Dr. Lorraine Chalifour

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor - Department of Medicine

Dr. Lorraine Chalifour
Contact Information

Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research
Jewish General Hospital
3755 C么te Ste-Catherine Road,
Montreal, Qc, H3T 1E2

(514) 340-8222 ext. 24295
Email address: 
lorraine.chalifour [at] mcgill.ca
Current research: 

Cardiovascular Toxicology


1. Impact of bisphenol A as a model estrogenic disruptor on remodeling and survival post-myocardial infarction.
2. Changes in the epigenome in the heart as a consequence of long term exposure to estrogenic endocrine disruptors such as bisphenol A.
3. Cardiac fibroblast to myofibroblast transition in the presence of endocrine disruptor exposure in vitro and in vivo.

Selected publications: 

Research areas: 
Cardiovascular diseases
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