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脢tre pr锚t.e. pour l'entrevue d'embauche / Be Well-Prepared for an Interview

Thursday, October 8, 2020 12:00to13:30
Online, CA
脢tre pr锚t.e. pour l

**Please note this workshop is for students for whom French is a second language. It's not intended for native French speakers.

Si vous 茅tiez un animal, lequel seriez-vous鈥? Pr茅parez-vous 脿 r茅pondre 脿 cette question comme 脿 mille autres tout aussi s茅rieuses et farfelues鈥! Vous apprendrez 脿 g茅rer votre stress en simulant des entrevues d鈥檈mploi. Vous d茅couvrirez 茅galement des questions 脿 poser 脿 la fin d鈥檜ne entrevue en fonction du poste convoit茅. Exp茅rience pratique garantie鈥!

脢tre pr锚t.e pour l鈥檈ntrevue d鈥檈mbauche est un atelier d鈥檜ne heure et demie qui a pour objectif d鈥檃ider les 茅tudiant.e.s non francophones 脿 g茅rer leur stress, 脿 d茅velopper des techniques de communication verbale et 脿 bien se pr茅parer 脿 une entrevue d鈥檈mbauche en fran莽ais. Durant l鈥檃telier, les participant.e.s identifieront les questions les plus communes en fonction de diff茅rents postes et discuteront de pistes de r茅ponses. Ils-elles mettront ensuite leur comp茅tence de communication professionnelle en fran莽ais 脿 l鈥櫭﹑reuve lors d鈥檜ne simulation d鈥檈ntrevue. 脌 la fin de cet atelier, les participant.e.s seront pr锚t.e.s 脿 passer une entrevue d鈥檈mbauche en fran莽ais.


If you were an animal, which one would you be? Get ready to answer this question and many more just as wacky to help prepare you for whatever you may encounter during an interview! You鈥檒l get to learn how to manage your stress and think on your feet through an interview simulation. You鈥檒l also learn the questions to ask at the end of an interview depending on the desired position. A practical experience, guaranteed!

鈥淏e well-prepared for an interview鈥 is a 1.5 hour workshop designed to help non-francophone students manage their stress, develop verbal communication techniques and get prepared for a job interview in French. In the workshop, participants will identify the most frequently asked questions and discuss possible answers, as well as questions to ask the employers at the end of an interview. Finally, they will practice their communication skills in French during interview simulations with their peers and language monitors. Participants will leave this workshop ready for an interview in French.

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