Known issues

This is a running list of issues that have been reported to us with WorldCat Discovery.


We are currently seeing a loss of availability information in the catalogue's brief results, including in the Course Reserves section of the system. Item location, call numbers and circulation information are only displaying in the full record. E-book and e-journal links are not affected.

Issue reported to vendor. Ticket already created and they are investigating Resolved
Items are not alphabetically ordered in some Course Reserve courses. Issue reported to vendor. They have created an internal ticket and are investigating. In progress
WorldCat Discovery no longer has a "lists" function. You can save items temporarily during your browsing session but are not able to save a list to your account unless you are library staff. FAQ information about transitioning lists from Local to Discovery. In progress
"View ebook" button seems to take no action if you click it from an item record.  Issue reported to vendor. Waiting
Call number browse does not work in WorldCat Discovery. Vendor developing new feature for end of 2019. In Progress

Run into an issue? Report it to discovery.library [at]

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