

May 2023 - New books available at the NPRC

Nouveaux livres / new books
Published: 24 May 2023
Come visit us and borrow the books below today from room 354 at The Neuro:
  • Le Coeur, notre autre cerveau : stress, palpitations, hypertension... se soigner avec l'hypnose et la cohérence cardiaque par Mathieu Bernard

  • Quand le deuil se complique par Danielle Maltais et Jacques Cherblanc

  • L'Anxiété apprivoisée : transformer son stress en ressource positive par Amélie Seidah et Isabelle Geninet

  • Navigating Life with Chronic Pain by Robert A Lavin & Al

  • Before and After Loss: A Neurologist's Perspective on Loss, Grief, and Our Brain by Lisa M. Shulman

  • Is It Alzheimer's?: 101 Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions about Memory Loss and Dementia by Peter V. Rabins

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