n 1986, elle a fond茅 le Service 脿 la famille chinoise du Grand Montr茅al.

Grande philanthrope et figure en vue dans la collectivit茅, la docteure Chan-Yip soutient de nombreux organismes de bienfaisance, notamment la Soci茅t茅 canadienne de la Croix-Rouge, la F茅d茅ration canadienne de la faune, World Relief, l鈥橴NICEF et la SPCA.

En hommage 脿 son d茅funt mari, Gar Lam Yip, 茅minent professeur 脿 la Facult茅 de g茅nie, elle a lanc茅 une campagne de financement ayant permis de constituer un fonds pour l鈥檃ttribution de prix annuels dans le domaine de la th茅orie 茅lectromagn茅tique 脿 l鈥檌ntention des finissants, de bourses d鈥櫭﹖udes aux cycles sup茅rieurs en fibre optique et en photonique et d鈥檜ne bourse estivale de recherche et d鈥檈nseignement destin茅e aux 茅tudiants au premier cycle. Le Laboratoire de photonique et d鈥檕ndes guid茅es Gar Lam Yip (D茅partement de g茅nie 茅lectrique et informatique) a 茅t茅 nomm茅 脿 la m茅moire du professeur Yip pour l鈥檈xcellence de son enseignement et de ses travaux de recherche 脿 la Facult茅, qui ont rayonn茅 sur la sc猫ne internationale.

La docteure Chan-Yip soutient plusieurs fonds de dotation pour l鈥櫭﹖ablissement de prix et de bourses de recherche au Centre universitaire de sant茅 黑料不打烊 (CUSM). Tout r茅cemment, elle a contribu茅 脿 l鈥檌nstauration d鈥檜n prix en gestion de la sant茅 et des services sociaux en appui aux 茅tudiants de l鈥櫭塩ole d鈥櫭ヾucation permanente de 黑料不打烊.

Par ses efforts inlassables au sein de la communaut茅, en recherche clinique et en enseignement au CUSM, et son engagement 脿 la Soci茅t茅 canadienne de p茅diatrie (SCP), elle a jou茅 un r么le d茅terminant dans la mise en 艙uvre de programmes novateurs et bien adapt茅s aux particularit茅s culturelles. Elle a re莽u de nombreuses distinctions pour son soutien 脿 la collectivit茅, y compris le Prix interculturel de l鈥橦么pital de Montr茅al pour enfants et un prix d鈥檈xcellence du Service 脿 la famille chinoise du Grand Montr茅al pour son d茅vouement 脿 la promotion de la sant茅 communautaire. Elle a 茅galement re莽u un Certificat de m茅rite et le tout premier

Prix Noni MacDonald de la SCP, d茅cern茅 脿 un auteur dont les travaux, publi茅s dans la revue Pediatrics & Child Health, contribuent de fa莽on importante 脿 la p茅diatrie.

En 2010, en reconnaissance de son engagement communautaire de longue date 脿 titre de p茅dagogue en m茅decine et de philanthrope, la docteure Alice Mannor Chan-Yip a 茅t茅 茅lue Membre de l鈥橭rdre du Canada.


Wednesday, May 30, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
B.A. (Haifa University), M.A. (Tel Aviv University), Ph.D. (University of Southern California)

Scientist and businesswoman Orna Berry is the undisputed first lady of Israeli high tech and the first woman to serve as Chief Scientist Officer and Head of Research and Development at the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Berry has held numerous positions in the Israeli science, technology and venture capital industries. In 2008, as Chairperson of the Israeli Venture Capital Funds Association along with 40 Israeli high-tech executives, she joined a project to invest in Israeli pre-seed startups 鈥 a first of its kind in the world. She later joined Dell EMC and was a key figure in the company鈥檚 expansion in Israel. During her tenure, Dell launched two new research and development centers in Be鈥檈r Sheva and Haifa. As a business entrepreneur, she co-founded ORNET Data Communication Technologies, later acquired by Siemens AG and was Research Fellow in UNISYS and IBM and Chief Scientist and Program Manager in Fibronics. She served as Chairman of the Board at PrimeSense, acquired later by Apple, and recently stepped down from her responsibilities as Vice-President and General Manager of the Center of Excellence for Dell EMC in Israel.

Orna Berry is the recipient of many honours and awards including, in 2017, the Trustee of Honor Award from the Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo for outstanding contributions to technology, science, and entrepreneurship. That same year she was awarded the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya (IDC) Honorary Fellow Award in recognition of her contributions to the college and to Israeli society. In 2014 she received the WITI Hall of Fame Award from Women in Technology International and in 2012 she was the recipient of the Yakirat Ha'Negev Award from Ben Gurion University, recognizing her technology achievements. In 2011 she was granted the Viterbi Award by the University of Southern California for her ability to integrate entrepreneurship with professional excellence.

An inspiring woman, Orna Berry has always demonstrated courage and ingenuity and is passionate about working to integrate more woman in the corporate and scientific worlds. To this end she volunteers with Woman2Woman, a program that creates opportunities for young women facing their first professional forays

Doctorat 猫s sciences, honoris causa
B.A. (Universit茅 de Ha茂fa), M.A. (Universit茅 de Tel-Aviv), Ph.听D. (Universit茅 de Californie du Sud)

Scientifique et femme d鈥檃ffaires, Orna Berry s鈥檈st impos茅e comme la premi猫re dame de la haute technologie isra茅lienne, et elle est la toute premi猫re femme 脿 occuper le poste de scientifique en chef et directrice de la recherche et du d茅veloppement au minist猫re isra茅lien de l鈥橧ndustrie et du Commerce. Poss茅dant plus de 30 ann茅es d鈥檈xp茅rience, elle a occup茅 de nombreux postes au sein des industries de la science, de la technologie et du capital de risque en Isra毛l. En 2008, 脿 titre de pr茅sidente de l鈥橝ssociation isra茅lienne des fonds de capital de risque, Mme Berry a particip茅, en compagnie de 40 dirigeants de soci茅t茅s de technologie de pointe, 脿 un projet d鈥檌nvestissement dans le pr茅amor莽age de jeunes pousses isra茅liennes 鈥 ce qui constituait une premi猫re mondiale.

Elle s鈥檈st ensuite jointe 脿 Dell EMC, o霉 elle a jou茅 un r么le d茅terminant dans l鈥檈xpansion de la soci茅t茅 en Isra毛l. Au cours de son mandat, Dell a ouvert deux nouveaux centres de recherche et d茅veloppement, 脿 Be鈥檈r Sheva et 脿 Ha茂fa. 脌 titre d鈥檈ntrepreneure, Mme Berry a cofond茅 la soci茅t茅 ORNET Data Communication Technologies, dont Siemens SA a ult茅rieurement fait l鈥檃cquisition, en plus d鈥櫯搖vrer comme charg茅e de recherche chez UNISYS et IBM, puis comme scientifique en chef et directrice des programmes chez Fibronics. Elle a 茅galement pr茅sid茅 le conseil d鈥檃dministration de PrimeSense, avant l鈥檃cquisition de cette derni猫re par Apple, et occupait jusqu鈥櫭 r茅cemment les fonctions de vice-pr茅sidente et directrice g茅n茅rale du Centre d鈥檈xcellence de Dell EMC, en Isra毛l.

Orna Berry a re莽u de nombreux prix, dont, en 2017, le Prix d鈥檈xcellence en gestion du Coll猫ge acad茅mique de Tel Aviv-Jaffa pour sa contribution exceptionnelle 脿 la science, 脿 la technologie et 脿 l鈥檈ntrepreneuriat. Cette m锚me ann茅e, le Centre interdisciplinaire d鈥橦erzliya lui a d茅cern茅 le titre de membre honoraire pour souligner son apport remarquable au Coll猫ge et 脿 la soci茅t茅 isra茅lienne. En 2014, elle a 茅t茅 intronis茅e au Temple de la renomm茅e de WITI, une organisation qui rend hommage aux femmes qui se distinguent dans le domaine de la technologie 脿 l鈥櫭ヽhelle mondiale. Deux ans plus t么t, la professeure Berry avait obtenu le Prix Yakirat Ha'Negev, remis par l鈥橴niversit茅 Ben Gourion, en reconnaissance de ses r茅alisations technologiques exceptionnelles. En 2011, l鈥橴niversit茅 de Californie du Sud lui a d茅cern茅 le Prix Viterbi pour souligner sa capacit茅 脿 associer l鈥檈xcellence professionnelle 脿 l鈥檈sprit d鈥檈ntreprise.

