H. Patrick Glenn (1940-2014)

Full Professor
Peter M. Laing Chair

With deepest sorrow, we must announce that Professor Glenn passed away suddenly on October 1, 2014.听

H. Patrick Glenn


Professor Patrick Glenn taught and had research interests in the areas of comparative law, private international law, civil procedure and the legal professions. His book (Oxford University Press, 2000) received the Grand Prize of the International Academy of Comparative Law. The fifth edition was published in August 2014.

He was a former Director of the Institute of Comparative Law and in that capacity worked on projects on the reform of the Russian Civil Code and judicial education in China. He was a member of the Royal Society of Canada and the International Academy of Comparative Law and had been a Bora Laskin National Fellow in Human Rights Law, a Killam Research Fellow, and a Visiting Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford.

In 2006, H. Patrick Glenn received the Prix L茅on-G茅rin, a prestigious award attributed by the Government of Qu茅bec, in recognition of his contribution in comparative law over his career.

In 2010-2011, he held the Henry G. Schermers Fellowship of the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law. In 2012, he was elected president of the American Society of Comparative Law.

In November 2014, the Canadian Bar Association (Quebec Division) posthumously awarded him the Paul-Andr茅 Cr茅peau Medal for his contributions to the advancement of international private and commercial law.


Professor, Faculty of Law, 黑料不打烊 University, 1978-2014

Associate professor, Faculty of Law, 黑料不打烊 University, 1973-1978

Assistant professor, Faculty of Law, 黑料不打烊 University, 1971-1973

Visiting professor, Universit茅 de Sherbrooke, 1972, 1975, 1985, 1987; Universit茅 de Montr茅al, 1973, 1974, 1990, 1991; Universit茅 de Fribourg (Switzerland) 1985; Universit茅 d'Aix (France) 1988; University of Silesia (Poland) 1989; Universit茅 fran莽aise du Pacifique, 1992

Director of Studies, Hague Academy of International Law, 1977

Bora Laskin National Fellow in Human Rights, 1988-1989

Quebec Bar, 1979

British Columbia Bar, 1967


LL.D., honoris causa (Fribourg) 2002

Docteur en droit (Strasbourg) 1972

D.E.S. (Strasbourg) 1968

LL.M. (Harvard) 1966

LL.B. (Queen's) 1965

B.A. (U.B.C.) 1962

Areas of Interest

Comparative law, private international law, civil procedure, privacy, immigration.


Journal articles

'A Western Legal Tradition?' (2010) 49 Sup. Ct. L. Rev. 601.
'A Concept of Legal Tradition' (2008) 34 Queen's Law Journal 427.
'Continuity and Discontinuity of Aboriginal Entitlement' (2007) 7 Oxford University Commonwealth L. J. 23-33.
'Legal Traditions' (2007) 2 The Journal of Comparative Law 69.
'Legal Traditions and the Separation Thesis' (2006) 35 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie & Rechtstheorie 222-240.
鈥淥n the Use of Biological Metaphors in Law: The Case of Legal Transplants鈥 (2006) The Journal of Comparative Law 358-364.
鈥淭ransnational Common Laws鈥 (2006) 29 Fordham Int鈥檒. Law Journal, pp. 457-471.
鈥淒oin鈥 the Transystemic: Legal Systems and Legal Traditions鈥 (2005) 50 黑料不打烊 Law Journal, p. 863.
