Prof. Michel Lapointe
Associate Professor
Dept. of Geography,Ìý
ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ UniversityÌý
Room 619, Burnside HallÌý
805 Sherbrooke St. W.Ìý
Montreal, QC, H3A 2K6Ìý
Tel: (514) 398-4959Ìý
Fax:(514) 398-7437Ìý
michel.lapointe [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail)
I am a fluvial geomorphologist. My major area of interestÌý is the eco-geomorphology of river landscapes, the study of how fluvial processes affect fish habitats, fish populationsÌý andÌý other forms of riverine resources. Ìý
Academic background
PhD Geography, UBC (1990)
Research interests
Member of CIRSA, the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur le Saumon Atlantique.
Ìý The geomorphology of salmonid habitat: spawning substrate composition and stability, pool-riffle dynamics and hydraulics, fish habitat.
Ìý Impacts of stream channelisation.
Ìý Controls on channel pattern type.
Ìý 1D and 2D numerical modelling of channel hydraulics, gravel transport and long profile stability.
Ìý Geomorphic impacts of floods.
Ìý Effects of forestry practices on stream habitat for salmonids.
Current projects
Remote Sensing of Riverine habitats
Quantifying hydro-electric flow regime alteration in a regional context
Understanding the geomorphic impacts of hydro-damming on river ecosystems
Selected Publications
M. Lapointe, 2012. River geomorphology and salmonid habitat: some examples illustrating the complexity of their association, from redd to riverscape scales. Chapter 17 in Gravel-bed Rivers: Processes, Tool, Environments. Church, M., Biron, P. and Roy, A., editors. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons. pp. 193-215
Jan Franssen, Pepino, M., Lapointe, M., Magnan, P. Alternative tactics in spawning site selection by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) related to incubation microhabitats in a harsh winter environment,ÌýÌý Freshwater Biology (2013) 58, 142–158
Jan Franssen, Catherine Blais, Michel Lapointe, Francis Bérubé, Normand Bergeron, Pierre Magnan, 2012. Asphyxiation and entombment mechanisms in fines rich spawning substrates: experimental evidence with brook trout embryos. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 69 (3) , pp. 587-599
ÌýDavey, CÌý. and Lapointe, M. In Press. Sedimentary links and the spatial organization of Atlantic salmon (ÌýSalmo salarÌý) spawning habitat in a Canadian Shield river. Geomorphology .
ÌýLevasseur, M., N. Bergeron, M. Lapointe and F. Bérubé. 2006 . Effects of silt and very fine sand dynamics in Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) redds on embryo hatching success Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci .: 63: 1450-1459
ÌýBurge, L.MÌý. 2005. Wandering Miramichi rivers, New Brunswick , Canada . Geomorphology , 69: 253-274
ÌýZimmerman, AÌý.Ìýand Lapointe, M. 2005 Intergranular flow velocity through salmonid redds: sensitivity to fines infiltration during low intensity sediment transport events. Rivers Research and Applications , 21: 865-881
ÌýBiron, P.M.,ÌýRobson, C.Ìý,ÌýLapointe, M.F. and Gaskin, S.J. 2005 Three-dimensional flow dynamics around deflectors. River Research and Applications , 21: 961-975
ÌýBiron, P.M.,ÌýRobson, CÌý.,ÌýLapointe, M.F. and Gaskin, S.J., 2004. Deflector designs for fish habitat restoration. Environmental Management: 33 (1): 25-35
ÌýLapointe, M. F., Bergeron, N. et Bérubé, F., M-A Pouliot and P. Johnston, 2004 . Interactive effects of substrate sand and silt contents, redd-scale hydraulic gradients and intersticial velocities on egg to emergent survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci .: 61(12): 2271-2277
ÌýCoulombe-Pontbriand, MÌý.Ìýand M. Lapointe. 2004. Landscape controls on boulder-rich, winter habitat availability and their effects on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr abundance in two fifth-order mountain streams Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci, 61:648-658
ÌýCoulombe-Pontbriand, MÌý.Ìýand M. Lapointe. 2004. Geomorphic controls, riffle substrate quality and spawning site selection in two semi-alluvial salmon rivers in the Gaspé Peninsula, Canada . Rivers Research and Applications , 20: 577-590
ÌýTalbot, TÌý,Ìýet M. Lapointe, 2002. The modes of response of a gravel bed river to meander straightening : the case of the Sainte-Marguerite River . Water Resources Research ; Vol 38 (no 6) pp 9-1 to 9-7
ÌýTalbot, TÌý,Ìýet M. Lapointe, 2002. Numerical modeling of a gravel bed river's response to meander straightening: the coupling between the evolutions of the bed pavement and long profile. Water Resources Research Vol 38 (no 6) pp. 10-1 to 10-10
ÌýEaton, B.Ìýet M. Lapointe. 2002. Effects of large floods on sediment transport and reach morphology in the cobble-bed Sainte-Marguerite River . Geomorphology, 40 : 291-309
ÌýGuay, J.C., Boisclair, D., Rioux, D., Leclerc, M., Lapointe, M. and Legendre, P., 2000. Development and validation of numerical habitat models for juveniles of atlantic salmon (SÌýalmo salar).ÌýCan J. Fish Aquat. Sci . 57 : 2065-2075.
ÌýLapointe, M.,ÌýEaton, B., Driscoll, S. and Latulippe C.Ìý, 2000. Modeling the probability of salmonid egg pocket scour due to floods. Can J. Fish Aquat. Sci ., vol 57, pp 1120-1130