Femme inspirante, Orna Berry a constamment fait montre de courage et d鈥檌ng茅niosit茅, et elle 艙uvre ardemment 脿 tenter d鈥檃mener plus de femmes 脿 int茅grer les milieux scientifiques et industriels. 脌 cette fin, elle donne de son temps 脿 Woman2Woman, un programme visant 脿 soutenir les femmes qui font leur entr茅e dans le monde professionnel.


Wednesday, May 30, 3 p.m.

Doctor of Music, honoris causa

Educated as a chartered accountant in London, England, Zarin Mehta moved to Montreal in 1962 and worked at the accounting firm of Coopers and Lybrand where he later became partner.

A member of the Board of Directors of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Mehta assisted with the search for a new Managing Director. Unable to find the ideal candidate, he stepped in as Interim Director; in 1981 he was named Managing Director of the MSO. Motivated by his great love for music 鈥 his father was a violinist and co-founder of the Bombay Symphony Orchestra and his older brother, Zubin Mehta, is a world renowned orchestral conductor鈥 and his financial and managerial acumen, he played a key role in the MSO鈥檚 development and success. Under his enlightened administration the orchestra experienced unprecedented financial stability and gained national and international recognition.

After close to a decade with the MSO, Mr. Mehta was named Executive Director of the Ravinia Festival, the oldest outdoor music festival in the United States, later becoming its President and CEO. In 2000 he was appointed Executive Director, and later President of the New York Philharmonic. For more than 12 years, Mr. Mehta was at the helm of one of the world鈥檚 leading musical institutions. He worked tirelessly to enhance labor relations as well as establish a record of grand and exotic tours for the Philharmonic, culminating with a singular visit to North Korea.

Following New York, and until his retirement in 2017, Mr. Mehta became Co-Executive Director of the Green Music Center (GMC) at Sonoma State University, a focal point for the arts and education in California.

Mr. Mehta鈥檚 passion for music is also evident in his life-long interest for young musicians. He was pivotal in the development of a Master鈥檚 Program in Arts Administration at Roosevelt University鈥檚 Chicago College of Performing Arts. He also established a summer program that allows young musicians, known as Zarin Mehta Fellows, from the Music Academy of the West to perform with the New York Philharmonic. This program is funded by donors and is in acknowledgement of Mr. Mehta鈥檚 lifetime nurturing of young talent.

Mr. Mehta has been awarded several academic distinctions and was appointed a member of the Order of Canada. In 2012, he was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Institution of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Doctorat 猫s musique, honoris causa

Zarin Mehta a obtenu son dipl么me de comptable agr茅茅 脿 Londres, en Angleterre, avant de d茅m茅nager 脿 Montr茅al, en 1962, o霉 il a travaill茅 au sein de la firme comptable Coopers & Lybrand, dont il est devenu associ茅 par la suite.

Membre du conseil d鈥檃dministration de l鈥橭rchestre symphonique de Montr茅al (OSM), monsieur Mehta a collabor茅 脿 la recherche d鈥檜n nouveau directeur g茅n茅ral. Devant l鈥檌mpossibilit茅 de trouver le candidat id茅al, c鈥檈st lui qu鈥檕n a d茅sign茅 comme directeur int茅rimaire. En 1981, il a 茅t茅 nomm茅 au poste de directeur g茅n茅ral de l鈥橭SM. Motiv茅 par son grand amour de la musique 鈥 son p猫re 茅tait violoniste et cofondateur de l鈥橭rchestre symphonique de Bombay, et son fr猫re ain茅, Zubin Mehta, est un chef d鈥檕rchestre de calibre mondial 鈥 ainsi que par son sens aigu de la finance et de la gestion, Zarin Mehta a jou茅 un r么le cl茅 dans le d茅veloppement et la r茅ussite de l鈥橭SM. Sous sa gouverne 茅clair茅e, l鈥橭rchestre a connu une stabilit茅 financi猫re sans pr茅c茅dent, en plus d鈥檃cqu茅rir une renomm茅e nationale et internationale.

Apr猫s un peu moins de dix ann茅es 脿 l鈥橭SM, monsieur Mehta a 茅t茅 nomm茅 directeur g茅n茅ral de Ravinia, le festival de musique ext茅rieur le plus ancien des 脡tats-Unis, dont il est par la suite devenu le pr茅sident et chef de la direction. En 2000, il a obtenu le poste de directeur g茅n茅ral de l鈥橭rchestre philharmonique de New York, dont il a par la suite assur茅 la pr茅sidence. Monsieur Mehta a 茅t茅 脿 la barre de cet orchestre parmi les plus prestigieux au monde durant plus de douze ans. Il a travaill茅 sans rel芒che afin d鈥檃m茅liorer les relations de travail, et, sous sa direction, le Philharmonique a effectu茅 des tourn茅es grandioses dans des contr茅es exotiques, qui ont culmin茅 avec une visite hors du commun en Cor茅e du Nord.

脌 la suite de son passage 脿 New York et jusqu鈥櫭 sa retraite, en 2017, Zarin Mehta a occup茅 le poste de codirecteur principal du Green Music Center (GMC), 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 d鈥櫭塼at 脿 Sonoma, une plaque tournante des arts et de l鈥檈nseignement en Californie.

Sa passion pour la musique se refl猫te 茅galement dans l鈥檌nt茅r锚t qu鈥檌l a port茅 aux jeunes talents tout au long de sa vie. Monsieur Mehta a jou茅 un r么le d茅terminant dans la mise sur pied du programme de ma卯trise en administration des arts du Coll猫ge des arts de la sc猫ne de l鈥橴niversit茅 Roosevelt, 脿 Chicago. Il a 茅galement instaur茅 un programme d鈥櫭﹖茅 permettant 脿 de jeunes musiciens de la Music Academy of the West, appel茅s les 芦 boursiers de Zarin Mehta 禄, de jouer au sein de l鈥橭rchestre philharmonique de New York. Ce programme financ茅 par des donateurs est un hommage au d茅vouement dont a toujours fait preuve monsieur Mehta 脿 l鈥檈ndroit de la rel猫ve musicale.

Zarin Mehta a re莽u plusieurs titres universitaires et a 茅t茅 茅lu Membre de l鈥橭rdre du Canada. En 2012, il a re莽u le Prix pour services insignes de l鈥橧nstitut des comptables agr茅茅s d鈥橝ngleterre et du Pays de Galles.


Thursday, May 31, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
B.Arch. (黑料不打烊 University), MBA (Harvard University)

Gerald Sheff has distinguished himself as a dynamic contributor to Canada鈥檚 corporate, educational and cultural sectors.

After graduating in 1964 from 黑料不打烊 University鈥檚 School of Architecture, he worked in London, England with the renowned architect Sir Basil Spence before returning to Montreal to participate in a number of important projects, including the British Pavilion at Expo 鈥67. After earning an MBA from the Harvard Business School, he had a thirteen-year career in real estate development with the Cadillac Fairview Corporation in Toronto. In 1984, he co-founded Gluskin Sheff and Associates, one of Canada鈥檚 most successful investment firms.

A leader in the community, Mr. Sheff has been Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal and Director of the Ontario College of Art and Design. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Scotiabank Giller Prize and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Canadian Centre of Architecture. In 2012 he was appointed a Lay Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada, now the Law Society of Ontario, where he serves on the Proceedings Authorization Committee which deals with all conduct and discipline matters of the Law Society.

Mr. Sheff has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to 黑料不打烊 University鈥檚 mission through his service as a Member of the Board of Governors. His support allowed for the creation of the Gerald Sheff Visiting Professorship in Architecture, an endowment that funds a visiting design professor focused on stimulating innovation and professional excellence through teaching, public speaking and research. In addition, Gluskin Sheff and Associates support the Gluskin Sheff Travelling Scholarships in Architecture.

Mr. Sheff and his wife Shanitha Kachan established the Gerald Sheff and Shanitha Kachan Charitable Foundation and have made major philanthropic gifts to the community, the arts and healthcare, culminating in a transformational gift to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH. The establishment of the Gerald Sheff and Shanitha Kachan Emergency Department will allow CAMH to improve the care they offer in a new state-of-the-art facility.

In 2011, the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada presented him with the Advocate for Architecture Award of听Excellence as a testimony to his significant contributions and support for Canadian architecture.

An accomplished business leader and patron of the arts, Gerald Sheff鈥檚 corporate success and philanthropic engagement are exemplary and serve as an inspiration.

