Dynamics of Vibrations (MECH 315 or MECH 419)

Vibration analysis and control are increasingly important as technology races forward. Vibrations are caused by many phenomena, such as fluid flow and combustion. The study of vibrations touches a multitude of disciplines. In fact, vibration analysis is important to physicists and mathematicians, as well as to engineers. As such, vibration analysis has evolved into a very sophisticated and elegant field where the most current tools for analysis are available, such as chaos and fractal theory.

There are four labs are available in this topic:

  • Free and Forced Vibrations


  1. Investigating the effect of added mass on the natural frequency of the Simply Supported Beam.
  2. Studying the relationship between oscillation amplitude, phase lag, magnification factor and speed ratio.
  3. Understanding the damping effect on the oscillations in a simply supported beam assembly.
  4. To show how an auxiliary oscillating system can help to absorb the vibrations of a simply supported beam.
  5. To show the three key frequencies of the two degrees of freedom (2DOF) system - and resonance at upper and lower system natural frequencies.

  • Vibrations of Continuous Systems


  • To determine the first three transverse natural frequencies and mode shapes of a given continuous system using both experimental and theoretical techniques.
  • To compare results with those from published results.

  • Driven Damped Harmonic Oscillations


  • Studying the dynamics of a torsional pendulum and measure its first natural frequency.
  • Investigating the effects of damping on the dynamics and natural frequency of the torsional pendulum

  • Driven Damped Harmonic Oscillations-3DoF


  • Studying the dynamics damped of 3 degrees of freedom system and measure their natural frequencies and mode shapes.
  • Investigating the effects of damping, mass and springs on the dynamics and natural frequency of the 3 degrees of freedom system.

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