Food for Thought Lecture Series: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly-The Hidden World of Fungi and the Marvels of Mushrooms

Our 2nd Food for Thought Lecture for 2018 will feature the intriguing world of mushroom through the eyes of Professor Suha Jabaji (Plant Science).
So it goes, countless fungal forms – from microscopic to large forms recognized by the naked eye. Amazing shapes ranging from curly, knobby, slimy, smooth, fragile, tough, or eye-catching colors. Found on decomposing logs, on the roots of giant trees, within piles of dead leaves, and on forest beds. Fungi and mushrooms contain more marvels than meets the eye. It is a whole new world of wonder once you have learned how to look and search for them. Come and learn about them, their role in the environment, how they affect us and how science and biotechnology had exploited them.
This event will take place in the Helen R. Nielson Culinary Demonstration Room, Centennial Centre CC-212. Space is limited to 35 attendees - pre-registration is required; registration will open on August 29.