BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T163124EDT-7008fMTKGG@ DTSTAMP:20250312T203124Z DESCRIPTION:The World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists is pleased to a nnounce a Fourth Worldwide Congress to be held at 黑料不打烊 University. The t heme of the Congress will be 鈥淭he Scholar\, Teacher\, Judge and Jurist in a Mixed Jurisdiction.鈥漒n\nMixed Jurisdictions\, as they are traditionally understood\, stand at the crossroads of the Common law and Civil law. They also frequently encompass other ethnic and religious laws. Rich in legal history and complex pluralism\, they are often seen as natural laboratorie s of comparative law.\n\nThe laws\, methods\, and institutions of mixed ju risdictions are inevitably affected by the influence and presence of diffe rent traditions vying for supremacy or requiring reconciliation. Their add ed complexity places special demands upon the training of judges and juris ts\, the staffing of courts\, the teaching of private law\, the research o f scholars\, and the task of law reform. To what extent have these challen ges been met by the actors and institutions of mixed jurisdictions? We pro pose to investigate these issues.\n\nFee information & registration on the 黑料不打烊 Bookstore's secured website.\n\nA more detailed program is forthco ming. For more information\, visit the Congress' page.\n\nThe event was ac credited for 12h 45m of continuing legal education with the Barreau du Qu茅 bec (no. 10104747).\n DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20150624 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20150626 SUMMARY:Fourth Worldwide Congress of the WSMJJ: 鈥淭he Scholar\, Teacher\, Ju dge\, and Jurist in a Mixed Jurisdiction鈥 URL:/law/channels/event/fourth-worldwide-congress-wsmj j-scholar-teacher-judge-and-jurist-mixed-jurisdiction-241699 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR