BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T164717EDT-0400JB91bx@ DTSTAMP:20250312T204717Z DESCRIPTION:This talk by Brett House is part of our Fall 2019 Policy Lectur e series. These academic talks are intended for ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ graduate students a nd faculty.\n\nPolicymakers\, the public\, and investors often think they communicate clearly with and to each other\, but\, instead\, they often ta lk past each other. This discussion will review some notable cases where g aps have developed between officials\, everyday citizens\, and markets\, a nd contrast them against instances where these economic stakeholders have heard each other clearly\, with a view to helping future policymakers brid ge this potential gap more effectively.\n\nRegister Here\n\nAbout Brett Ho use\n\nBrett House is a macroeconomist who writes on sovereign debt\, inte rnational finance\, development aid\, trade\, and growth. He is currently a Senior Fellow at the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation in Montréal\, a Visiting Sc holar at Massey College\, University of Toronto\, and an Advisor to Tau In vestment Management\, a New York-based impact fund.\n\nPrior to returning to Canada\, Brett was Global Strategist at Woodbine Capital Advisors\, a g lobal macro hedge fund\; Principal Advisor on economic and financial issue s in the Executive Office of the United Nations’ Secretary-General\, Ban K i-moon\; and Senior Macroeconomist at The Earth Institute at Columbia Univ ersity. He earlier spent seven formative years fighting financial crises a nd working on debt relief for low-income countries at the International Mo netary Fund (IMF) in Washington\, DC. Brett cut his teeth as an economist in junior roles at the World Bank and Goldman Sachs. He studied economics at Oxford\, Cape Town\, St Andrews and Queen’s as a Rhodes and Rotary Scho lar\, and taught at Oxford\, Cape Town and ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ.\n\nBrett’s research and analysis has been published in a range of academic journals and popular p ress\, and he is a frequent commentator in Canadian and international medi a on economic issues. He is a Young Global Leader in the World Economic Fo rum\, a Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts\, and an alumnus Term Mem ber of the Council on Foreign Relations. Brett is originally from Vineland Station\, Ontario.\n DTSTART:20191107T210000Z DTEND:20191107T223000Z LOCATION:6th Floor\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 0B8\, 680 Sherbrooke St W SUMMARY:How Markets Think About Monetary & Fiscal Policy URL:/maxbellschool/channels/event/how-markets-think-ab out-monetary-fiscal-policy-300605 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR