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With the MAUT observer present, the entire Committee reviews each report, discusses the proposed weighting assigned to work performance, and discusses any anomalies.@" Z Z rHow the Merit Review Committee conducts its work (cont d):: If and when necessary, a supervisor may be asked to meet with the Committee to discuss his/her evaluation of a particular librarian. The Committee conducts a final, report-by-report review of the files and confirms its recommendations. The Chair of the Committee reviews the recommendations for accuracy, and submits the Committee s final recommendations to the Director of Libraries. 6" Z" ZSome Important Points to Note<Only the Contributions portion of the SMG members dossiers are evaluated by the Committee. For purposes of the evaluation of work performance, all librarians are considered to start with satisfactory work performance. The MAUT observer is there to ensure fairness in the process, and does not partake in the actual evaluation of dossiers. Sabbicants work performance is automatically evaluated as satisfactory. Z What s Evaluated: Contributions to the University and to the Profession (20%) (examples)"[P Scholarly output (books, articles, book reviews, conference presentations, etc.) Teaching activities (that not related to work duties) Consultancies and other advisory activities & and many other thingsfWhat s Evaluated: Work Performance (80%) (examples).4)  Performance (poor, satisfactory or superior) according to the supervisor's evaluation Involvement with system-wide or university-wide activities, e.g. projects, task forces Significant extra duties during the reporting year, e.g. moving a library, acting headship, launching a new computer system. Work-related collaborations with other departments or units in the university or in other institutions. ZXThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities--$Tips: Information you forget to include in your report won t be evaluated. BE THOROUGH. In the narrative section, focus on YOUR achievements during the reporting period, not your department s or library s. Give complete details for all teaching and guest lectures, e.g. course name, credit value, duration of the teaching, and name(s) of any fellow instructor(s).vZf ZE #jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d)66$U4. Attach copies of all publications and conference proceedings that are listed in your report. 5. DO NOT attach thank-you letters relating to activities in your report. 6. If you list membership in a committee or task force (ϲ or non-ϲ) please state whether the committee met or conducted any activities during the reporting year.&Vc"jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d) 6,$ $ 7. Remember, the reporting year is June to May. Avoid listing activities that took place outside of the reporting period. 8. Publications: only publications that appeared in the previous calendar year should be reported, e.g. 2002 publications should have been listed in your 2002-03 activity report. 9. Memberships in associations are not considered by the Committee; only active positions within those associations. ZZZ$O  *Preparing your Annual Report of Activities P  ` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> (    6~u " `} u T Click to edit Master title style! !$  0tu " ` u RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  00u "^ ` u >*  0u "^  u @*  0u "^ ` u @*H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.0p2 Default Design  (  `  C *Abackdrop"x  c $u u x  c $Xu  `  u H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.0p2+D=' *= @B +   0 (     c $@  `<$D 0     c $ `<$ 0  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.10x +D=' *= @B +  Ph0(  hx h c $ؾY `}   x h c $LY ` Y H h 0޽h ? 33  pp0(  px p c $4 `}   x p c $(7 `  H p 0޽h ? 33  @(    c $       c $E<$ 0 E "p`PpH  0޽h ? 