Doctorat en droit, honoris causa
B.听Arch. (Universit茅听黑料不打烊), MBA (Universit茅 Harvard)

Gerald Sheff se distingue par sa contribution dynamique aux secteurs canadiens des affaires, de l鈥檈nseignement et de la culture.

Apr猫s avoir termin茅 en 1964 ses 茅tudes 脿 l鈥櫭塩ole d鈥檃rchitecture de l鈥橴niversit茅 黑料不打烊, M. Sheff a travaill茅 脿 Londres, en Angleterre, aux c么t茅s de l鈥檃rchitecte de renom Sir Basil Spence, avant de revenir 脿 Montr茅al pour prendre part 脿 plusieurs projets d鈥檈nvergure, notamment la conception du pavillon de la Grande-Bretagne d鈥橢xpo 67. Il a ensuite obtenu un MBA de la Harvard Business School, qui lui a ouvert la voie 脿 une carri猫re de treize ans en d茅veloppement immobilier pour Cadillac Fairview, 脿 Toronto. En 1984, il a cofond茅 Gluskin Sheff & Associates, l鈥檜ne des soci茅t茅s d鈥檌nvestissement les plus prosp猫res du Canada.

Membre influent de la collectivit茅, M. Sheff a pr茅sid茅 la United Jewish Appeal et dirig茅 le Coll猫ge des arts et du design de l鈥橭ntario. Il est 茅galement membre du comit茅 consultatif du Prix Banque Scotia Giller et du conseil d鈥檃dministration du Centre canadien d鈥檃rchitecture. En 2012, il a 茅t茅 nomm茅 conseiller non juriste de la Soci茅t茅 du barreau du Haut-Canada, maintenant le Barreau de l鈥橭ntario, o霉 il 茅t茅 membre du comit茅 d鈥檃utorisation des instances qui traite des questions de conduite et de discipline du Barreau.

M. Sheff poursuit un engagement de longue date envers la mission de l鈥橴niversit茅 黑料不打烊, notamment 脿 titre de membre du Conseil des gouverneurs. Son soutien a permis la cr茅ation de la Chaire Gerald Sheff de professeur invit茅 en architecture, un fonds de dotation destin茅 脿 financer la visite d鈥檜n professeur en design et ax茅 sur la stimulation de l鈥檌nnovation et de l鈥檈xcellence professionnelle par l鈥檈nseignement, la tenue de conf茅rences publiques et la recherche. En outre, Gluskin Sheff and Associates soutient le programme des bourses d鈥櫭﹖udes 脿 l鈥櫭﹖ranger en architecture Gluskin Sheff.

M. Sheff et son 茅pouse, Shanitha Kachan, ont mis sur pied la Fondation de bienfaisance Gerald Sheff et Shanitha Kachan, et ont fait des dons philanthropiques importants 脿 la collectivit茅, notamment dans les domaines des arts et des soins de sant茅, dont une aide financi猫re magistrale ayant permis de transformer le Centre de toxicomanie et de sant茅 mentale (CAMH). La mise en place du Service d鈥檜rgence Gerald Sheff et Shanitha Kachan permettra au CAMH d鈥檃m茅liorer les soins offerts 脿 ces nouvelles installations 脿 la fine pointe de la technologie.

En 2011, l鈥橧nstitut royal d鈥檃rchitecture du Canada a d茅cern茅 脿 M. Sheff le Prix d鈥檈xcellence D茅fenseur ou bienfaiteur de l鈥檃rchitecture, en reconnaissance de son apport et de son soutien exceptionnels 脿 l鈥檃rchitecture au Canada.

Dirigeant d鈥檈ntreprise accompli et grand d茅fenseur des arts, Gerald Sheff a su se d茅marquer aussi bien par sa r茅ussite en affaires que par son engagement philanthropique exemplaire, qui ont fait de lui une v茅ritable source d鈥檌nspiration.


Thursday, May 31, 3 p.m.

Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
L.L.L. (Universit茅 de Montr茅al), Doctorat d鈥櫭塼at (Universit茅 Paris II)

The Honorable Juanita Westmoreland-Traor茅 is the first African Canadian appointed judge in the history of Quebec. She also holds the distinction of being the first African Canadian Dean of a Law School after her 1996 appointment as Dean of the University of Windsor鈥檚 Faculty of Law. In 2012 she retired from the Court of Quebec but sat as a supplementary judge until 2017. Westmoreland-Traor茅 earned a degree in law from the Universit茅 de Montr茅al and later a Doctorat d鈥櫭塼at from the Universit茅 Paris II. During the 1970s, while practicing law part-time, she also taught at the Universit茅 de Montr茅al and later became one of the first faculty members in the D茅partement des sciences juridiques of the Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al.

She laboured tirelessly in the public sector as a board member of the Office de protection des consommateurs du Qu茅bec, as a Canadian Human Rights Commissioner, and as the first Chair of Quebec鈥檚 Conseil des communaut茅s culturelles et de l鈥檌mmigration. Her influence extended to Ontario, where she served as the first Employment Equity Commissioner, and internationally, through her role on the Board of the South Africa Education Trust Fund, on several observer missions to Haiti and as legal counsel to that country鈥檚 Commission de justice et v茅rit茅.

Westmoreland-Traor茅 has a long history of service to the community in particular with Centraide of Montr茅al, La ligue des droits, the Congress of Black Women of Canada, and the Women鈥檚 Legal Action and Defense Fund. She was a Board member of the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges and a co-chair of the Equality and Diversity Committee of the Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges.

An officer of the Ordre national du Qu茅bec, she is also the recipient of numerous awards: the 2008 Rights and Freedoms Prize from the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Touchstones Award from the Canadian Bar Association and the Prix Christine-Tourigny from the Barreau du Qu茅bec. She received the Luminary Award from the University of the West Indies and the Viola Desmond Award from the University of Ryerson.

In March 2013, the D茅partement des sciences juridiques of the Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al, established The Juanita Westmoreland-Traor茅 Scholarship. This award is presented annually to an undergraduate law student who uses their training to promote human rights, social justice and equality for Aboriginal peoples or racial minorities.

Doctorat en droit,听honoris causa
L.L. L. (Universit茅 de Montr茅al), Doctorat d鈥櫭塼at (Universit茅 Paris II)

L鈥檋onorable Juanita Westmoreland-Traor茅 est la premi猫re Canadienne d鈥檕rigine africaine nomm茅e juge au Qu茅bec et 脿 avoir dirig茅 une 茅cole de droit, apr猫s sa nomination, en 1996, au poste de doyenne de la Facult茅 de droit de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Windsor. En 2012, elle a pris sa retraite de la Cour du Qu茅bec, o霉 elle a si茅g茅 脿 titre de juge suppl茅mentaire jusqu鈥檈n 2017. Mme Westmoreland-Traor茅 a obtenu un dipl么me en droit de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al, puis un doctorat d鈥櫭塼at de l鈥橴niversit茅 Paris II. Dans les ann茅es 1970, elle a pratiqu茅 le droit 脿 temps partiel, occupant 茅galement un poste d鈥檈nseignante 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al, avant de devenir l鈥檜n des tout premiers membres du corps professoral au D茅partement des sciences juridiques de l鈥橴niversit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al, UQAM.

Elle a travaill茅 sans rel芒che dans le secteur public 脿 titre membre du conseil d鈥檃dministration de l鈥橭ffice de protection des consommateurs du Qu茅bec, de commissaire aux droits de la personne du Canada et de la toute premi猫re pr茅sidente du Conseil des communaut茅s culturelles et de l鈥檌mmigration du Qu茅bec. Son influence a rayonn茅 jusqu鈥檈n Ontario, o霉 elle est devenue la premi猫re commissaire 脿 l鈥櫭﹒uit茅 en mati猫re d鈥檈mploi de l鈥橭ntario, ainsi que sur la sc猫ne internationale, par son r么le au Conseil de la Fondation pour l鈥櫭ヾucation en Afrique du Sud, au cours de plusieurs missions d鈥檕bservation en Ha茂ti ainsi qu鈥檈n tant que conseill猫re juridique aupr猫s de la Commission de justice et v茅rit茅 de ce pays.

Mme Westmoreland-Traor茅 a consacr茅 de nombreuses ann茅es au service de la collectivit茅, tout particuli猫rement 脿 Centraide de Montr茅al, 脿 la Ligue des droits et libert茅s, au Congr猫s de femmes noires du Canada et au Fonds d鈥檃ction et d鈥櫭ヾucation juridique pour les femmes. Elle a 茅galement 茅t茅 membre du conseil d鈥檃dministration de la section canadienne de l鈥橝ssociation internationale des femmes juges et copr茅sidente du Comit茅 sur l鈥櫭ゞalit茅 et la diversit茅 de l鈥橝ssociation canadienne des juges des cours provinciales.

