BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T163011EDT-8768fSzbCE@ DTSTAMP:20250312T203011Z DESCRIPTION: \n\nDo you know when the letter J was added to the Alphabet? O r when Margarine was invented? Test your knowledge of history and your ded uctive skills with our new chronological card game\, Moments in Time | Ins tantporels. Celebrate an attitude of play with us as we launch this visual ly stunning chronological card game\, illustrated by the treasures in McGI ll’s ROAAr collections.\n\nIn the past three years\, ROAAr has explored th e place of Serious Play in the library. Does it belong only in a children’ s section\, all noise and joy? Perhaps in a quiet crossword puzzle in the local papers? We have found surprising and innovative ways that Play can f it at the library. Hear about one of those and play with us as we launch M oments in Time | Instantporels. Games will be available for purchase\, and a free copy will go to the lucky winners of the live game challenge at th e launch. \n\nNote: this will be a Hybrid event and we welcome those in th e Montreal area to attend in person. We welcome all to tune in via Zoom. P lease indicate on the RSVP form how you will attend.\n\nWatch on YouTube\n \n \n\nAbout the Game\n\nMoments in Time: /library/br anches/roaar/play-library-games/moments-time\n\nInstantporels: https://www\n\n \n\n  \n DTSTART:20230220T210000Z DTEND:20230220T220000Z LOCATION:fourth floor landing\, McLennan Library Building\, CA\, QC\, Montr eal\, H3A 0C9\, 3459 rue McTavish SUMMARY:Moments in Time | Instantporels Launch URL:/library/channels/event/moments-time-instantporels -launch-345769 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR