

Speaking Truth to Power: Challenging China's Claim to Tibet

Mercredi, 26 ´Úé±¹°ù¾±±ð°ù, 2020 15:00à17:00
Chancellor Day Hall Salle de conférence Stephen Scott (OCDH 16), 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

Le professeur Ronald Niezen, titulaire de la Chaire Katharine A. Pearson, a le plasir d'accueillir Michael van Walt, Ph.D., School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA.

[En anglais seulement]

Michael van Walt van Praag is an expert in intrastate peace processes, professor of international law, and author. He serves as the Executive Director of KREDDA, an organization dedicated to the prevention and resolution of conflicts between population groups and the governments of states within which they live. He has served as advisor and consultant to numerous governmental and non-governmental organizations in peace talks in regions ranging from Chechnya to Papua New Guinea. He has made his passion for the need to alleviate suffering caused by injustice, violent conflict and oppression his life-long career.

He has authored and edited books and articles on a variety of topics related to intrastate conflict and to relations of peoples and minorities with states, including Mobilizing Knowledge for Post-Conflict Development at the Local Level (The Hague: RAWOO 2000); The Implementation of the Right to Self-Determination as a Contribution to Conflict Prevention (Barcelona: UNESCO Division of Human Rights, Democracy and Peace/UNESCO Centre of Catalonia 1999); ‘The Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People: an explanatory introduction to the Tibetan proposal’ in Multinational Integration, Cultural Identity and Regional Self-Government: Comparative Experiences for Tibet (R. Toniatti and J. Woelk eds., London: Routledge 2014); Sacred Mandates: Asian International Relations since Chinggis Khan (Silk Roads, University of Chicago Press, 2018).


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