Offici猫re de l鈥橭rdre national du Qu茅bec, Mme Westmoreland-Traor茅 a re莽u de nombreuses distinctions : le Prix droits et Libert茅s 2008 (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse), d茅cern茅 脿 l鈥檕ccasion du 60e anniversaire de la D茅claration universelle des droits de l鈥檋omme; le Prix 芦 Les assises 禄 (Association du Barreau Canadien); et le M茅rite Christine-Tourigny (Barreau du Qu茅bec). Elle a 茅galement re莽u le Prix Luminary (Universit茅 des Antilles Occidentales) et le Prix Viola Desmond (Universit茅 de Ryerson).

En mars 2013, le D茅partement des sciences juridiques de l鈥橴QAM a fond茅 la Bourse Juanita Westmoreland-Traor茅, d茅cern茅e chaque ann茅e 脿 un 茅tudiant en droit au premier cycle qui utilise sa formation juridique pour faire la promotion des droits de la personne, de la justice sociale et de l鈥櫭ゞalit茅 au b茅n茅fice des populations autochtones et ratiss茅es.


Friday, June 1, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
B.Sc., Ph.D. (University of Alberta)

Computer scientist and scholar, Dr. Maria Klawe is the President of Harvey Mudd College, a private liberal arts college in the United States and a pioneer and innovator in the teaching of science and engineering. Appointed as President in 2006, she is the first woman to hold that position since the College was founded in 1955.

Prior to that, Dr. Klawe was Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. She joined Princeton from the University of British Columbia where she served in a variety of positions: Dean of Science, Vice-President of Student and Academic Services and Head of the Department of Computer Science. She also spent eight years with IBM Research in California, and two years at the University of Toronto prior to arriving at UBC.

With an extraordinary record of research, education, and service both in Canada, the United States, and internationally, Dr. Klawe鈥檚 achievements span academic, professional and industry leadership roles, both in science and in engineering. She has made extensive contributions in mathematics and computer science, including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on discrete mathematics.

In 2014 Dr. Klawe was the recipient of the Women of Vision ABIE Award for Leadership and was ranked 17th on Fortune鈥檚 2014 list of the World鈥檚 50 Greatest Leaders. In 2015 she was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Association of Computer Science and the Achievement Award from the American Association of University Women, and was inducted into the U.S. News STEM Solutions Leadership Hall of Fame. In 2016 she was awarded the Distinguished Service Award from the Computing Research Association for a lifetime of accomplishments as an academic leader and for a vision that has strengthened the discipline of computer science and engineering establishing new norms and policies to increase the percentage of women and minorities in those fields.

In 2017 Maria Klawe was awarded the Academic Leadership Award from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The award recognizes educators who demonstrate vision and commitment to excellence in undergraduate education, the liberal arts, equal opportunity, the development of major interdisciplinary programs, international engagement and the promotion of strong ties between their institutions and local communities.

Doctorat 猫s sciences, honoris causa
B. Sc., Ph. D. (Universit茅 de l鈥橝lberta)

La chercheuse et informaticienne Maria Klawe est une pionni猫re de l鈥檈nseignement des sciences et du g茅nie. Depuis 2006, elle est la pr茅sidente du Coll猫ge Harvey Mudd, un 茅tablissement vou茅 脿 l鈥檈nseignement des arts lib茅raux aux 脡tats-Unis, et la toute premi猫re femme 脿 la t锚te de ce coll猫ge priv茅 depuis sa fondation, en 1955.

Auparavant, elle a 茅t茅 doyenne de l鈥櫭塩ole de g茅nie et de sciences appliqu茅es et professeure d鈥檌nformatique 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 Princeton, a occup茅 divers postes 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 de la Colombie-Britannique : doyenne de la Facult茅 des sciences, vice-pr茅sidente des Services aux 茅tudiants et de soutien aux 茅tudes et chef du D茅partement d鈥檌nformatique, et a 茅galement 艙uvr茅 huit ans au laboratoire de recherche d鈥橧BM, en Californie, et deux ans 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 de Toronto.

Forte d鈥檜n parcours exceptionnel en mati猫re de recherche, d鈥檈nseignement et de service au Canada, aux 脡tats-Unis et sur la sc猫ne internationale, la Pre Klawe compte de nombreuses r茅alisations dans les diff茅rents postes de direction qu鈥檈lle a occup茅s dans les secteurs universitaire, professionnel et priv茅, tant en sciences qu鈥檈n g茅nie. Elle a 茅galement contribu茅 de fa莽on remarquable 脿 plusieurs branches des math茅matiques et de l鈥檌nformatique, notamment l鈥檃nalyse fonctionnelle, les math茅matiques discr猫tes, l鈥檌nformatique th茅orique, l鈥檌nteraction humain-ordinateur, les questions li茅es au genre dans les technologies de l鈥檌nformation et les outils multim茅dias interactifs dans l鈥檈nseignement des math茅matiques. Ses travaux de recherche actuels portent sur les math茅matiques discr猫tes.

En 2014, la Pre Klawe a obtenu le Prix Leadership pour femmes visionnaires de l鈥橧nstitut Anita-Borg et occupait le 17e rang au classement annuel des 50 plus grands leaders au monde du magazine Fortune. L鈥檃nn茅e suivante, elle a re莽u le Prix d鈥檈xcellence pour l鈥檈nsemble de ses r茅alisations d鈥橧nfo-Can ainsi que le Prix d鈥檈xcellence de l鈥橝merican Association of University Women, et elle a 茅t茅 intronis茅e au Temple de la renomm茅e Leadership de U.S. News STEM Solutions. En 2016, elle a obtenu le Prix de reconnaissance pour services exceptionnels de la Computing Research Association pour l鈥檈nsemble de ses r茅alisations comme 茅minente universitaire et pour sa vision venue enrichir la discipline de l鈥檌nformatique et du g茅nie par l鈥櫭﹖ablissement de normes et de politiques permettant 脿 une plus grande proportion de femmes et de membres de minorit茅s d鈥檡 acc茅der.

En 2017, Maria Klawe a re莽u le Prix du leadership p茅dagogique de la Corporation Carnegie de New York, d茅cern茅 脿 des enseignants visionnaires vou茅s 脿 l鈥檈xcellence de l鈥檈nseignement au premier cycle, 脿 la valorisation des arts lib茅raux, 脿 l鈥櫭ゞalit茅 des chances, 脿 la cr茅ation d鈥檌mportants programmes interdisciplinaires, au rayonnement international et au resserrement des liens entre leur 茅tablissement et les collectivit茅s locales.


Friday, June 1, 3 p.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
B.Sc. (黑料不打烊 University), A.M., Ph.D. (Harvard University)

Professor Eli Yablonovitch is an American physicist with a profound understanding of the principles of engineering and a keen interest in translating these concepts into practical applications that address real societal issues.

Photonics is the science of using light to generate energy, detect or transmit information. It involves the cutting-edge use of lasers, optics, fiber-optics and other devices in numerous and diverse fields. Professor Yablonovitch is regarded as the Father of the Photonic BandGap concept and together with his team was the first to create a 3-dimensional structure that exhibited a full photonic bandgap, which is sometimes referred to as 鈥淵ablonovite.鈥

In 1987, together with Sajeev John, he founded the entirely new research field known as "photonic crystals鈥. Photonic crystals caused a true paradigm-shift because of their ability to control the flow of light to an extent that was up to then unthinkable. As a result, 鈥減hotonic crystals鈥 are now part of the vocabulary of physics, and are being used every day in the Data Centers upon which we all rely. A key theme throughout Professor Yablonovitch鈥檚 work has been the problem of solar cell efficiency. He introduced the (4n squared) factor that describes light-trapping phenomena. This factor also referred to as the 鈥淵ablonovitch Limit鈥 is now used worldwide in almost all commercial solar panels.

This distinguished scientist has been awarded numerous recognitions for his work among which are The Edison Medal of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), The Isaac Newton Medal of the United Kingdom Institute of Physics, The Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society, the IEEE W.R. Cherry Solar Cell Award, The Rank Prize (UK), The Harvey Prize (Israel), the IEEE Photonics Award, the IET Mountbatten Medal (UK), The Julius Springer Prize (Germany), The R.W. Wood Prize, The W. Streifer Scientific Achievement Award, and The Adolf Lomb Medal.

