
Call for submissions to Radix for Fall 2018

Published: 30 September 2018

Paths // Ways
The school year begins and the warm days run their course. We take a second to step outside the high hum of busy-being and instead meander our way through trees turned radiant. As we walk we ponder and reflect: What avenues are opening up to us this autumn season? Which paths have we taken that have led us to today? We consider the infinite ways of being and doing and living on this Earth and the infinite directions one鈥檚 path may go. Not quite knowing where the present route leads, we wander on.

We accept everything from art to poetry to photography to prose to macaroni art, as long as it is respectful to all traditions. We look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Submit through our online form.

Deadline: Sunday October 21st, 2018 at 11:59 PM

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