鈥淟a Disposition pr茅liminaire du Code civil du Qu茅bec, le droit commun et les principes g茅n茅raux du droit鈥 (2005) 46 Cahiers de Droit, pp. 339-352.
鈥淭he Common Laws of Europe and Louisiana鈥 (2005) 79:4 Tulane Law Review, pp. 1041-1063.
鈥淭he ALI/UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure as Global Standards for Adjudication?鈥 (2004) 9 Uniform Law Review, pp. 829-845.
鈥淗armony of Laws in the Americas鈥 (2003) 34 U. Miami Inter- American Law Review, p. 223.
With Dominic Desbiens, 鈥淟鈥檃ppartenance au Qu茅bec: citoyennet茅, domicile et r茅sidence dans la masse l茅gislative qu茅b茅coise鈥 (2003) 48 Revue de droit de 黑料不打烊, p. 117.
鈥淟a tradition juridique nationale鈥, Revue int. droit compar茅. 2003; pp. 263-278.
鈥淢ixing it up鈥 (2003) 78:1 Tulane Law Review, pp. 79-87.
鈥淧rospects for Transnational Civil Procedure in the Americas鈥 (2003) 8 (N.S.) Uniform Law Review, pp. 485-491.
鈥淨u鈥檈st-ce que la common law en fran莽ais?鈥 (2003) 5 Rev. de la common law en fran莽ais, pp. 97- 108.
鈥淎re Legal Traditions Incommensurable?鈥 (2001) 49 American Journal of Comparative Law, p. 133.
鈥淐omparative Law and Legal Practice: On Removing the Borders鈥 (2001) 75 Tulane Law Review, pp. 977-1002.
鈥淐onflicting Laws in a Common Market? The NAFTA Experiment鈥 (2001) 76 Chicago-Kent Law Review, pp. 1789-1819.
鈥淟a Cour supr锚me du Canada et la tradition du droit civil鈥 (2001) Canadian Bar Review, pp. 151-170.
鈥淕lobalization and Dispute Resolution鈥 (2000) 19 Civil Justice Quarterly, pp. 136-153.
鈥淭he Grounding of Codification鈥 (1999) 31 University of California at Devis Law Review, pp. 765-782.
鈥淰ers un droit compar茅 int茅gr茅鈥 (1999) Revue internationale de droit compar茅, pp. 841-852.
鈥淭he Capture, Reconstruction and Marginalization of 'Custom'鈥 (1997) 45 American Journal of Comparative Law, pp. 613-620.
鈥淐odification of Private International Law in Quebec鈥 (1996) 60 RabelsZ, pp. 231-268.
鈥淭he Common Law in Canada鈥 (1995) 74 Canadian Law Review, pp. 261-292.
鈥淗armonization of Law, Foreign Law and Private International Law鈥 (1993) 1 European Review of Private Law, pp. 47-66.
鈥淒roit compar茅 et droit qu茅b茅cois鈥 (1990) 24 Revue juridique Th茅mis, pp. 341-351.
鈥淟aw, Revolution and Rights鈥 (1990) Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Revolution and Human Rights, pp. 9-13.
鈥淧rofessional Structures and Professional Ethics鈥 (1990) 35 黑料不打烊 Law Journal, pp. 424-438.
鈥溍 propos de la maxime 芦 Nul ne plaide par procureur 禄鈥 (1988) Revue trimestrielle de droit civil, pp. 59-77.
鈥淧ersuasive Authority鈥 (1987) 32 黑料不打烊 Law Journal, pp. 261-299.
鈥淭he Dilemma of Class Action Reform鈥 (1986) 6 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, pp. 262-274.
鈥淐lass Actions in Ontario and Quebec鈥 (1984) 62 Canadian Bar Review, pp. 247-277.
鈥淟a responsabilit茅 des juges鈥 (1983) 28 Revue de droit de 黑料不打烊, pp. 228-284.
鈥淲here Heavens Meet: The Compelling of Religious Divorces鈥 (1980) 28 American Journal of Comparative Law, p. 1-38.
鈥淟e droit au respect de la vie priv茅e鈥 (1979) 39 Revue du Barreau, pp. 879-916.
鈥淭he Local Law of Alsace-Lorraine: A Half-Century of Survival鈥 (1974) 23 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, pp. 769-790.