Eli Yablonovitch is Director of the NSF Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S), a multi-University Center headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley and is also Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, where he holds the James & Katherine Lau Chair in Engineering.

Doctorat 猫s sciences, honoris causa
ELI YABLONOVITCH, F.N.A.S., F.N.A.E., F.A.A.A.S., F.N.A.I., For.M.Roy.Soc.
B. Sc. (Universit茅 黑料不打烊), A.M., Ph. D. (Universit茅 Harvard)

Le Pr Eli Yablonovitch est un physicien am茅ricain qui poss猫de une profonde compr茅hension des principes d鈥檌ng茅nierie et qui s鈥檌nt茅resse 脿 leur transposition en applications pratiques destin茅es 脿 r茅gler de r茅els enjeux soci茅taux.

La photonique, qui porte sur l鈥檜tilisation de la lumi猫re pour produire de l鈥櫭﹏ergie et d茅tecter ou transmettre de l鈥檌nformation, fait appel 脿 des techniques de pointe reposant sur l鈥檈mploi de lasers, de l鈥檕ptique, de fibres optiques et d鈥檃utres appareils dans de nombreuses disciplines. Le professeur Yablonovitch, consid茅r茅 comme le p猫re du concept de la bande interdite photonique, a 茅t茅 le premier, assist茅 de son 茅quipe, 脿 cr茅er une structure tridimensionnelle constituant une bande interdite photonique compl猫te : la Yablonovite.

En 1987, il s鈥檈st associ茅 脿 Sajeev John pour cr茅er un tout nouveau domaine de recherche : les cristaux photoniques, qui ont constitu茅 un v茅ritable changement de paradigme en raison de leur capacit茅 de contr么ler le flux de lumi猫re dans une mesure qui 茅tait jusqu鈥檃lors inimaginable. Par cons茅quent, les cristaux photoniques ont d茅sormais int茅gr茅 le vocabulaire de la physique et sont employ茅s au quotidien dans nos centres de donn茅es essentiels. Le probl猫me de rendement des piles solaires est au c艙ur des travaux men茅s par le professeur Yablonovitch. Il a introduit le facteur (4n2) d茅crivant les ph茅nom猫nes de confinement de la lumi猫re. Ce facteur, la 芦 limite de Yablonovitch 禄, est utilis茅 dans la presque totalit茅 des panneaux solaires vendus dans le monde.

L鈥櫭﹎inent scientifique a obtenu de nombreuses distinctions en reconnaissance de son travail, notamment la m茅daille Edison de l鈥橧EEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), la m茅daille Isaac Newton de l鈥橧nstitut de physique du Royaume-Uni, le Prix Buckley de la Soci茅t茅 am茅ricaine de physique, le Prix W. R. Cherry de l鈥橧EEE pour sa contribution 脿 l鈥櫭﹙olution des piles solaires, le Prix Rank (au R.-U.), le Prix Harvey (en Isra毛l), le prix de l鈥橧EEE pour sa contribution 脿 la photonique, la m茅daille Mountbatten de l鈥橧ET (au R.-U.), le Prix Julius Springer (en Allemagne), le Prix R. W. Wood, le Prix W. Streifer pour ses r茅alisations scientifiques et la m茅daille Adolf Lomb.

Eli Yablonovitch est Directeur du NSF Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S), un centre multiuniversitaire 茅tabli 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 de Californie 脿 Berkeley, il y occupe un poste de professeur de g茅nie 茅lectrique et d鈥檌nformatique et est titulaire de la Chaire James et Katherine Lau en g茅nie


Monday, June 4, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Letters, honoris causa

Academic, writer, and poet, Dany Laferri猫re was born in Haiti. He was raised in Petit-Go芒ve, one of the oldest cities in that island nation located on its western point.

After the assassination of his close friend Gasner Raymond in 1976, Mr. Laferri猫re moved to Canada. His first novel Comment faire l'amour avec un n猫gre sans se fatiguer, was according to an article in The Guardian, a sly incendiary provocation on interracial relations that became a succ猫s de scandale. The novel, later adapted into a screenplay by Laferri猫re and Richard Sadler, was nominated for best adapted screenplay at the 11th annual Genie Awards by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television.

In 2009, Laferri猫re won the prestigious Prix M茅dicis and the Grand Prix du Livre in Montreal for his 11th novel L'茅nigme du retour as well as the Prix international de litt茅rature awarded by the Maison des cultures du monde. This narrative in the novel, that follows his journey home after 33 years when he learning of his father鈥檚 death, blurs the line between prose and poetry and is a meditation on loss and exile.

On December 12, 2013, Mr. Laferri猫re was elected to the Acad茅mie fran莽aise, to the seat vacated by Hector Bianciotti, becoming the first Haitian, the first Canadian and the first Quebecer to receive this great distinction. The following year, Mr. Laferri猫re was appointed officer of the National Ordre du Qu茅bec and in 2015, was awarded the Order of Canada with the grade of Officer. Mr. Laferri猫re was also named by the government of France Commander of the L茅gion d鈥檋onneur and Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres.
Admired the world over, Dany Laferri猫re has published 30 books, which have been translated into 15 languages including English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German and Polish

Doctorat 猫s听lettres,听honoris causa

N茅 脿 Ha茂ti, acad茅micien, 茅crivain et po猫te Dany Laferri猫re a grandi 脿 Petit-Go芒ve, l鈥檜ne des plus anciennes villes de cette nation insulaire, situ茅e sur la pointe ouest de l鈥櫭甽e.
脌 la suite de l鈥檃ssassinat de son ami intime Gasner Raymond, en 1976, M. Laferri猫re arrive pr茅cipitamment 脿 Montr茅al. Son premier roman, Comment faire l鈥檃mour avec un n猫gre sans se fatiguer, qualifi茅 d鈥檋abile provocation incendiaire sur les relations interraciales par le journal The Guardian, est devenu un succ猫s 脿 scandale. Assist茅 de Richard Sadler, M. Laferri猫re d茅cide ensuite de porter son 艙uvre au grand 茅cran, lui valant une nomination au prix de la meilleure adaptation cin茅matographique 脿 l鈥檕ccasion de la 11e 茅dition annuelle du gala des prix G茅nie de l鈥橝cad茅mie canadienne du cin茅ma et de la t茅l茅vision.

En 2009, Dany Laferri猫re a remport茅 le prestigieux prix M茅dicis et le Grand Prix du livre de Montr茅al pour son onzi猫me roman, L鈥櫭﹏igme du retour, de m锚me que le Prix international de litt茅rature, d茅cern茅 par la Maison des cultures du monde. Par ce roman 脿 mi-chemin entre la prose et la po茅sie racontant le p茅riple d鈥檜n homme qui, 脿 la mort de son p猫re, revient fouler le sol natal 33 ans apr猫s l鈥檃voir quitt茅, l鈥檃uteur nous invite 脿 la m茅ditation sur la perte et l鈥檈xil.

Le 12 d茅cembre 2013, M. Laferri猫re a 茅t茅 茅lu 脿 l鈥橝cad茅mie fran莽aise pour occuper le fauteuil laiss茅 vacant par Hector Bianciotti, devenant ainsi le tout premier Ha茂tien, Canadien et Qu茅b茅cois 脿 recevoir cet insigne honneur. L鈥檃nn茅e suivante, il a 茅t茅 nomm茅 officier de l鈥橭rdre national du Qu茅bec, puis, en 2015, on lui a d茅cern茅 le titre d鈥檕fficier de l鈥橭rdre du Canada. En France, M. Laferri猫re a 茅t茅 nomm茅 commandeur de la L茅gion d鈥檋onneur et commandeur des Arts et des Lettres

L鈥櫯搖vre de Dany Laferri猫re 鈥 compos茅e de trente ouvrages traduits en quinze langues, dont l鈥檃nglais, le chinois, le japonais, le cor茅en, l鈥檃llemand et le polonais 鈥 rayonne aux quatre coins du monde.


Monday, June 4, 3 p.m.

Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
B.A., Ph.D. (黑料不打烊 University)

Monique J茅r么me-Forget embodies the ideals of public service. Throughout her life she has been a dedicated civil servant, politician, academic and mentor whose career in provincial and federal politics has gained her immense respect.

After completing her undergraduate and doctoral studies at 黑料不打烊 University, she practiced psychology before taking her first steps in the world of politics. Among her many elected appointments and positions was Member of Quebec鈥檚 National Assembly, Minister of Government Services and the first woman to serve simultaneously as President of Quebec鈥檚 Treasury Board and Minister of Finance.

