Gavin Walker

PhD (Cornell)
BA, MA (Penn)
Critical theory; comparative literature; global thought
By appointment
Gavin Walker is a cultural critic and theorist of global thought, comparative literature, politics and aesthetics at 黑料不打烊 University, where he is Associate Professor of History and Graduate Program Director of East Asian Studies. He is the author of The Sublime Perversion of Capital (Duke, 2016) and Marx et la politique du dehors (Lux ?diteur, 2022), the editor of The End of Area (Duke, 2019, with Naoki Sakai), The Red Years: Theory, Politics, and Aesthetics in the Japanese ’68 (Verso, 2020), and Foucault’s Late Politics, a special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly, no. 121-4 (Duke, 2022). His new book, The Rarity of Politics: Passages from Structure to Subject, is forthcoming from Verso.
A member of the editorial board of the Historical Materialism Book Series (Brill/Haymarket) and the editorial collective of positions: asia critique (Duke), he is also the editor and translator of Kojin Karatani’s Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility (Verso, 2020). His scholarship and teaching in the interdisciplinary critical humanities spans philosophy, literature, history, politics, and aesthetics in order to examine global debates on nationalism, capitalism, the postcolonial, psychoanalysis, and the status of difference after the critique of essentialism, alongside theories of translation, ideology, and subjectivity. His most recent scholarship deals particularly with questions of globality, historical time and peripheral modernity; Japanese and French thought of ’68 and after (especially Althusser, Badiou, Foucault, Lacan, and their students); the contemporaneity of the national question; the status of ‘area studies’, the theoretical humanities, and comparative literature after globalization; and the global intellectual history of Marxist theory.
For a full profile see
Critical theory, comparative literature, modern global intellectual history, cultural criticism, nationalism and the national question, globalization and the postcolonial, continental philosophy, translation and aesthetics.
Books and volumes:
?(Montréal: Lux ?diteur, 2022).
(Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2016).?
, edited by Gavin Walker, a special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 121, no. 4 (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2022).
, edited by Gavin Walker (Verso, 2020).
by Kojin Karatani, translated, edited and with an introduction by Gavin Walker (Verso, 2020).
, a special issue of?positions: asia critique, edited by Gavin Walker and Naoki Sakai, vol. 27, no. 1?(Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2019).
, edited by Gavin Walker, a special issue of episteme, no. 9 (positions: politics), October 2022.
, a special issue of episteme, edited by Tani Barlow and Gavin Walker, no. 7 (positions: politics), November 2021.
a special issue of?episteme, edited by Gavin Walker, no. 3 (positions: politics), October 2020.?
Articles and chapters:
“What Comes After ‘Area’? The?Nomos?of the Modern in Times of Crisis” in?Knowledge Production and Epistemic Decolonization at the End of the Pax Americana, eds. Joyce CH Liu, Naoki Sakai and Jon Solomon (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2022).
“The Relapses of the Universal: Translation and the Language of the Political” in?Translation, Theory, Universality, edited by Gavin Arnall and Katie Chenoweth (New York: Fordham University Press, forthcoming 2022).
in , edited by Gavin Walker, a special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 121, no. 4 (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2022).
in , edited by Gavin Walker, a special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 121, no. 4 (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2022).
in , edited by Gavin Walker, a special issue of episteme, no. 9 (positions: politics) (2022).
“Non-Capital and the Torsion of the Subject” in?, ed. Karen Benezra (New York: SUNY Press, 2022), 295-313.
“Nationalism and the National Question” in?, eds. Farris, Skeggs, Toscano (London: SAGE, 2022), 366-386.
“Uno Kōzō’s Theory of Crisis Today,” co-written with Ken Kawashima, Introduction to , trans. Ken Kawashima (Leiden: Brill, Historical Materialism book series, 2021; paperback forthcoming from Haymarket, 2022), 177-202.
in?Contretemps, 12 July 2021.
- In Spanish translation as?in?Viento Sur, no. 177 (OAR: Madrid, 2021), 91-105.
- In Chinese translation as “” in?Matters News?and the?Chinese Marxists Internet Archive,?18 December 2021.
?in?Spectre, 9 July 2021.?
?in?Jacobin, 3 July 2021.?
- In Spanish translation as??in?Jacobin América?Latina, August 2021.?
?in?Historical Materialism,?8 May 2021.?
?in?Jacobin, 25 November 2020.?
Verso Books, 20 November 2020.
“The Post-’68 Conjuncture” in?, ed. Gavin Walker?(London: Verso, 2020), 229-236.
“Revolution and Retrospection” in?, ed. Gavin Walker?(London: Verso, 2020),?1-11.
?Historical Materialism, November 15, 2020.
- In Spanish translation as “” in?Sin Permiso, December 2020.?
- In Portuguese translation as “” in?LavraPalavra Editorial, February 2021.?
- In Chinese translation as??in?Guowai shehui kexue qianyan?[Journal of International Social Sciences], no. 6 (Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 2021), 51-61.
?in?Marx, Asia, and the History of the Present,?episteme,?no. 3 (positions: politics), edited by Gavin Walker, October 2020.
?in?episteme, no. 2,?, May 2020.
In Chinese translation as??in?The Philosophia, August 2020.?
in?Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility?by Kōjin Karatani, translated, edited, and with an introduction by Gavin Walker (London: Verso, 2020), xi-xxvii.
?in?Capital in the East, eds. Anjan Chakrabarti et al (Springer Publishing, 2019), 47-67.
?in?The End of Area: Biopolitics, Geopolitics, History, a special issue of?positions: asia critique, vol. 27, no. 1, edited by Gavin Walker and Naoki Sakai (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2019), 67-98.
?(co-written with Naoki Sakai) in?The End of Area: Biopolitics, Geopolitics, History, a special issue of?positions: asia critique, vol. 27, no. 1, edited by Gavin Walker and Naoki Sakai (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2019), 1-31.
?in?Période: révue de théorie marxiste?(January 2019).
in?The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx, ed. Imre Szeman et al(London: Bloomsbury, 2018).
in?The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx, ed. Imre Szeman et al(London: Bloomsbury, 2018).
in?Deleuze Studies, vol. 12, no. 2 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018), 210-235.
co-written with Ken Kawashima, in?Viewpoint 6: Imperialism, February 2018.
?in?Viewpoint 6: Imperialism, February 2018.
In Spanish translation as?in?Intervención y Coyuntura: Revista de Teoría y Crítica Política, February 2021.
?(with Karen Benezra, Bruno Bosteels, Tom Eyers, Sami Khatib, and Samo Tom?i?) in?ARTMargins, vol. 6, no. 3 (Boston: MIT Press, October 2017), 70-75.
in?Confronting Capital and Empire: Rethinking Kyoto School Philosophy, ed. Murthy, Schaefer, and Ward (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 229-262.
in?positions: asia critique, vol. 25, no. 2 (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2017), 351-387.
in , special issue on The Critique of Political Economy, November 2016, 434-455.
in?Jacobin, 13 November 2015.?
in?Repeating ?i?ek?(Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2015), 195-212.
in?Translation: A Transdisciplinary Journal, no. 4, special issue on “Politics” edited by Sandro Mezzadra and Naoki Sakai (Rimini: Raffaelli Editore, 2014), 30-52.
in?Viewpoint 4: The State, October 2014.
in?South Atlantic Quarterly?(113.4), special issue on?Communist Currents, eds. Bruno Bosteels and Jodi Dean (Duke University Press, 2014), 671-685.?
in?Tosaka Jun: A Critical Reader, eds. Ken Kawashima, Fabian Schaefer, and Robert Stolz (Ithaca: Cornell East Asia Series, 2013), 218-254.
in?Historical Materialism, vol. 21, no. 4, Autumn 2013 (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 1-34.?
in?Theory and Event?16.4 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013).?
in?Theory & Event?16.4 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013).
『情況』思想理論編第二号(東京:情況出版、2013年6月別冊). “Seijikeizai(gaku) hihan to kokka keitai: <Fukushi> to shihon no yokudō” (The Critique of Political Economy and the State-Form: ‘Welfare’ and the Drive of Capital) in?闯ō办测ō, supplemental volume no. 2 (Tokyo: 闯ō办测ō Shuppan, June 2013), 119-140.
in?Postmodern Culture, (22.3) special issue on the work of ?tienne Balibar (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, May 2013).
in?Historical Materialism, vol. 20, no. 2, Summer 2012 (Leiden: Brill), 39-74.
『思想』(1059号)7月号2012年(東京:岩波書店)122-147頁. “Gendai shihonshugi ni okeru ‘minzoku mondai’ no kaiki: Posutokoroniaru kenkyū no aratana seijiteki dōkō” (“The Return of the National Question in Contemporary Capitalism: New Political Directions in Postcolonial Studies”) in?厂丑颈蝉ō, no. 1059, July 2012 (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten), 122-147.
in?The Journal of International Economic Studies, no. 26 (Tokyo: Hōsei University, Institute for Comparative Economic Studies, 2012), 15-37.
『現代思想』2012年2月号、96-109頁. “Shihon no sekai ni okeru ‘gaitō no jijitsu’: Kyōkō, kokka, kokusai”(“The ‘Facts of the Streets’ in the World of Capital: Crisis, State, and the National Debt”) in?Gendai shisō: Revue de la pensée d’aujourd’hui, no. 40-2 (Tokyo: Seidosha, February 2012), 96-109.
in?Socialism and Democracy, vol. 25, no. 3 (London: Routledge, 2011), 130-139.
in?Rethinking Marxism, vol. 23, no. 3 (London: Taylor & Francis, 2011), 384-404.
in?Interventions, vol. 13, no. 1 (London: Taylor & Francis, 2011), 120-137.
『政治経済学の政治哲学的復権―理論の理論的〈臨界‐外部〉にむけて』長原豊編(東京:法政大学出版局、2011年)351-390頁. “Shihon no puroretariateki reido: gaibu no seijiteki butsurigaku” (“Capital’s Proletarian Degree Zero: The Political Physics of the Outside”) in?Seiji keizaigaku no seiji tetsugakuteki fukken: Riron no rironteki ‘rinkai-gaibu’ ni mukete?(Political-Philosophical Resurrections of Political Economy: Towards the Theoretical Limit/Outside of Theory), ed. Nagahara Yutaka (Tokyo: Hōsei University Press, 2011), 351-390.
in?Postcolonial Studies, vol. 14, no. 1 (London: Taylor & Francis, 2011), 111-126.
『無理という閾と〈共〉の生産』〔下〕『情況』2010年10月号、185-203頁. “Kenryoku toshite no shihon: Seijiteki kake to kyō no kishōsei” (“Capital as Power: The Political Wager and the Rarity of the Commons”),?Muri to iu iki to kyō no seisan?(The Threshold of Excess [muri] and the Production of the Commons) Part 2, in?闯ō办测ō, October 2010 (Tokyo: 闯ō办测ō Shuppan, 2010), 185-203.
『無理という閾と〈共〉の生産』〔上〕『情況』2010年5月号、120-134頁. “Shihon no kigenteki iki: hida toshite no rōdōryoku” (“Capital’s Originary Threshold: Labor Power as Fold”),?Muri to iu iki to kyō no seisan?(The Threshold of Excess [muri] and the Production of the Commons) Part 1, in?闯ō办测ō, May 2010 (Tokyo: 闯ō办测ō Shuppan, 2010), 120-134.? ? ? ? ?
in?positions: east asia cultures critique?18: 1, Spring 2010 (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010), 145-169.
------. “The Double Scission of Mishima Yukio: Limits and Anxieties in the Autofictional Machine,” reprinted in?, eds. Nina Cornyetz and J. Keith Vincent (London: Routledge, 2010), 164-185.
in?Mechademia 4: War/Time?(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009), 3-18.
in?Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, vol. 9:?Literature and Literary Theory, eds. Atsuko Ueda and Richard H. Okada (Summer 2008), 240-246.