33bZ___PPT10:.1Z+[W_D' *= @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' (=%(D' =%(D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*D' (=%(D' =%(D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*4%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*4D ' (=%(D ' =%(D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*5i%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*5iD8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*j%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*jD8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*&%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*&+8+0+  +  `lF(  lx l c $ `}    l c $) `  "p`PpH l 0޽h ? 33  t0(  tx t c $W `}   x t c $n `  H t 0޽h ? 33  x0(  xx x c $ `}   x x c $8 `  H x 0޽h ? 33  0(  x  c $ `}   x  c $8 `  H  0޽h ? 33  F(  x  c $f `}     c $ `  "p`PpH  0޽h ? 33  0(  x  c $ `}   x  c $a `  H  0޽h ? 33  0(  x  c $(~ `}   x  c $+ `  H  0޽h ? 33 0(  x  c $Wp  x  c $D `    H  0޽h ? 33rHP*47>::<HV@X8Z0\>^.b"6`&d"*( b/ 0DArialngsH$t\d 0t & 0"DWingdingsH$t\d 0t & 0 ` .  @n?" dd@Oh+'0Q `h   %SENATE MEETING OF OCTOBER 15th, 2003rosvpacasM LibrariesTI65rMicrosoft PowerPointOBE@0c@P1@2XGPg  R('& &&#TNPP 2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP     'A x(xKʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___www&G&&Guààýààààýààààà&&&&uýàýýàààýàýà&&&&GàýÚàààýýýààýàà&&&&uààýýýýÚÚýààà&&&&àààýàààààýÚÚuuÚÔt&&&MýààààýàýàýýýÓutG㓚Úout㔠t&&&&uýààýàààýýàýuo㔽ý㓚ijÔuoÔutÔu&&&&ýàýýàààÚuuMoÚtÚ㓽uu&&GààààýýýààýàÚ㽱oFuuuu&&&uàÚààýààýààÔoooÚFýuGÚoÙào&&&ýàààýàýààou㎚ÔÚoÚuÚuu&&&ýýýàýàýàààýýýýuuàýàýý&&&GààààýÚàýà&&MàààààýàýàýýààÚý&&uÚýàÚàýààààýà&&&ýàýàÚýýýàýàýà&&yýýýàýýýýýà&&Gààààààýàýàýýýàýýàýàà&&Gýýàýàààý&&Màààýààýýýýýààýà&&Mýýàýàý&&ààýàýàýýýýýýààààà&&uààààýýààýýàýýýà&&týàýàýýýýýý&&Guüýýàýý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%àýàà&Gt½ ßÚààààà%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ýýààÚà&&%ÙÙýààýý%%ý%%%%%%%%%%&&GtÙÙüýàÚàýàýýýýàýàýà&Fsàààý%ýýýýýàÚ&&Fsýàýààààà%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ýàýàý&Fsüýý%%%%%%%%%%%%ý%%%%%%%ýýýýàýà&&Frssà½ýýààý%%%%%%%%%%%Ú%ß%%%%%%%%ýýàà&EmrsÙýààýàÚàýýýÚýýýàà&&EJ뒙sràààààýüýÙàÚýýýýà&EImssmssàýýýàý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ýýýàýý&%ECmssmsnsààý%%%%%%%%%ý%%%%%%%%ýýààà&DCImmJmmrss½ýýýýà%%%%ý%%%%ýýýýýÚý&%DJmrsmsnüßàààÚàýýÚýýýýàý&Gns½àýýÙýýýý&%nsssààýàýýýàÚÚýýýýààà&GssssÙ ààýýýýýüýýàý&%nmmmmssrsýàààýààýýýýýýà%JJlJJmmmssšýàýýýàýýýýýýýà&Fmrnrmsrnssš½ýààýýýýýýýà&Fmrmmmmmrsýýààýýýýýà&Frs쒒ààààýýýýÚ&Frs쑘½ààýààýýýýýà&Frrsà%%%%%%%%à%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ý&Fmmrrýýà%%%ý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ýýýà&Fmmmrßýýý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ý%%%%%%%%ýà&Frrr½½ààà%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&Lrmrlrà%à%%ý%%%%%%%%%%ü%%%ýý%ýýýýà&EmqmlmmmmrrsٚýàÚ%ýýÙ½Úýýýà&ElmmmlmlmmmrrsýàýüÚýýýýÚýš½ýý&KmmlmIlJImms½%ý%%%%à%%%%%%%%%%ý%%%à%ü%%%%%ý%%%%%%%%%%ü%%ý%%ý&ErlmlmlJlmrmrss½àààýà%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%½%%%%%ýýý%%%%%%%%%%%%ýýà&L둑mrmrüý%à%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ý& nmmmrrsàà%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ý%%%%ý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ý&Frrrmmrr™ýà%%%%%%%%%%ý%%%%%ýý%%%%ýýÚÚüÚýšÚýý&onrr½ýàýàýà%ýýýýšüÙýý½ýüýýýýý&Lmr쑑 ýàààýýÚýýýýÚÚýÚý&nmrrrm\ýüýààýýýàýýýýýÚÚÙÚ½ýý&Erlmlmrmss½àýýüýýÚ ýýý&?CCCCCCfICImrms ààýýààýýýýýààýý&$lIDlJIDIglJmmssàààýýýýýýýýýý&FJmrmmrmnrsrsààýàýýýýýýý&ElCJCfIfJmmmrss ýýýàýýýýýý&Fmmmr쒒ýààýýýýý&EIlmr둒ààààýàýýýý&FJlCClmr둒ssýýààýààýàýý&EmmmICClmrrrmmsüýýàýýý&FlmmmmmCIDllDrs½àýýýàýý&oպlJmmmlmrsrnsàýàààüý&i۴lCIlmmrmmrmsàààýýàýýýý&LպېfBCCImImmmrms¼àýàýàÚàýýàýßýýüýý&i۴۴HfIflmlmmrsàýàýýýýýý½½&FڴflClllmrrràààýýýýýýښ½ýý&Lۺչllllmrmrms¼àýýýàÚ ýü½ýýÚýý&GۺCfCllmmrr¼ýàààààýàýýýýýýýýýýý&F۳fBBCfllJlmmmmrsýàààýààÚüýÚÙýÚýýýýýý&FڳllCBCCfIlJmrrýýàààý½üÙýýýښÚýüýü&Fڳڳlllrlmmmr뒒½ààÚýàýàýýýýüÚýýýýýýÚýýý&Fڳlmllmrm둘ܻ¼àýýýßýüÚÚüÚüàýýýýýý&FڲԳlllrr¼üàýýàààààýÚÚ½üýÚ½ü½àýýÚüý&&Գڳllllrrm¼ýàýàýý½ýÚýýý½àý½½ýýý&FԸԳelllmm¼àý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ý%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Úýü&nԲCClClrrmmrmà%ý%%Ú%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Ùýšý&%ӹԁCBAll Administrative Librarians (who are all members of the SMG) The Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections (who is a member of the SMG) The Manager, Personnel and Administration (as a resource person for the Committee) An observer from the MAUT Librarians Section The Trenholme Director of Libraries (ex officio)?Z?1 How the Merit Review Committee conducts its work 2" 2  On his/her own time, each member reviews a selection of the reports and makes a preliminary evaluation of a) contributions and b) work performance With the MAUT observer present, the entire Committee reviews each report, discusses the proposed weighting assigned to contributions, and discusses any anomalies. With the MAUT observer present, the entire Committee reviews each report, discusses the proposed weighting assigned to work performance, and discusses any anomalies.