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Presentation skills

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 12:30to13:30
Presentation skills

Want to feel more comfortable speaking in front of others? In this workshop, you will learn various techniques for preparing and delivering effective presentations. You will also learn how context, body language, and visual aids can improve your presentation skills.

TLS is committed to fostering an equitable and inclusive campus community. Are there steps we can take to make our events more inclusive and barrier-free? Please email skills21 [at] mcgill.ca. We will do our best to accommodate requests. | Le Service de soutien p茅dagogique s鈥檈ngage 脿 favoriser un campus 茅quitable et inclusif. 脌 votre avis, quelles d茅marches pouvons-nous effectuer pour faire en sorte que nos 茅v茅nements soient plus inclusifs et faciles d鈥檃cc猫s? Veuillez envoyer vos suggestions 脿 skills21 [at] mcgill.ca. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour satisfaire 脿 vos demandes.

Download Presentation Skills participation guide

Online Event Instructions

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