
Sivakumaran Nadarajah

Sivakumaran Nadarajah
Contact Information

Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 151

Email address: 
siva.nadarajah [at] mcgill.ca

Ph.D. Stanford University
M.S. Stanford University
B.Sc. University of Kansas


MECH 289: Design Graphics
MECH 331: Fluid Mechanics 1
MECH 539: Computational Aerodynamics
MECH 579: Multidisciplinary Design Optim
MECH 501: Special Topics:Mechanical Eng
MECH 609: Seminar

Research areas: 
Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Selected publications: 
  1. Benoit, M. and Nadarajah, S., 2019. On the Geometric Conservation Law for the Non Linear Frequency Domain and Time-Spectral Methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
  2. Quaegebeur, S., Nadarajah, S., Navah, F. and Zwanenburg, P., 2019. Stability of Energy Stable Flux Reconstruction for the Diffusion Problem Using Compact Numerical Fluxes. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41(1), pp.A643-A667.
  3. Shi-Dong, D. and Nadarajah, S., 2018. Approximate Hessian for accelerated convergence of aerodynamic shape optimization problems in an adjoint-based framework. Computers & Fluids, 168, pp.265-284.
  4. Zwanenburg, P. and Nadarajah, S., 2016. Equivalence between the energy stable flux reconstruction and filtered discontinuous Galerkin schemes. Journal of Computational Physics, 306, pp.343-369.
  5. Vermeire, B.C., Nadarajah, S. and Tucker, P.G., 2016. Implicit large eddy simulation using the high鈥恛rder correction procedure via reconstruction scheme. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 82(5), pp.231-260.
  6. Walther, B. and Nadarajah, S., 2013. Constrained adjoint-based aerodynamic shape optimization of a single-stage transonic compressor. Journal of turbomachinery, 135(2), p.021017.
  7. Cagnone, J.S. and Nadarajah, S.K., 2012. A stable interface element scheme for the p-adaptive lifting collocation penalty formulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 231(4), pp.1615-1634.
  8. Nadarajah, S.K. and Jameson, A., 2007. Optimum shape design for unsteady flows with time-accurate continuous and discrete adjoint method. AIAA journal, 45(7), pp.1478-1491.
  9. Nadarajah, S. and Jameson, A., 2000, January. A comparison of the continuous and discrete adjoint approach to automatic aerodynamic optimization. In 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (p. 667).
Current research: 
  • Remote Inverse Adjoint Algorithm for Sonic Boom Reduction
  • Formulation of Algorithms for the Design of Aerodynamics Shapes for Unsteady Flows (Helicopter Rotors, Wind Turbines, Engine Compressor and Turbine Blades)
  • Multidisciplinary Optimization of Aircraft
  • High-Performance Computing
  • Detached-Eddy Simulation

For More Information Regarding His Research

Areas of interest: 

Primary Research theme: Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Secondary Research Theme: Design and Manufacturing Theme
Research Group/Lab:

My primary research interests concentrates on the development of numerical methods for the analysis and design of aerospace systems. The research focuses on the following topics: - Advanced Numerical Techniques for Computational Fluid Dynamics - Mathematical Techniques for Automatic Aerodynamic Shape Optimization - High-Performance Parallel Computing For more information see "Research projects" in the menu at the left.

Computational Aerodynamics Group
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