@" Z Z rHow the Merit Review Committee conducts its work (cont d):: If and when necessary, a supervisor may be asked to meet with the Committee to discuss his/her evaluation of a particular librarian. The Committee conducts a final, report-by-report review of the files and confirms its recommendations. The Chair of the Committee reviews the recommendations for accuracy, and submits the Committee s final recommendations to the Director of Libraries. 6" Z" ZSome Important Points to Note<Only the Contributions portion of the SMG members dossiers are evaluated by the Committee. For purposes of the evaluation of work performance, all librarians are considered to start with satisfactory work performance. The MAUT observer is there to ensure fairness in the process, and does not partake in the actual evaluation of dossiers. Sabbicants work performance is automatically evaluated as satisfactory. Z What s Evaluated: Contributions to the University and to the Profession (20%) (examples)"[P Scholarly output (books, articles, book reviews, conference presentations, etc.) Teaching activities (that not related to work duties) Consultancies and other advisory activities & and many other thingsfWhat s Evaluated: Work Performance (80%) (examples).4)  Performance (poor, satisfactory or superior) according to the supervisor's evaluation Involvement with system-wide or university-wide activities, e.g. projects, task forces Significant extra duties during the reporting year, e.g. moving a library, acting headship, launching a new computer system. Work-related collaborations with other departments or units in the university or in other institutions. ZXThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities--$Tips: Information you forget to include in your report won t be evaluated. BE THOROUGH  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)PPictureskCurrent User5SummaryInformation(iRPowerPoint Document(6"DocumentSummaryInformation8  @@`` H (.  ,R$"FH0o\r!k} 0AA3@?O ʚ;r8ʚ;g44d4dd 0h2ppp@ <4ddddg? 0$ <4!d!d@ 0$<4BdBd@ 0$e___PPT10E .$ vpacas.6___PPT9p{X10P& ?  %"lMAUT Librarians Section Professional Issues Committee,7$33j The Merit Review Process in the ϲ Libraries Robert Clarke Chair, 2002 & 2003 Merit Review Committee*kP3383Merit Review Annual Timetable" $  March-April: Director of Libraries appoints the Chair of Merit Review Committee (for 2 years) from among the members of the SMG April-May: Librarians complete their activity reports and submit them to their supervisors May-June: Supervisors prepare evaluations, meet with librarians to discuss performance and to set goals and objectives for the next year June: completed activity reports submitted to the APO Libraries q v R<LMerit Review Annual Timetable (cont d)"'%$$June-July: Director of Libraries invites MAUT Librarians Section to appoint an observer to the Committee July-August: Merit Review Committee members individually review the activity reports and make a preliminary assessment August-September: Merit Review Committee convenes to review the reports Mid-September: Recommendations of the Merit Review Committee are submitted to the Director of Librariesi'q ` l8 [*Members of the 2003 Merit Review Committee++>All Administrative Librarians (who are all members of the SMG) The Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections (who is a member of the SMG) The Manager, Personnel and Administration (as a resource person for the Committee) An observer from the MAUT Librarians Section The Trenholme Director of Libraries (ex officio)?Z?1 How the Merit Review Committee conducts its work 2" 2  On his/her own time, each member reviews a selection of the reports and makes a preliminary evaluation of a) contributions and b) work performance With the MAUT observer present, the entire Committee reviews each report, discusses the proposed weighting assigned to contributions, and discusses any anomalies. With the MAUT observer present, the entire Committee reviews each report, discusses the proposed weighting assigned to work performance, and discusses any anomalies.