Graduation views

The graduation views contain columns for personal information (ID, name, address, etc.), graduating degree curriculum having the prefix 'DEGREC' (faculty, degree, major, etc.), primary and secondary curriculum (level, faculty, degree, major, etc.), GPA information (cumulative, term, sessional, hours attempted, hours earned, etc.), hold and fines (library fine indicator, registrar indicator, etc.), awards (convocation scholarships, Dean's Honour List, distinction, etc.), various indicators (aegrotat, applied to graduate, awarded degree, etc.) as well as many other data elements.

All the graduate views are keyed by the term code (TERM_CODE_KEY) and degree sequence number (DEGREC_SEQUENCE_NUMBER). These views contain all the terms since Banner went live (200209 and greater). The views will return one row of information per student per term per degree received.

The view names you see will depend on the level of access you have been granted. The naming convention is as follows:

Developer level: SRM_GRADUATION,
Central User level: SRU_GRADUATION,
Faculty level: SR_GRADUATION_FAC,

Other "special" graduation views have been created for specific cases.

Graduation Views听摆.辫诲蹿闭

The Graduation View contains details about the students and their graduation details. It will return one row per student per term.

Graduation Views听摆.虫濒蝉闭

The Graduation View contains details about the students and their graduation details. It will return one row per student per term.

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