Books and monographs

Legal Traditions of the World: Sustainable Diversity in Law, 5th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 214, 456 Pages.
On Common Laws. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, 186 pages.
Droit qu茅b茅cois et droit fran莽ais : communaut茅, autonomie, concordance. Montr茅al: Editions Yvon Blais. 1993.
La capacit茅 de la personne en droit internationale priv茅 fran莽ais et anglais. Paris: Dalloz - Biblioth猫que de droit international priv茅. 1975.

Articles/chapters in books and monographs

'Cosmopolitan Legal Orders' in A. Halpin & V. Roeben (eds), Theorizing the Global Legal Order (Oxford: Hart, 2009) 25-38.
'L'arbitrage religieux au Canada: Un statut personnel qui n'ose pas dire son nom?' in M. Aoun (dir.), Les statuts personnels en droit compar茅 (Leuven: Peeters, 2009) 265-278.
'The Prospective Effect of Res Judicata' in Essays in Honour of Konstantinos Kerameus (Athens: Sakkoulas/Bruyland, 2009) 435-444.
'Globalization and National Legal Traditions' in J. Schwarze (ed.), Globalisierung und Entstaatlichung des Rechts, vol. 1 (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008) 57-69.
'Com-paring' in E. Orucu & D. Nelken (eds), Comparative Law: A Handbook (Oxford: Hart, 2007) 91-108.
'Multivalent Logic and the Rome Convention' in K. Boele-Woelki & W. Grosheide (eds), The Future of European Contract Law: Essays in honour of Ewoud Hondius (Alpen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, 2007) 283-290.
'The National Legal Tradition' in K. Boele-Woelki & S. Van Erp (eds), General Reports of the XVIIth Congres of the International Academy of Comparative Law (Brussels: Bruylant, 2007) 1.
'Comparative Legal Families and Comparative Legal Traditions' in R. Zimmermann & M. Reimann (eds), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, Oxford, 2006, pp. 421-440
鈥淧rofessional Traditions: The Reciprocating Ethics of Jurist and Judge鈥 in J. Erauw, V. Tomljenovic and P. Volken, Liber Memorialis Petar Sarcevic: Universalism, Tradition and the Individual (Munich: Sellier European Law Publishers, 2006) pp. 641-648.
鈥淭he Aims of Comparative Law鈥 in J. Smits (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2006, pp. 57-65.
鈥淒roit mondial, droit mondialis茅 ou droit du monde?鈥 in B. Fauvarque-Cosson, E. Picard & A. Voinneson (dir.), De Tous Horizons: M茅langes Xavier Blanc-Jouvan. Paris: Soci茅t茅 de l茅gislation compar茅e. 2005, pp. 259-269.
鈥淧enser le plurijuridisme鈥 in Association internationale de m茅thodologie juridique, Le plurijuridisme . Aix: Presses universitaires d鈥橝ix-Marseille. 2005, pp. 25-35.
鈥淭eaching comparative law and teaching law comparatively鈥 in L. Ogiegly, W. Popiolka & M. Szpunara, M茅langes Maksymiliana Pazdana. Krakow: Kantor Aakamycze. 2005, pp. 951-960.
鈥淐omparative Legal Reasoning and the Courts: A View from the Americas鈥 in G. Canivet, M. Andenas & D. Fairgrieve, Comparative Law Before the Courts. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law. 2004, pp. 217-228.
Link: British Institute of International and Comparative Law
鈥淐onclusions g茅n茅rales: La codification 脿 la fran莽aise, une petite histoire d鈥檜ne grande tradition鈥 in R. Beauthier & I. Rorive (eds), Le Code Napol茅on, un anc锚tre v茅n茅r茅? M茅langes offerts 脿 Jacques Vanderlinden. Bruxelles: Bruylant. 2004, pp. 529-551.
鈥淟egal Cultures and Legal Traditions鈥 in Mark Van Hoeck (ed.), Epistemology and Methodology of Comparative Law. Oxford: Hart, 2004, pp. 7-20.
鈥淟egal Education and Legal Hegemony鈥 in Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Imperialism and Chauvinism in the Law. Geneva: Schulthess. 2004, pp. 11-21.
鈥淣orth America as a Medieval Legal Construction鈥 (2002) 2 Global Jurist 1 (electronic publication); and in M. Bussani & U. Mattei, The Common Core of European Private Law. The Hague: Kluwer International. 2003, pp. 49-60.
鈥淎 Transnational Concept of Law鈥, in Peter Cane & Mark Tushnet (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Legal Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003 , pp. 839-862.
鈥淟鈥檈cho double du champart. Y a-t-il des traces en droit civil qu茅b茅cois?鈥 in Benoit Moore (ed.), M茅langes Jean Pineau. Montreal: Themis. 2003, 713-724.
鈥淭he National Heritage鈥, in R. Munday & P. Legrand (ed.), Comparative Legal Studies: Traditions and Transitions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2003.
鈥淭he Relations between Parties, Judges and Lawyers,鈥 in M. Elizondo Gasperin (ed.), Relaciones entre las Partes, los Jueces, y los Abogados. Mexico: Institut Nacional de Estudios Superiores en Derecho. 2003, pp. 269-277.
鈥淐ommensurability and translatability鈥, in J. Nafziger & S. Symeonides ed.), Law and Justice in a Multistate World: Essay in Honor of Arthur T. von Mehren. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers. 2002, pp. 675-681.
鈥淭he Historical Origins of the Trust鈥, in A. Rabello (ed.), Aequitas and Equity: Equity in Civil Law and Mixed Jurisdictions, (Jerusalem: Sacher Institute, 1997), pp. 749-776.
鈥淨uebec: Mixit茅 and Monism鈥, in Orucu, E., Attwooll, E., Coyle, S. (eds.), Studies in Legal Systems: Mixed and Mixing. The Hague: Kluwer. 1996, pp. 1-16.
鈥淒u droit international priv茅鈥, in La r茅forme du Code civil. Sainte-Foy, Qu茅bec: Presses de l鈥橴niversit茅 Laval. 1993, pp. 679-800.
鈥淟a civilisation de la common law鈥, in Caparros, E. and Bisson, A. eds. M茅langes Germain Bri猫re. Montr茅al: Wilson & Lafleur. 1993, pp. 595-616.
鈥淟e Trust et le ius commune鈥, in Legrand, (ed) Common Law d鈥檜n si猫cle 脿 l鈥檃utre. Montr茅al, Editions Yvon Blais. 1993 , pp. 87-114.
鈥淧rivate International Law and the New International Legal Professions鈥, in M茅langes von Overbeck. Fribourg. 1990, pp. 31-45.
鈥淟e droit compar茅 et la Cour supr锚me du Canada鈥, in M茅langes Pigeon. Ottawa. 1989, pp. 197- 214.
鈥淭he right to Privacy in Quebec Law鈥, in Gibson (Dr.) (ed.), Aspects of Privacy Law: essays in honour of John M. Sharp. Toronto: Butterworths. 1980, pp. 40-71, Pp. 443.

Conference proceedings

'The National Legal Tradition' in K. Boele-Woelki & S. van Erp (eds), General Reports of the XVIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Utrecht/Brussels:Bruylant/Eleven, 2007, pp. 1-16
鈥淗armonization of Private Law Rules Between Civil and Common Law Jurisdictions鈥 (1992) General Reports of the XIIIth International Congress of Comparative law, pp. 79-85.
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