On this page:
Kegedonce Press | Purich Publishing Ltd.
Theytus Books | Fernwood Publishing Co. Ltd.
The First Peoples' House would like to express their many thanks for these generous book donations:
Kegedonce Press
- Seven Deer Dancing
- Colour of Dried Bones
- The Long Dance
- Looking into the eyes of my forgotten dreams
- Love Medicine and One Song
- Steepy Mountain
- The Glass Lodge
- W'daub Awae, Speaking True
Purich Publishing Ltd.
- Urban Indian Reserves
- Advancing Aboriginal Claims
- Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage
- Aboriginal Law
- Indigenous Peoples of the World
- The Dymnamics of Native Politics
- Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
- Education, Student Rights and the Charter
- Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Maritimes
- Reclaiming Aboriginal Justice, Identity and Community
- A Breach of Duty
- Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
- Who Are Canada's Aboriginal People?
- An Overview of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights
- Gambling with the Future
Theytus Books
- Behind Closed Doors
- Sky Woman
- The Circle Game (2)
- Tortured People: The Politics of
- Aboriginality and Governance
- Our Elders Understand Our Rights
- Box of Treasures or Empty Box: Twenty Years of Section 35
- Following Nimishoomis
- Furious Observations of a Blue-Eyed Ojibway
Fernwood Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
- Research is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods
- Making Space for Indigenous Feminism
- We Were Not the Savages