@" Z Z rHow the Merit Review Committee conducts its work (cont d):: If and when necessary, a supervisor may be asked to meet with the Committee to discuss his/her evaluation of a particular librarian. The Committee conducts a final, report-by-report review of the files and confirms its recommendations. The Chair of the Committee reviews the recommendations for accuracy, and submits the Committee s final recommendations to the Director of Libraries. 6" Z" ZSome Important Points to Note<Only the Contributions portion of the SMG members dossiers are evaluated by the Committee. For purposes of the evaluation of work performance, all librarians are considered to start with satisfactory work performance. The MAUT observer is there to ensure fairness in the process, and does not partake in the actual evaluation of dossiers. Sabbicants work performance is automatically evaluated as satisfactory. Z What s Evaluated: Contributions to the University and to the Profession (20%) (examples)"[P Scholarly output (books, articles, book reviews, conference presentations, etc.) Teaching activities (that not related to work duties) Consultancies and other advisory activities & and many other thingsfWhat s Evaluated: Work Performance (80%) (examples).4)  Performance (poor, satisfactory or superior) according to the supervisor's evaluation Involvement with system-wide or university-wide activities, e.g. projects, task forces Significant extra duties during the reporting year, e.g. moving a library, acting headship, launching a new computer system. Work-related collaborations with other departments or units in the university or in other institutions. ZXThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities--$Tips: Information you forget to include in your report won t be evaluated. BE THOROUGH. In the narrative section, focus on YOUR achievements during the reporting period, not your department s or library s. Give complete details for all teaching and guest lectures, e.g. course name, credit value, duration of the teaching, and name(s) of any fellow instructor(s).vZf ZE #jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d)66$U4. Attach copies of all publications and conference proceedings that are listed in your report. 5. DO NOT attach thank-you letters relating to activities in your report. 6. If you list membership in a committee or task force (ϲ or non-ϲ) please state whether the committee met or conducted any activities during the reporting year.&Vc"jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d) 6,$ $ 7. Remember, the reporting year is June to May. Avoid listing activities that took place outside of the reporting period. 8. Publications: only publications that appeared in the previous calendar year should be reported, e.g. 2002 publications should have been listed in your 2002-03 activity report. 9. Memberships in associations are not considered by the Committee; only active positions within those associations. ZZZ$O  *Preparing your Annual Report of Activities P3  ` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>A 0 (    6~u " `} u T Click to edit Master title style! !$  0tu " ` u RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  00u "^ ` u >*  0u "^  u @*  0u "^ ` u @*H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.0p2 Default Design   (  `  C *Abackdrop"x  c $u u x  c $Xu  `  u H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.0p2+D=' *= @B +  0 (     c $@  `<$ 0     c $ `<$ 0  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.10x +D=' *= @B +  Ph0(  hx h c $ؾY `}   x h c $LY ` Y H h 0޽h ? 33  pp0(  px p c $4 `}   x p c $(7 `  H p 0޽h ? 33  @(    c $       c $E<$ 0 E "p`PpH  0޽h ? 