

100 Years of Tax Law in Canada

Lundi, 2 octobre, 2017 14:00à18:00
Chancellor Day Hall Salle de conférence Stephen Scott (OCDH 16), 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

L'impôt sur le revenu fédéral du Canada a maintenant 100 ans. Pour souligner cet anniversaire, la Chaire Stikeman en droit fiscal organise un symposium d'une demi-journée conjointement avec le Colloque Spiegel Sohmer.

L'objectif de l'événement est d'explorer l'évolution du droit et de la politique fiscales au Canada au cours du dernier siècle. Suivant le discours d'ouverture par Kim Brooks, des experts exploreront ensuite certains des thèmes clés de la législation fiscale et de l'élaboration des politiques au Canada dans le cadre de deux tables rondes et d'une rétrospective. L'événement se terminera par un cocktail.

Une demande d'accréditation a été déposée auprès d'un formateur reconnu pour 3,5 heures de formation continue obligatoire pour juristes. Nous avons dix places de disponibles, premier arrivé, premier servi. Prière d'écrire au coordonateur mark.mejia [at] mail.mcgill.ca pour confirmer votre place.


, Professor of Law, Dalhousie University. Prof. Brooks is an internationally recognized tax scholar who has written multiple scholarly works on taxation in Canada and beyond.

Jakub Adamski, lecturer in business associations and contract law at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Faculty of Law. He runs a seminar on the history and development of corporate law with Marc Barbeau, with whom he is co-authoring a text on the subject.

, adjunct professor of corporate and securities law at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Faculty of Law and partner, Stikeman Elliott. Me. Barbeau practices in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, complex reorganizations and corporate governance. He runs a seminar on the history and development of corporate law with Jakub Adamski, with whom he is co-authoring a text on the subject.

, partner, Blake’s, and Distinguished Professor of Practice at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Mr. Wilkie is recognized as a leading corporate tax lawyer in Canada and has extensive experience in national and international corporate tax practice.

, associate professor, University of Western Ontario. Prof. Campbell was a senior partner in the Toronto office of Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP until mid-2010 when he took up a position at UWO to teach and undertake research on Canadian tax history.

, professeure agrégée, École de gestion, Université de Sherbrooke. Prof. Latulippe’s work on the institutional aspects of international taxation development and the conduct of professional tax advisors is widely recognized and influential.

, adjunct professor of tax law at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Faculty of Law and partner, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. Me. Raizenne has extensive experience in a wide variety of tax matters and is a sought-after speaker and writer on national and international tax topics.


14:00 Spiegel Sohmer Colloquium Keynote by Kim Brooks.

15:15 Roundtable 1: The Intertwined Evolution of Corporate Law and Corporate Tax in Canada

    Discussants: Kim Brooks, Marc Barbeau, Jakub Adamsky

16:00 Refreshment Break

16:15 Roundtable 2: 100 Years of Tax in Canada: Selected Features

    Discussants: Scott Wilkie, Colin Campbell, Lyne Latulippe

17:00 Making Tax Law in Canada: Retrospective by Robert Raizenne

17:30 Closing Remarks and Reception

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