Opinion: Impending fertility crisis requires urgent action

Published: 24 January 2020

Responses should include prioritizing funding for research on male infertility and making assisted reproductive treatment more accessible....

COVID-19 Q&A: Pascal Thériault on Canadian food security during the pandemic

Published: 14 May 2020

"Our food supply chain is a highly efficient mature system, but it has been knocked off balance by the crisis... In a way, we went from being on cruise control to hitting traffic."...

E-newsletter: Message from the Dean

Published: 25 June 2020

Summer has officially begun! It is amazing what warmer weather, sunshine and time spent outdoors in the fresh air can do to lift the spirits. There is no doubt that the past few months have been...

Ces plantes nuisibles qui envahissent les champs agricoles et les forêts

Published: 3 August 2020

Phragmite, panais sauvage, herbe à poux, nerprun, renoué du Japon : ce sont toutes des plantes envahissantes, nuisibles à un certain degré, qui prennent de plus en plus de place sur les terres...

Sustainability Projects Fund: Giving the green light to new ideas for 10 years

Published: 3 October 2019

Ten years, and $7 million in funding, later, it’s safe to say the Sustainability Projects Fund "experiment" has been a huge success...

Scientists identify key knowledge gaps in sustainability research

Published: 31 October 2019

Call for more relevant, solutions-focused research to address the social-ecological crisis

Des légumes cultivés sur du béton

Published: 8 January 2020

Faire pousser des végétaux sur du béton? C’est possible, pratique et même très esthétique. Mark Lefsrud et son équipe, les chercheurs Sadie Moland et Intisar Syed Mahood, du Département de génie en...

La neige, bonne pour la santé et le moral des vaches

Published: 6 March 2020

...La chercheuse Elsa Vasseur, de l’Université ϲ, travaille présentement sur un projet de recherche spécifiquement consacré à l’exercice des vaches à l’extérieur, même en hiver. Elle dit que l...

Dean Geitmann recognized by the Microscopical Society of Canada

Published: 12 June 2020

Congratulations to Dean Anja Geitmann who is the 2020 recipient of the Frances W. Doane Award. The objective of the Frances W Doane award is to recognize the valuable service and contributions that...


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