Lessons in parenting
黑料不打烊 holds tenth parenting conference in Ville St. Laurent on May 12
Rearing kids ain聮t always easy. Yet parents are sure to find their job somewhat simpler, not to mention learn a trick or two, after attending 黑料不打烊聮s parenting conference on May 12.
Hosted by the University聮s Faculty of Education, Parenting in the New Millennium will be a daylong event featuring 25 workshops given by various specialists. Segments will examine everything from how to deal with eating disorders to teaching kids about sexuality. What聮s more, 黑料不打烊聮s 10th parenting conference will be held off-campus to get closer to the community-at-large and will feature workshops on parenting children of all ages.
All journalists are welcome to attend 黑料不打烊聮s Parenting in the New Millennium conference. Workshops are being held between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Saturday, May 12, at the Quality Hotel Dorval, 7700 Cote-de-Liesse, St. Laurent. Please read on for a complete list of speakers, times and subjects:
Discipline is not a dirty word: 10:30 - 11:45 am
Gus Appignanesi and John Colacci, psychologists, Cooperative Psychological Services
Raising children in the 21st century can be a difficult task. Parents often feel lost in the plethora of rearing strategies. This seminar will examine the concept of raising and disciplining kids to their temperament.
Understanding adolescent depression: 10:30 - 11:45 am
Dr Lois M. Colle, psychologist, Adolescent Inpatient Unit, Allan Memorial Institute (MUHC)
This presentation will focus on depression in adolescents and its ensuing social or academic consequences. What can a parent do? Psychotherapy versus medication.
Homework & household chores: Nightmares revisited? 10:30 - 11:45 am
Jeffrey Derevensky, 黑料不打烊 Educational & Counselling Psychology
Encouraging children to apply themselves towards their homework and household chores can be challenging. Dr Derevensky will offer practical tips on how to successfully fight homework battles and prompt children to assume household duties without the use of threats, screaming and punishment.
Parenting teenagers: Mission possible 10:30 - 11:45 am
Dr Mounir Samy, psychiatrist, Montreal Children聮s Hospital (MUHC)
How much adolescent turmoil is normal? How can we understand what a teen is going through? Who聮s to decide what聮s "normal" and what is not? These are just some of questions this workshop plans to address. Dr Samy will also explore the emotional and psychological issues of adolescence to help parents better understand their teens.
Violence and bullying: How to manage it in schools and the community: 10:30 - 11:45 am
Scott Conrod, Educational Counselling & Psychology, 黑料不打烊 University
This workshop will explore the causes of aggressive behavior and how to de-escalate potentially aggressive situations. Conrod will also discuss bullying in schools and the community with three additional speakers: a parent, a teacher and a school聮s former principal.
Reading: The heart of it all: 10:30 - 11:45 am
Margaret Nicolai, language arts specialist, St. Gabriel School, EMSB
Parents play a pivotal role in their children聮s reading habits. This workshop will explore why it聮s critical for parents to read to children and listen in when their kids read.
Surviving sibling rivalry: 10:30 - 11:45 am
Nina Howe, Professor, Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Concordia University
Most parents find it difficult to deal with conflict between their children. This session will deal with the ups and downs of living with siblings, as well as providing strategies for parents to use when their children can聮t seem to get along.
School survival guide for parents of children with learning disabilities: 10:30 - 11:45 am
Nancy Heath and Lisa Marie Lanaro, 黑料不打烊 Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology
This talk will offer practical guidelines for how children with learning disabilities can better succeed in school. Parents will be given specific techniques for helping with homework, talking to teachers and helping their child handle frustration.
Parenting preschoolers - Our future leaders: 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Helen Amoriggi,黑料不打烊 professor, Educational Studies department
As a child聮s first teachers, parents play an invaluable role in the lives of their children. This session will examine ways to enjoy children, while sharing their learning experiences.
Self-esteem in childhood and adolescence: How to create a validating environment :1:00 - 2:15 pm
Dr Mary DeRemer and Despina Vassiliou, psychologists, 黑料不打烊 University Health Centre
The talk will help parents gain awareness of how they can validate their children聮s feelings or experiences; helping promote a healthy sense of self-esteem in their teens.
Colouring a snowman is stupid! The Bonhomme is already white! 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Mary Maguire, 黑料不打烊 Faculty of Education
This session will provide some answers that parents have concerning second language and immersion education. Suggestions as to how parents can take a more active role in the educational community will be provided.
Teen delinquency 101: A crash course for preventive parenting: 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Dr Linda Pagani, professor, Universit茅 de Montr茅al
Naughty preschoolers, underachieving elementary students and troubled teens: who are the youngsters we need to be concerned about and how can parents prepare for the daunting task of preventing maladjustments in adolescence? Find out during this talk.
Taking the drudgery out of learning disabilities: 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Dr Margie Golick, psychologist, Learning Associates of Montreal, advisor for children聮s programs
During this talk, parents will learn to play games that entertain them as well as their kids: everywhere from car trips to waiting rooms. They聮ll also receive help on how to build their children聮s reading, spelling and math skills.
My parents are divorced but I聮m not: How to make divorce scar-free for kids: 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Vikki Stark and Marla Yanofsky, The Montreal Family Centre
This workshop will offer parents effective strategies that will help reduce the negative impact of divorce on children. Parents will learn ways to interact with their children and former spouse, thereby sheltering children from conflicts.
Stop me before I kill him! 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Caroline Zanni and Niki Saros, psychologists, Cooperative Psychological Services
This seminar will examine the most recent research in the diagnosis and treatment of children with ADD and ADHD. This presentation will offer practical solutions to difficult problems.
Eating disorders in children and adolescents: 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Dr Michael Westwood, pediatrician, Montreal Children聮s Hospital (MUHC)
Dieting and associated eating disorders in children and adolescents are becoming an increasing concern to parents and health professionals. This workshop will review how parents can recognize these conditions and when they should seek professional help.
Anxious children : When to worry?: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Dr Lee Tidmarsh, Psychiatrist, The Montreal Children聮s Hospital (MUHC)
When does a child聮s anxiety level go beyond basic parenting skills? Allow Dr Tidmarsh to tell you more about common anxiety disorders and how to manage these problems.
Power struggles: Winning more than you lose: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Doreen Lothian, therapist, Oliver Therapy Centre
Power struggles are one of the greatest challenges to a parent聮s confidence and feelings of control. Learn how to recognize and sidestep a power struggle - before it gains momentum - and how to diffuse one through escape routes or strategies.
Cyberspace - Your child聮s playground: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
James F. McMillan, director of Advancement, Administrative Technology, Selwyn House School
Now that you have an internet-connected computer, what are your children surfing to? Should they be on the computer so much? Are they really doing their homework? This workshop will focus on the positive uses of the Internet, at home or school, and how computers are now an integral part of children聮s educational and social development.
Talking with children about sex: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Dr Sue Mckenzie, Department of Psychology, Dawson College
This interactive workshop will explore ways parents can communicate with their children about sexuality. Topics will include: why is it difficult to talk about sexuality? At what age should children learn about sexuality? What should they be told?
Daycare guilt: Innocent until proven otherwise: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Dr Linda Pagani, professor and researcher, Universit茅 de Montr茅al
Parents are often made to feel guilty or ashamed about sending their child to daycare. Some even fall victim to passionate debates that are driven by myth, rather than reason. Dr Pagani will look at the carefully conducted research and help parents decide for themselves whether such socially and self-inflicted punishment is justified. Or not.
Stimulating curiosity - The key to science education: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Dr Joe Schwarcz, director, 黑料不打烊 Office for Chemistry and Society
We live in an age dominated by science, where genetically modified foods, medical breakthroughs, environmental concerns are constantly making the news. Yet most people aren聮t scientifically literate enough to understand what聮s at play. Schwarcz will argue that stimulating curiosity in students is the key to developing a scientifically literate population.
How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Vikki Stark, The Montreal Family Centre
Learn concrete techniques that encourage open, two-way communication with children.
Adolescent substance abuse: Is it a problem? 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Vicki Tagalakis, pychologist, coordinator of the Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program, Montreal Children聮s Hospital, MUHC
This workshop will look over substance abuse in adolescents. Participants will learn how to identify problems and the necessary steps needed to deal with the substance abuse in teens.