33bZ___PPT10:.1Z+[W_D' *= @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' (=%(D' =%(D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*D' (=%(D' =%(D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*4%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*4D ' (=%(D ' =%(D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*5i%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*5iD8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*j%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*jD8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*D8' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*&%(D' =-g6B fade*<3<*&+8+0+  +  `lF(  lx l c $ `}    l c $) `  "p`PpH l 0޽h ? 33  t0(  tx t c $W `}   x t c $n `  H t 0޽h ? 33  x0(  xx x c $ `}   x x c $8 `  H x 0޽h ? 33  0(  x  c $ `}   x  c $8 `  H  0޽h ? 33  F(  x  c $f `}     c $ `  "p`PpH  0޽h ? 33  0(  x  c $ `}   x  c $a `  H  0޽h ? 33  0(  x  c $(~ `}   x  c $+ `  H  0޽h ? 33 0(  x  c $Wp  x  c $D `    H  0޽h ? 33rHPd8BSbLrr"vd"_*( b/ 0DArialngsH$t\d 0t & 0"DWingdingsH$t\d 0t & 0 ` .  @n?" dd@  @@`` ՜.+,D՜.+,h     On-screen Showϲ Universityc"? 2 Arial WingdingsDefault Design6MAUT Librarians Section Professional Issues CommitteeMerit Review Annual Timetable'Merit Review Annual Timetable (contd)+Members of the 2003 Merit Review Committee2 How the Merit Review Committee conducts its work:How the Merit Review Committee conducts its work (contd)Some Important Points to Note[ Whats Evaluated: Contributions to the University and to the Profession (20%) (examples)4Whats Evaluated: Work Performance (80%) (examples)-The Librarians Annual Report of Activities6The Librarians Annual Report of Activities (contd)6The Librarians Annual Report of Activities (contd)+Preparing your Annual Report of Activities  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles l@'Kc_AdHocReviewCycleID_EmailSubject _AuthorEmail_AuthorEmailDisplayName_PreviousAdHocReviewCycleID}D=Principal's Presentation of Achievements and plans 2003-2004ofedoadmin.library@mcgill.caf Doadmin Library4_"JerabekJerabekAitkens. In the narrative section, focus on YOUR achievements during the reporting period, not your department s or library s. Give complete details for all teaching and guest lectures, e.g. course name, credit value, duration of the teaching, and name(s) of any fellow instructor(s).vZf ZE #jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d)66$U4. Attach copies of all publications and conference proceedings that are listed in your report. 5. DO NOT attach thank-you letters relating to activities in your report. 6. If you list membership in a committee or task force (ϲ or non-ϲ) please state whether the committee met or conducted any activities during the reporting year.&Vc"jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d) 6,$ $ 7. Remember, the reporting year is June to May. Avoid listing activities that took place outside of the reporting period. 8. Publications: only publications that appeared in the previous calendar year should be reported, e.g. 2002 publications should have been listed in your 2002-03 activity report. 9. Memberships in associations are not considered by the Committee; only active positions within those associations. ZZZ$O  *Preparing your Annual Report of Activities P3 |  (  `  C *Abackdrop"x  c $u u x  c $Xu  `  u H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.0p2+D=' *= @B +rlH"_*( b/ 0DArialngsH$t\d 0t & 0"DWingdingsH$t\d 0t & 0 ` .  @n?" dd@  @@`` H (.  ,R$"FH0o\r!k} 0AA3@?O ʚ;r8ʚ;g44d4dd 0h2ppp@ <4ddddg? 0$ <4!d!d@ 0$<4BdBd@ 0$e___PPT10E .$ vpacas.6___PPT9p{X10P& ?  %"5MAUT Librarians Section Professional Issues Committee,6$33j The Merit Review Process in the ϲ Libraries Robert Clarke Chair, 2002 & 2003 Merit Review Committee*kP3383Merit Review Annual Timetable" $  March-April: Director of Libraries appoints the Chair of Merit Review Committee (for 2 years) from among the members of the SMG April-May: Librarians complete their activity reports and submit them to their supervisors May-June: Supervisors prepare evaluations, meet with librarians to discuss performance and to set goals and objectives for the next year June: completed activity reports submitted to the APO Libraries q v R<LMerit Review Annual Timetable (cont d)"'%$$June-July: Director of Libraries invites MAUT Librarians Section to appoint an observer to the Committee July-August: Merit Review Committee members individually review the activity reports and make a preliminary assessment August-September: Merit Review Committee convenes to review the reports Mid-September: Recommendations of the Merit Review Committee are submitted to the Director of Librariesi'q ` l8 [*Members of the 2003 Merit Review Committee++>All Administrative Librarians (who are all members of the SMG) The Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections (who is a member of the SMG) The Manager, Personnel and Administration (as a resource person for the Committee) An observer from the MAUT Librarians Section The Trenholme Director of Libraries (ex officio)?Z?1 How the Merit Review Committee conducts its work 2" 2  On his/her own time, each member reviews a selection of the reports and makes a preliminary evaluation of a) contributions and b) work performance With the MAUT observer present, the entire Committee reviews each report, discusses the proposed weighting assigned to contributions, and discusses any anomalies. With the MAUT observer present, the entire Committee reviews each report, discusses the proposed weighting assigned to work performance, and discusses any anomalies.@" Z Z rHow the Merit Review Committee conducts its work (cont d):: If and when necessary, a supervisor may be asked to meet with the Committee to discuss his/her evaluation of a particular librarian. The Committee conducts a final, report-by-report review of the files and confirms its recommendations. The Chair of the Committee reviews the recommendations for accuracy, and submits the Committee s final recommendations to the Director of Libraries. 6" Z" ZSome Important Points to Note<Only the Contributions portion of the SMG members dossiers are evaluated by the Committee. For purposes of the evaluation of work performance, all librarians are considered to start with satisfactory work performance. The MAUT observer is there to ensure fairness in the process, and does not partake in the actual evaluation of dossiers. Sabbicants work performance is automatically evaluated as satisfactory. Z What s Evaluated: Contributions to the University and to the Profession (20%) (examples)"[P Scholarly output (books, articles, book reviews, conference presentations, etc.) Teaching activities (that not related to work duties) Consultancies and other advisory activities & and many other thingsfWhat s Evaluated: Work Performance (80%) (examples).4)  Performance (poor, satisfactory or superior) according to the supervisor's evaluation Involvement with system-wide or university-wide activities, e.g. projects, task forces Significant extra duties during the reporting year, e.g. moving a library, acting headship, launching a new computer system. Work-related collaborations with other departments or units in the university or in other institutions. ZXThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities--$Tips: Information you forget to include in your report won t be evaluated. BE THOROUGH. In the narrative section, focus on YOUR achievements during the reporting period, not your department s or library s. Give complete details for all teaching and guest lectures, e.g. course name, credit value, duration of the teaching, and name(s) of any fellow instructor(s).vZf ZE #jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d)66$U4. Attach copies of all publications and conference proceedings that are listed in your report. 5. DO NOT attach thank-you letters relating to activities in your report. 6. If you list membership in a committee or task force (ϲ or non-ϲ) please state whether the committee met or conducted any activities during the reporting year.&Vc"jThe Librarian s Annual Report of Activities (cont d) 6,$ $ 7. Remember, the reporting year is June to May. Avoid listing activities that took place outside of the reporting period. 8. Publications: only publications that appeared in the previous calendar year should be reported, e.g. 2002 publications should have been listed in your 2002-03 activity report. 9. Memberships in associations are not considered by the Committee; only active positions within those associations. ZZZ$O  *Preparing your Annual Report of Activities P3r ""