Le recteur de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Pierre Cossette, l'honorable L. Yves Fortier et le doyen de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke Louis Marquis. Courtoisie de l’Université de Sherbrooke.
’hDz.Yves Fortier, CP, CC, OQ, Ad E, cr, BCL’58, LLD’05, a reçu un doctorat honorifique de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Le recteur lui a remis cette distinction au motif, entre autres, qu’il était mondialement reconnu comme l’un des artisans de l’arbitrage international, devenu le mode de règlement de différends internationaux le plus répandu.
After a two-decade career on the Ontario Superior Court bench, the Hon. Michael Quigley, LLB’77, LLM’83 hung up his red sash on September 1, 2024. “I have spent twenty challenging but rewarding years on the bench, presiding on civil, family and criminal law matters in Central West region from 2005 to 2010, followed by 14 years in Toronto region presiding principally in all manner of criminal matters, jury and non-jury, plus sojourns to the Divisional Court. This has all made for a very rewarding career, all enabled by the wonderful legal foundation of my time spent at ϲ Law School,” he shared. Before his judicial appointment, Justice Quigley practiced tax law for twenty years at McCarthy Tétrault.
’hDzԴǰ Christian Immer, BCL’91, LLB’91, a été nommé juge à la Cour d’appel du Québec le 27 janvier. Il était précédemment juge à la Cour supérieure du Québec. Avant sa nomination à la Cour supérieure du Québec en 2019, il a aidé à former le cabinet Sheahan S.E.N.C.R.L. en 2011 et y a travaillé jusqu’à sa nomination.
Andrew Bozzato, BCL/LLB’07, was named to the Securities Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) for a three-year term. The SAC is a committee of industry experts established by the OSC that provides advice to the Commission and staff on a variety of matters including legislative and policy initiatives and important capital markets trends. A partner at Bennett Jones, Mtre Bozzato has a transactional capital markets and corporate law practice.
Charles-Emmanuel Côté, DCL’06, was elected president of the Canadian Council of International Law (CCIL) for a three-year term at the general annual meeting held at Ottawa on 8 November 2024. Former ϲ Law Dean Stephen Toope (2000-2002) and the late ϲ Law Professor Armand de Mestral (1987-1990) are both past presidents of the CCIL. A full professor at Université Laval, Charles-Emmanuel Côté is currently serving as associate dean (research and external affairs).
Daniel Lavon-Krein, BCL/LLB’03, was recognized as Capital and Solution Attorney of the Year by The American Lawyer. Mtre Lavon-Krein is a partner in Kirkland & Ellis's Investment Funds Group, and serves on the Firm's Executive Committee. The Capital and Solution Attorney of the Year award honours an attorney who has helped clients achieve business success, impacted an industry, and created novel mechanisms to close deals.
Roland Luo, BCL/LLB’03, célèbre le dixième anniversaire de son cabinet en contentieux civils et en droit d’immigration Canadien-Américain, établi à Vancouver.
Julie Poirier, BCL’02, LLB’02, is celebrating her 20th work anniversary at Pfizer in February. Over the years, she has worked in various Legal and Compliance roles in the company, supporting both R&D and Commercial teams globally.
The Hon. Ryan Rabinovitch, BCL/LLB’02, was appointed a judge of the Tax Court of Canada. Before his appointment, Justice Rabinovitch was a law partner at Fasken, where he served as co-leader of the Montreal Tax Group.
Aubrey Charette, BCL/LLB'10, and Brandon Montour, BCL/LLB'23, were appointed for five-year terms as Decision-makers to the Administrative Tribunal by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke. Their five-year terms are part of the ongoing implementation of the Kahnawà:ke Justice Act (Justice Act). The Administrative Tribunal, a cornerstone of the Justice Act, reviews and corrects administrative decisions, offering a more flexible and user-friendly alternative to traditional courts.
Dominic DiFruscio, BCL/LLB’15, was confirmed as a Vice-Chair of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Committee on Consumption Taxes. Il est avocat et directeur en droit fiscal et politiques publiques au Ministère des Finances du Canada.
Éloïse Ouellet-Décoste, BCL/LLB’14, a été nommée professeure en droit des peuples autochtones et droit public au sein de la Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa (Section de droit civil). Titulaire d’une impressionnante formation universitaire interdisciplinaire, Me Ouellet-Décoste pratique en outre comme avocate en matière de droits autochtones et de droits humains depuis plus de dix ans. Elle a contribué à la mise en œuvre de la Loi sur les enfants, les jeunes et les familles des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuits (Loi C-92), à titre de conseillère juridique au ministère de la Justice.
Réginal Labonté, BCL/JD’20, s’est joint à Cain Lamarre à titre d’avocat en droit du travail et de l’emploi le 28 octobre 2024. Il est membre du comité aviseur jeunesse du Président et chef de la direction du Mouvement Desjardins depuis avril 2024.