BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T162540EDT-41720zLPts@ DTSTAMP:20250312T202540Z DESCRIPTION:Soyez des nôtres pour un atelier de théorie du droit avec le pr ofesseur Dan Priel (Osgoode). Il nous parlera d'un essai sur lequel il tra vaille actuellement.\nRésumé\n(en anglais seulement) 'the purpose of this essay is to offer a general account of the outcomes of seemingly very diff erent court decisions in various areas of private law by showing that what explains these decisions are two relatively independent assessments of th e parties to private law litigation. The first is a familiar judgment of t he defendant’s fault\, the second is the less familiar judgment of the pla intiff’s desert. At a more theoretical level\, I will rely on this analysi s to challenge one of the popular aspects of corrective justice accounts o f private law\, the idea that liability in private law depends on the exis tence of some kind of bipolar relation in which the parties’ respective wr ongs and liabilities are the mirror image of each other. My ultimate goal is to argue that the only justification for private law is political\, by which I mean the same justification for any other law.'\nLe conférencier\n (en anglais seulement) Dan Priel joined Osgoode’s full-time faculty in 201 1. Prior to that\, he was a Visiting Professor at Osgoode during the 2010- 11 academic year and an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick i n the UK. From 2005 to 2007\, he was Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fellow-in-Law at Yale Law School\, and before that a postgraduate student at the University of Oxford\, where he wrote his doctoral dissertation. He served as law cl erk in the Israeli Supreme Court\, and was co-editor-in-chief of the stude nt-edited law journal at the Hebrew University Law Faculty. His current re search interests include legal theory\, private law (especially tort law a nd restitution)\, and he is also interested in legal history and in the ap plication of the social sciences\, in particular psychology\, to legal res earch. His published work appeared in Law and Philosophy\, Legal Theory\, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies\, and Texas Law Review.\nLes ateliers\nLes Ateliers de théorie du droit invitent de grands théoriciens du droit d'à travers le monde pour qu'ils viennent présenter leurs recherches\, ce qui donne souvent lieu à des discussions des plus animées. Tous les membres de la communauté de la Faculté de droit sont conviés.\n DTSTART:20150206T193000Z DTEND:20150206T210000Z LOCATION:NCDH 202\, Chancellor Day Hall\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 1W9\, 36 44 rue Peel SUMMARY:Atelier de théorie du droit: Property and Desert as the Foundation of Private Law URL:/law/fr/channels/event/atelier-de-theorie-du-droit -property-and-desert-foundation-private-law-241564 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR