ࡱ>    ܥhc e  jjjjjjj~~~~~~  ~[XG@jjjjjp~~jjjj M E M O R A N D U M OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL AND VICE-PRINCIPAL (ACADEMIC) James Administration Building Room 506 Tel: 398-4180 Fax: 398-4768 To: Mrs. Frances Groen, Director of Libraries ϲ Librarians From: Bernard J. Shapiro Date: August 8, 2000 Subject: Amendments to the Regulations Relating to the Employment of Librarian Staff I am informed that the revisions to the Regulations Relating to the Employment of Librarian Staff are almost complete. These amendments will bring the regulations relating to librarians into almost exact conformity with the regulations relating to academic staff. Once these revised regulations are approved librarians will have all the rights and responsibilities of the academic staff. Thus, for example, librarians will be eligible for emeritus status; librarians will be evaluated by external reviewers during the tenure review process; librarians being promoted to full librarian status will be reviewed by a Statutory Selection Committee. I support these amendments in principle and I will support them before Senate and the Board of Governors. However, at this time I would like to clarify three other matters pertaining to the librarian staff at this University. First, I think it should be realized that these new regulations represent a significant raising of the bar. In the future librarians will face exactly the same rigorous review when it comes to promotion and tenure that the academics undergo. Second, although the regulations indicate that for purposes of recruitment, promotion and tenure the librarians fall within the portfolio of the Vice-Principal (Academic) on matters of daily administration and management of the libraries they will continue to report to the Vice-Principal (Information Systems and Technology) through the Director of Libraries. Third, in years to come we will see increasing numbers of information systems specialists working within the library network. This is inevitable given the ever-increasing demand for digital information. It is my view that as academic librarians reach retirement or leave the University for other reasons they will be replaced more and more frequently with such specialists and we will see some reduction in the number of librarians. BJS/mc cc: L.Vinet B. Pennycook /=wx * uUccUcUcU]c$Qoxghij4 5   `'#K@Normala "A@"Default Paragraph Font  *  @[Times New Roman Symbol "Arial)"Humanst521 Lt BTBookman Old Style"ccOy@ M E M O R A N D U M foobar administrator Root Entry Fp @WordDocumentCompObjjSummaryInformation(  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qOh+'0 $ L X dpx M E M O R A N D U M dfoobarNormaladministrator2Microsoft Word for Windows 95@DocumentSummaryInformation8   FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qϲ University  M E M O R A N D U M F#@8@8Oy՜.+,0@Hdl t| ϲ University  M E M O R A N D U M