She has remained an active force in public policy affairs publishing extensively on questions of finance, and is the author of Les femmes au secours de l鈥櫭ヽonomie: pour en finir avec le plafond de verre, a candid assessment of the need for more women in the highest spheres of power. Ms. J茅r么me-Forget devotes significant time and energy to numerous non-profit community, cultural, medical and educational organizations, among them the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the McCord Museum and the Stewart Museum in Montreal, the Fondation du CHUM, the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, Montreal鈥檚 Institute for Research on Public Policy and The Bank of Canada.

For her many contributions to public service Monique J茅r么me-Forget was appointed Officer of the Ordre national du Qu茅bec in 2013 and Member of the Order of Canada in 2015.

Doctorat en droit, honoris causa
B. A., Ph. D. (黑料不打烊 University)

Monique J茅r么me-Forget incarne les id茅aux du service public. Tout au long de sa carri猫re, elle a 茅t茅 inlassablement d茅vou茅e 脿 titre de fonctionnaire, de politicienne, d鈥檜niversitaire et de mentor. Son engagement en politique provinciale et f茅d茅rale lui a d鈥檃illeurs valu un respect immense.

Apr猫s avoir obtenu un baccalaur茅at et un doctorat de l鈥橴niversit茅 黑料不打烊, elle a pratiqu茅 la psychologie avant

elle a notamment 茅t茅 d茅put茅e 脿 l鈥橝ssembl茅e nationale du Qu茅bec, ministre des Services gouvernementaux et la toute premi猫re femme 脿 occuper simultan茅ment les postes de pr茅sidente du Conseil du Tr茅sor et de ministre des Finances.

Elle est demeur茅e une force active dans le domaine des affaires publiques, publiant de nombreux articles sur des questions financi猫res, et elle est l鈥檃uteure de l鈥檈ssai intitul茅 Les femmes au secours de l鈥櫭ヽonomie : pour en finir avec le plafond de verre, dans lequel elle d茅fend l鈥檃ccession d鈥檜n nombre accru de femmes aux plus hautes sph猫res du pouvoir. Mme J茅r么me-Forget consacre beaucoup de temps et d鈥櫭﹏ergie 脿 plusieurs organisations communautaires, culturelles, m茅dicales et 茅ducatives sans but lucratif, notamment l鈥橭rganisation de coop茅ration et de d茅veloppement, les mus茅es McCord et Stuart, 脿 Montr茅al, la Fondation du CHUM, l鈥橧nstitut de recherches cliniques de Montr茅al, l鈥橧nstitut de recherche en politiques publiques de Montr茅al et la Banque du Canada.

En reconnaissance de son importante contribution au service public, elle a 茅t茅 nomm茅e offici猫re de l鈥橭rdre national du Qu茅bec en 2013 et membre de l鈥橭rdre du Canada en 2015.


Tuesday, June 5, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
B.A. (Concordia University), B.C.L./LL.B. (黑料不打烊 University), LL.M. (Hebrew University)

黑料不打烊 alumni Hillel Neuer is an international lawyer, writer, and the Executive Director of UN Watch, a human rights NGO that supports the just and apolitical application of the values and principles of the United Nations Charter.

Prior to joining UN Watch, he practiced commercial and civil rights litigation at the international law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, where he represented high profile individuals and corporations. Active as a defender of human rights, he challenged the New York State prison system in Reynolds v. Goord, a precedent-setting First Amendment case for prisoners鈥 rights and freedom of religion, published in the AIDS Litigation Digest. Mr. Neuer was cited for the high quality of his pro bono advocacy by the United States Federal Court, as reported in the New York Law Journal. In Hines v. Widnall, he challenged the United States Air Force as an advocate for African-Americans claiming a pattern and practice of racial discrimination in hiring and promotions. As an international lawyer, he helped five Bulgarian nurses win a major case in their torture complaint against Libya, Nenova et al. v. Libya, before the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

Mr. Neuer has testified regularly before the United Nations Human Rights Council on behalf of victims in Darfur, China, Russia, and Venezuela, and the cause of peace in the Middle East. He has been an innovator at the UN in creating global platforms for courageous dissidents and champions of human rights from around the world. As founder and chair of the annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, he leads a cross-regional coalition of 25 non-governmental organizations that, over the past decade, have successfully placed an international spotlight on urgent human rights situations.

An expert on UN and human rights issues, Mr. Neuer has been quoted by the New York Times, Die Welt, and Le Monde, and has appeared in debates on CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera. U.S. Congressman Howard Berman, speaking as Ranking Member in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, described him as 鈥渙ne of the strongest and most informed critics of the UN Human Rights Council.鈥

The Honourable Irwin Cotler, human rights advocate and lawyer, has said that 鈥渋f you want to pursue justice, you must feel the injustice around you.鈥 Hillel Neuer lives by those words and has been a voice for those without one. UN Watch has been a lone voice for truth and for justice both at the 鈥淧arliament of Man鈥 and in the international media. Admired for his achievements, the City of Chicago declared September 15, 2016 to be 鈥淗illel Neuer Day.鈥

Doctorat en droit, honoris causa
B. A. (Universit茅 Concordia), B. C. L./LL. B. (Universit茅 黑料不打烊), LL. M. (Universit茅 h茅bra茂que de J茅rusalem)

Dipl么m茅 de 黑料不打烊, Hillel Neuer est un avocat international, 茅crivain et directeur g茅n茅ral de UN Watch, une ONG de d茅fense des droits de la personne charg茅e d鈥檃ppuyer l鈥檃pplication juste et apolitique des valeurs et des principes de la Charte de l鈥橭NU.

Avant de se joindre 脿 UN Watch, il a pratiqu茅 le litige civil et commercial au sein du cabinet d鈥檃vocats international Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, o霉 il a repr茅sent茅 des particuliers et des entreprises c茅l猫bres. D茅fenseur des droits de la personne, M. Neuer a d茅fi茅 le syst猫me carc茅ral de l鈥櫭塼at de New York dans l鈥檃ffaire Reynolds contre Goord, un cas qui a fait jurisprudence en mati猫re de droits des prisonniers et de libert茅 de religion (publi茅 dans la revue AIDS Litigation Digest). La Cour f茅d茅rale des 脡tats-Unis a salu茅 la grande qualit茅 des services b茅n茅voles offerts par monsieur Neuer (New York Law Journal). Dans l鈥檃ffaire Hines contre Widnall, il a repr茅sent茅 un groupe d鈥橝fro-Am茅ricains qui jugeaient discriminatoires les pratiques des Forces a茅riennes des 脡tats-Unis en mati猫re d鈥檈mbauche et de promotion. 脌 titre d鈥檃vocat international, il a aid茅 cinq infirmi猫res bulgares victimes de torture en Libye 脿 remporter une cause majeure devant le Comit茅 des droits de l鈥檋omme des Nations unies.

M. Neuer a d没 r茅guli猫rement t茅moigner devant le Conseil des droits de l鈥檋omme des Nations unies au nom des victimes du Darfour, de la Chine, de la Russie et du Venezuela, et pour d茅fendre la cause de la paix au Moyen-Orient. Il a su innover au sein de l鈥橭NU par la cr茅ation de plateformes mondiales 脿 l鈥檌ntention des courageux dissidents et des militants pour les droits de la personne aux quatre coins du monde. Pr茅sident fondateur du Sommet de Gen猫ve pour les droits humains et la d茅mocratie, il dirige une coalition interr茅gionale form茅e de 25 organisations non gouvernementales qui, depuis dix ans, sont parvenues 脿 attirer l鈥檃ttention du monde sur des situations urgentes.

Expert de l鈥橭NU et des droits de la personne, monsieur Neuer a 茅t茅 cit茅 par le New York Times, Die Welt et Le Monde, et il a pris part 脿 des d茅bats sur les ondes de CNN, de la BBC et d鈥橝l Jazeera. Howard Berman, membre du Congr猫s des 脡tats-Unis qui s鈥檈xprimait en sa qualit茅 de membre de haut rang de la commission des affaires 茅trang猫res de la Chambre des repr茅sentants, l鈥檃 d茅crit comme 芦 l鈥檜n des critiques les plus solides et les mieux inform茅s au sein du Conseil des droits de l鈥檋omme de l鈥橭NU 禄.

L鈥檋onorable Irwin Cotler, avocat et d茅fenseur des droits de la personne, a mentionn茅 que 芦 pour servir les int茅r锚ts de la justice, il faut d鈥檃bord reconna卯tre l鈥檌njustice 禄. Or, Hillel Neuer vit en accord avec ce principe, donnant une voix 脿 ceux qui n鈥檈n ont pas. UN Watch s鈥檈st fait le d茅fenseur de la v茅rit茅 et de la justice au Parlement de l鈥檋umanit茅 ainsi que dans les m茅dias du monde entier. Pour rendre hommage 脿 ses r茅alisations exceptionnelles, la Ville de Chicago a d茅clar茅 le 15 septembre 2016 la Journ茅e Hillel Neuer.


Tuesday, June 5, 3 p.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
A.B., A.M. (Stanford University), M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Yale University)

A social psychologist and celebrated scholar, Dr. Peter Salovey is the 23rd President of Yale University and the Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology. He also holds secondary faculty appointments at Yale in the Schools of Management and Public Health, the Institution for Social and Policy Studies, and the Sociology Department.

For more than three decades, Dr. Salovey has combined excellence in scholarship with a commitment to outstanding university leadership. An innovative and prolific scientist, he has authored or edited more than a dozen books, which have been translated into eleven languages, and published hundreds of journal articles and essays focusing on human emotions and health behaviours. Along with John Mayer and others, he transformed our understanding of emotions and the human psyche by pioneering and developing the broad framework of 鈥渆motional intelligence.鈥 This theory refers to how people understand their own emotions and what they do with them. The concept has crossed over from academic circles into the popular arena where it can be seen on best-seller lists and heard on daytime radio shows.

Dr. Salovey is the founder and former director of the Health, Emotion and Behavior Laboratory, which has now become the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. The Center conducts research on the psychological significance and function of human moods and emotions.

At Yale University, he has dedicated himself to mentoring and assisting in the career development of young faculty members, as well as fostering diversity in the university, promoting academic integrity, and legislating against sexual misconduct. He has overseen the expansion of Yale鈥檚 undergraduate student body and the development of new academic priorities emphasizing science for the coming decades.

In addition to teaching and mentoring scores of graduate students, Dr. Salovey has won two of Yale鈥檚 most prestigious teaching awards: the William Clyde DeVane Medal for Distinguished Scholarship and Teaching in Yale College and the Lex Hixon 鈥63 Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Social Sciences.

In 2013, Peter Salovey was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and to the National Academy of Medicine.

Doctorat 猫s sciences, honoris causa
PETER SALOVEY, F.A.A.A.S. A. B., A. M. (Universit茅 Stanford),
M. S., M. Phil., Ph. D. (Universit茅 Yale)

Psychologue social et 茅minent chercheur, Peter Salovey est le 23e pr茅sident de l鈥橴niversit茅 Yale, o霉 il d茅tient le titre de professeur Chris Argyris en psychologie, ainsi que d鈥檃utres postes aux 茅coles de gestion et de sant茅 publique, 脿 l鈥橧nstitut d鈥櫭﹖udes sociales et sur les politiques et au D茅partement de sociologie.

Durant plus de trente ans, le professeur Salovey a su maintenir l鈥檈xcellence de ses travaux de recherche tout en assurant un leadership universitaire exceptionnel. Scientifique novateur et prolifique, il a 茅crit ou publi茅 plus d鈥檜ne douzaine d鈥檕uvrages, traduits en onze langues, et des centaines d鈥檃rticles de revue et d鈥檈ssais sur les 茅motions humaines et les comportements li茅s 脿 la sant茅. En compagnie notamment de John Mayer, il a transform茅 notre compr茅hension des 茅motions et du psychisme humain par ses travaux r茅volutionnaires ayant d茅fini le concept g茅n茅ral de l鈥檌ntelligence 茅motionnelle, soit la fa莽on dont les gens comprennent leurs 茅motions et y r茅pondent. Au fil des ans, ce concept a fait son chemin au sein de la population, faisant d茅sormais partie des listes des meilleurs vendeurs en librairie ou l鈥檕bjet de tribunes radiophoniques.

Le professeur Salovey est le fondateur et l鈥檃ncien directeur du Laboratoire de recherche sur les comportements li茅s 脿 la sant茅 et les 茅motions, d茅sormais le Centre de l鈥檌ntelligence 茅motionnelle Yale, qui 茅tudie la fonction et l鈥檌mportance psychologique des humeurs et des 茅motions.

脌 l鈥橴niversit茅 Yale, il s鈥檈st consacr茅 au mentorat et au perfectionnement de jeunes membres du corps professoral, de m锚me qu鈥櫭 la mise en valeur de la diversit茅 sur le campus, 脿 la promotion de l鈥檌nt茅grit茅 universitaire et 脿 la r茅glementation contre l鈥檌nconduite sexuelle. Il a supervis茅 l鈥檈xpansion de la population 茅tudiante au premier cycle et l鈥櫭﹖ablissement de nouvelles priorit茅s acad茅miques ax茅es sur la science pour les d茅cennies 脿 venir.

Outre son r么le d鈥檈nseignant et de mentor aupr猫s de nombreux 茅tudiants aux cycles sup茅rieurs, le professeur Salovey a re莽u deux des plus prestigieux prix d鈥檈xcellence en enseignement de l鈥橴niversit茅 Yale : la m茅daille de haute distinction scientifique et p茅dagogique William Clyde DeVane, du Coll猫ge Yale, et le Prix Lex Hixon (1963) d鈥檈xcellence en enseignement des sciences sociales.

En 2013, Peter Salovey a 茅t茅 茅lu 脿 l鈥橝cad茅mie des arts et des sciences ainsi qu鈥櫭 l鈥橝cad茅mie nationale de m茅decine (脡tats-Unis).


Wednesday, June 6, 10 a.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
B.Sc. (University of Ottawa), M.Sc. (University of Guelph), Ph.D. (University of California, Davis)

Dr. Anna Lartey is one of the leading voices in the field of global nutrition. Originally from Ghana, she was awarded a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science degrees from the University of Guelph and the University of Ottawa respectively. She later pursued her doctoral studies in the United States as a Fulbright Scholar, earning a Doctoral degree in International Nutrition from the University of California, Davis.

For more than 27 years Dr. Lartey focused her efforts on teaching and research in Sub-Saharan Africa. During her tenure as Professor of Nutrition in the University of Ghana, she carried out high impact investigations that were recognized throughout the world. Her research extended from the development of the World Health Organization鈥檚 Growth Reference Standards which have now been adopted by 125 countries, to examining how maternal HIV affects infant nutrition. In 2009 she partnered with Dr. Grace Marquis, Associate Professor of 黑料不打烊 University鈥檚 School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, and established the Nutrition Research and Training Center in Ghana. This Center provides an infrastructure for international dietetic internship training and for both national and international faculty and graduate students to conduct important research in the field. Dr Lartey held the International Development Research Center International Research Chair in Nutrition for Health and Socioeconomic Development in sub-Saharan Africa.

Dr. Lartey is currently the Director of Nutrition at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, and the Past President of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences. IUNS 鈥攁n international NGO established in 1948 dedicated to the promotion of science nutrition, research and development through international co-operation.

Anna Lartey has won many accolades in recognition of her contributions to maternal and child nutrition including the Sight and Life Nutrition Leadership Award (2014) and the Yo Kama (Ideal Woman) Award given by the Manya-Krobo Traditional Council of Ghana.

Doctorat 猫s science, honoris causa
B.听Sc. (Universit茅 d鈥橭ttawa), M.听Sc. (Universit茅 de Guelph), Ph.听D. (Universit茅 de Californie, 脡tats-Unis)

La Pre Anna Lartey est une sommit茅 de la nutrition mondiale. Originaire du Ghana, elle a obtenu un baccalaur茅at et une ma卯trise en sciences de l鈥橴niversit茅 d鈥橭ttawa et de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Guelph, respectivement. Par la suite, elle s鈥檈st rendue aux 脡tats-Unis pour entreprendre des 茅tudes doctorales 脿 titre de boursi猫re de recherche Fulbright, o霉 elle a obtenu un doctorat en nutrition internationale de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Californie 脿 Davis.

