BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T165225EDT-21959tuXj0@ DTSTAMP:20250312T205225Z DESCRIPTION:Please join the Black Law Students' Association of Canada (BLSA Canada) for its 24th Annual National Conference on 'Unity and Diversity.' \nThe Annual BLSA Canada Conference attracts the brightest minds of the le gal domain including renowned judges\, accomplished legal practitioners an d entrepreneurs that will impart their wealth of knowledge to students.\nT he three day-long event will conclude with a gala\, where BLSA Canada will honor the late Leonard Braithwaite\, Canada's first black parliamentarian .\nBLSA Canada reflects the diversity of the African/Black experience and welcomes allies from all backgrounds who also seek to make a meaningful co ntribution to social justice initiatives. As such\, the theme that will be a driving force of many BLSA Canada initiatives and events this year\, in cluding the 2015 national conference\, is “Unity and Diversity.” Indeed\, this year\, the national executive aims to emphasize the importance of col laboration to further justice not only for the Black/African diaspora\, bu t also for all marginalized groups.\nView the conference program: Conferen ce-Schedule-February-2015.pdf\nFor more information\, visit www.blsacanada .com or contact Stéphanie Déborah Jules\, VP Quebec and Conference Chair a t conference [at]\nTo register\, visit the BLSA conference Eventbrite page.\n DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20150219 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20150222 LOCATION:CA\, Hotel Omni\, 1050 Sherbrooke Street West\, Montreal\, QC SUMMARY:BLSA Canada Annual Conference: Unity and Diversity URL:/law/channels/event/blsa-canada-annual-conference- unity-and-diversity-241648 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR