Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series - Red and Green Spikes Revisited: Is the Concept Still Valid?

La série de conférences Neuro Épilepsie 2024-2025 proposera huit sessions abordant les thèmes les plus actuels en recherche fondamentale et clinique sur l'épilepsie. Cette série réunira des leaders reconnus ainsi que de jeunes talents prometteurs, dans le but de renforcer les liens entre la recherche fondamentale et les perspectives cliniques.
Pour assister en personne,Ìý
Pour regarder via Vimeo,Ìý
Birgit Frauscher, PhD
Professeure, Département de neurologie, École de médecine de l'Université Duke.
±áô³Ù±ð:ÌýBoris Bernhardt
Talk Title:ÌýRed and Green Spikes Revisited: Is the Concept Still Valid?
Abstract: Several decades ago, Penfield and Jasper introduced the concept of 'red' and 'green' spikes in epilepsy presurgical evaluation. This concept suggests that there are two distinct spike subtypes with different generation mechanisms and contrasting implications for clinical management. This talk will revisit this concept from various perspectives: it will review the latest evidence indicating that not all spikes are equal, with some subtypes being more critical for epileptogenicity than others. It will also discuss how spikes can be used to address the longstanding issue of limited sampling in invasive intracranial EEG. Finally, the talk will challenge the current paradigm that focuses primarily on the recording of seizures, highlighting how spikes and other seizure-independent biomarkers can indeed be valuable for epilepsy presurgical evaluation.
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