Durant plus de 27 ans, la Pre Lartey s鈥檈st consacr茅e 脿 l鈥檈nseignement et 脿 la recherche en Afrique subsaharienne. Au cours de son mandat de professeure de nutrition 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 du Ghana, elle a men茅 des enqu锚tes 脿 forte incidence qui ont 茅t茅 reconnues mondialement. Ses travaux de recherche ont notamment port茅 sur l鈥櫭﹍aboration des normes de croissance de l鈥檈nfant de l鈥橭rganisation mondiale de la Sant茅, d茅sormais adopt茅es dans 125 pays, et sur l鈥櫭﹖ude des cons茅quences du VIH chez la m猫re sur l鈥檃limentation du nourrisson. En 2009, elle s鈥檈st associ茅e 脿 Grace Marquis, professeure agr茅g茅e 脿 l鈥櫭塩ole de di茅t茅tique et de nutrition humaine de l鈥橴niversit茅 黑料不打烊, pour 茅tablir le Centre de recherche et d鈥檈nseignement en nutrition du Ghana. Ce centre offre l鈥檌nfrastructure n茅cessaire 脿 la tenue de stages nationaux et internationaux permettant 脿 des 茅tudiants aux cycles sup茅rieurs et 脿 des membres du corps professoral de mener d鈥檌mportants travaux de recherche en di茅t茅tique. De 2009 脿 2014, la Pre Lartey a 茅t茅 titulaire de la Chaire de recherche internationale du Centre de recherches pour le d茅veloppement international en nutrition au service de la sant茅 et du d茅veloppement socio茅conomique en Afrique subsaharienne.

Elle est l鈥檃ctuelle directrice de la Division de la nutrition au sein de l鈥橭rganisation des Nations Unies pour l鈥檃limentation et l鈥檃ncienne pr茅sidente de l鈥橴nion internationale des sciences de la nutrition, de 2013 脿 2017, une ONG internationale fond茅e en 1948 vou茅e 脿 la promotion de la science, de la recherche et du d茅veloppement en mati猫re de nutrition par la coop茅ration internationale.

Anna Lartey a re莽u de nombreuses distinctions soulignant sa contribution 脿 la nutrition maternelle et infantile, notamment le Prix de leadership en nutrition 2014 de la Fondation Sight and Life et le Prix Yo Kama (芦 femme id茅ale 禄) du Conseil traditionnel de Manya Krobo du Ghana.


Wednesday, June 6, 2:30 p.m.

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
B.V.Sc. (Veterinary College Mhow), M.V.Sc. (Veterinary College Mathura), Ph.D. (University of Sheffield)

After receiving a post-doctoral fellowship in 1968 from the University of Kansas Medical Center, Jitender Dubey worked his way to professorships at both Ohio State and Montana State University. He later joined the Agricultural Research Service鈥攖he principal in-house research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. For more than 30 years at the USDA, Dr. Dubey led life-saving research on parasitic diseases that devastate livestock and sicken millions of people around the world.

Dr. Dubey is credited with the discovery of the life-cycle of Toxoplasma gondii, one of the most widespread parasites in the world. His work led to improved detection of this and related pathogens and to efforts to control their impact on livestock and humans. Toxoplasmosis, the disease caused by the parasite, can result in mental retardation and blindness in humans and cause pregnant sheep and goats to lose their young. A World Health Organization panel estimated that toxoplasmosis has infected more than 10 million people globally. Until this discovery the process of transmission of the disease was not fully understood. Dr. Dubey developed safety guidelines that are used by food safety authorities throughout the world. As a result, much of the critical farm management practices and hygienic measures to control and prevent disease transmission used today are based largely on his scientific achievements.

Dr. Dubey discovered another parasite called Neospora caninum that led to practices that have saved millions of dollars by preventing cattle from miscarrying. Neosporosis, the disease caused by this parasite, was responsible for the loss of many dairy cows during several episodes in California. He also examined Sarcocystis neurona, a parasite that is the most common cause of serious neurological diseases and was first recognized in horses and subsequently in a wide range of mammals, including endangered marine mammals. His team discovered this parasite, cultivated it in a cell culture, identified its life cycle, developed diagnostic tests and advocated control measures.

Dr. Dubey is a truly prodigious scientist and is the author of, or contributor to, more than 1,500 publications. His career in the USDA illustrates the essential role of government laboratories in advancing fundamental and applied research on problems of global significance. In 2010, Jitender Dubey was elected to the United States National Academy of Sciences and was inducted to the USDA Hall of Fame in recognition of his immense contributions to veterinary parasitology.

Doctorat 猫s science, honoris causa
B. Sc. v茅t. (Coll猫ge v茅t茅rinaire de Mhow), M. Sc. v茅t. (Coll猫ge v茅t茅rinaire de Mathura), Ph. D. (Universit茅 de Sheffield)

Apr猫s avoir obtenu, en 1968, une bourse de recherche postdoctorale du Centre m茅dical de l鈥橴niversit茅 du Kansas, Jitender Dubey a occup茅 des postes de professeur aux universit茅s d鈥櫭塼at de l鈥橭hio et du Montana. Par la suite, il s鈥檈st joint au Service de recherche agricole 鈥 le principal organisme de recherche interne du D茅partement am茅ricain de l鈥橝griculture. Durant plus de trente ans au sein du D茅partement, le Pr Dubey a men茅 des travaux de recherche vou茅s 脿 sauver des vies portant sur des maladies parasitaires qui d茅ciment le b茅tail et dont sont infect茅es des millions de personnes dans le monde.

On a attribu茅 au Pr Dubey la d茅couverte du cycle de vie de Toxoplasma gondii, l鈥檜n des parasites les plus r茅pandus sur la plan猫te. Ses travaux ont conduit 脿 une meilleure d茅tection de ce parasite et d鈥檃utres pathog猫nes connexes ainsi qu鈥檃u d茅ploiement d鈥檈fforts visant 脿 limiter leurs r茅percussions sur le b茅tail et chez les 锚tres humains. La toxoplasmose, la maladie caus茅e par le parasite, peut entra卯ner la c茅cit茅 et une d茅ficience mentale chez l鈥檋umain, et un avortement spontan茅 chez les ch猫vres et les moutonnes gravides. Un groupe d鈥檈xperts de l鈥橭rganisation mondiale de la Sant茅 a estim茅 que plus de dix millions de personnes seraient infect茅es par le parasite de la toxoplasmose 脿 l鈥櫭ヽhelle mondiale. Or, avant la d茅couverte r茅alis茅e, on ne connaissait pas 脿 fond le processus de transmission de la maladie. Le chercheur a notamment 茅labor茅 des consignes de s茅curit茅 qui sont d茅sormais employ茅es par des autorit茅s charg茅es de la s没ret茅 aux quatre coins du monde. Par cons茅quent, les mesures d鈥檋ygi猫ne et les pratiques de gestion agricoles cruciales adopt茅es de nos jours pour ma卯triser et pr茅venir la transmission de cette maladie reposent en grande partie sur les r茅alisations scientifiques du Pr Dubey.

En outre, il a fait la d茅couverte d鈥檜n autre parasite, Neospora caninum, ce qui a donn茅 lieu 脿 l鈥檌nstauration de pratiques ayant permis l鈥櫭ヽonomie de millions de dollars gr芒ce 脿 la pr茅vention d鈥檃vortements spontan茅s parmi le b茅tail. En effet, de graves 茅pisodes de n茅osporose, la maladie caus茅e par ce parasite, avaient entra卯n茅 la perte de nombreuses vaches laiti猫res en Californie. Le chercheur s鈥檈st 茅galement pench茅 sur Sarcocystis neurona, le parasite 脿 l鈥檕rigine du plus grand nombre de cas de maladies neurologiques, qu鈥檕n a d茅couvert chez le cheval, puis chez de nombreux autres mammif猫res, notamment certaines esp猫ces de mammif猫res en voie de disparition. Son 茅quipe a isol茅 ce parasite, avant de le faire prolif茅rer dans un milieu de culture cellulaire et d鈥檈n cerner le cycle de vie, ce qui a donn茅 lieu 脿 la mise au point de tests diagnostiques et 脿 promotion de l鈥檃doption de mesures ad茅quates pour en limiter la propagation.

Scientifique prodigieux, le Pr Dubey est l鈥檃uteur ou le coauteur de plus de 1 500 publications. Sa carri猫re au sein du d茅partement am茅ricain de l鈥橝griculture t茅moigne du r么le essentiel des laboratoires gouvernementaux dans l鈥櫭﹙olution de la recherche fondamentale et appliqu茅e portant sur des probl猫mes d鈥檌mportance mondiale. En 2010, Jitender Dubey a 茅t茅 intronis茅 脿 l鈥橝cad茅mie nationale des sciences des 脡tats-Unis ainsi qu鈥檃u Temple de la renomm茅e du d茅partement am茅ricain de l鈥橝griculture en reconnaissance de son immense contribution 脿 la parasitologie v茅t茅rinaire.

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