
Two Americas are about to go head to head on the Senate floor | The Globe and Mail

February 3, 2021 | David Shrimban's latest op-ed forthe Globe and Mail paintsa stark picture of a polarizedAmerica, with the deep divisions betweenRepublicans and Democrats set to play out on the floor of the Senate.

Read the article.

Published: 12 Jan 2021

The Liberals need to have faith that their carbon tax will do its job | The Line

In this article for The Line newsletter, Max Bell School ProfessorKen Boessenkool and Director Chris Ragan argue that the government should have more confidence in the newly increased carbon tax to do its job and resist the temptation to throw in all sorts of other popular, but expensive, policies as well.

Published: 12 Jan 2021

The vaccine will only work if enough people take it | Globe and Mail

January 5, 2020 | While the COVID-19 vaccine offers us an eventual way past the pandemic, many Canadians are unsure about taking or unwilling to take a vaccine. In this Globe and Mail article, Max Bell School Professor Taylor Owen and other researchers at theMedia Ecosystem Observatoryunpack the causeand solutions to vaccine hesitancy in Canada.

Published: 5 Jan 2021

As time runs out for Trump, the volatility becomes more intense | Globe and Mail

January 3, 2020 | Days from the routine tallying of the electoral votes to select the next U.S. president, a formality that for almost a century and a half has attracted virtually no attention, this ritual is being transformed by President Trump into a fraught flashpoint,writes David Shribman in his latest article in the Globe and Mail.

Published: 4 Jan 2021

COVID-19 puts Big Tech under the microscope, again | CBC News

Global pandemicmitigation efforts continue to be disrupted by the spread of misinformation. In this CBC interview, Taylor Owen (Director of the Centre for Media, Technology, and Democracy) shared his thoughts on the implications of misinformation in the age of COVID-19.

Published: 9 Dec 2020

After looming so large in Washington, Donald Trump has shrunk into a small, petty man | The Globe and Mail

November 23, 2020 | Four years ago, when he won an upset victory to become President of the United States, Donald Trump was a powerful and intimidating force with a penchant for erratic behaviour, leaving even his closest allies on their toes.

Published: 23 Nov 2020

Presidential projections are indispensable, but not infallible | The Globe and Mail

November 10, 2020 | Early American presidential projections raised controversy throughout this year's extended ballot-counting period. In this piece from the Globe and Mail, David Shribman examines past occurrences of early projections, and its repercussions for American society.

Read the article.

Published: 19 Nov 2020

The clamour for a Trump concession shows the enduring power of admitting defeat | The Globe and Mail

November 9, 2020 | A week has past since the American presidential election, and current President Donald Trump has shown resistance in conceding to winning candidatePresident-Elect Joe Biden. In this piece, David Shribman elaborates on the implications of a tumultuous transition of power.

Read the article.

Published: 18 Nov 2020

It wasn’t a good election, and it won’t cure what ails the U.S. | The Globe and Mail

November 7, 2020 | This year's American presidential race has faceda myriad ofthreats to its democracy. With prolonged waiting times for ballot counting, and a predicted unstabletransition of power, David Shribman affirms that "inmodern American politics, the elections may end but the politics continue".

Read the article.

Published: 18 Nov 2020

The people who fought Donald Trump will miss him when he’s gone | The Globe and Mail

November 12, 2020 |Critics of US President Donald Trump rejoiced when networks called the 2020 election for former Vice President Joe Biden. But for all the fanfare, will they miss Trump once he has left office? In this Globe and Mail article, Max Bell School ProfessorAndrew Potter argues that we should consider how Trump has played a perfect foil for liberals and progressives, providing them with a galvanizing sense of purpose.

Published: 16 Nov 2020

What kind of President would Joe Biden be? | The Globe and Mail

November 7, 2020| In his latest article for the Globe andMail, David Shribman ponders how U.S. President-elect Joe Biden might govern byexamining the circumstances that shaped him and the style of politics he has embraced throughout his career.

Click here to read the article.

Published: 9 Nov 2020

Negotiating a betrayal in Afghanistan | Open Canada

Peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban will likely result in the Taliban's at least partial return to power. It's a pity so few Canadians care why this is happening writesMax Bell School Professor Andrew Potter in this Open Canada article.

Read the article.

Published: 3 Nov 2020

Potter: How the Citizen helped create a shared community in Ottawa | Ottawa Citizen

This year marks the 175th anniversary of the Ottawa Citizen, a newspaper known for serving (and bringing together) three distinct constituencies: residents of the municipality of Ottawa, members of the National Capital Regionpublic service, and citizens from across Canada.

Published: 3 Nov 2020

Reframing Canada’s Global Engagement | Canadian Global Affairs Institute

October 26, 2020 | In this Global Exchange Podcast, Colin Robertson spoke to Dr. Jennifer Welsh and Robert Greenhill about Canada’s positioning in the world.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

Published: 3 Nov 2020

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Time for Canada to Scrap Pearsonian Diplomacy?

October 21, 2020 | In an age where global diplomacy faces unprecedented collective challenges, how should Canada orient its foreign relations?

Jennifer Welsh, a professor at the Max Bell School, joined a panel of experts in this podcast episode of The Agenda with Steve Paikin,and shared her thoughts on the future of Canada's international relations.

Published: 21 Oct 2020


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