Lister Family Engaged Science 3MT Competition

Published: 21 November 2019
Congratulations to all of the presenters in Wednesday’s Lister Family Engaged Science 3MT Competition!
Pictured left-right are: 3rd place Jacob Liberty, Ph.D. candidate (BRE-Ngadi) - Ears that See: Acoustic Imaging for Food Quality Evaluation; 1st place Anikka Swaby, M.Sc. candidate (SHN-Agellon) – How to keep our friendly gut bacteria happy; 2nd place Hannah Han, M.Sc. candidate (SHN-Nielsen) – Interaction of Genes with in-store food environment exposure on diet quality; People’s Choice Winner, Vincent Desaulniers-Brousseau, Ph.D. candidate (BRE-Lefsrud) Hydroponic 2.0 for Farmers of Tomorrow.