James Brophy

James Brophy
Contact Information

Centre for Health Outcomes Research (CORE)

5252 Boul. de Maisonneuve West Room 2B.37 Montreal QC H4A 3S5

514-934-1934 ext. 36771
Email address: 
james.brophy [at] mcgill.ca

JB holds a joint appointment in the Departments of EBOH and Medicine where he works as a clinical cardiologist. Research interests are eclectic and include cardiovascular epidemiology, Bayesian statistics, outcomes research, pharmacoepidemiology, health technology assessment, economic analyses and clinical research which are supported partially through a FRQS chair in health technology assessment and evidence-based medicine. He has published over 250 peer reviewed articles, performed peer reviews for > 75 different journals and 19 different peer review granting agencies.

Areas of expertise: 

Cardiovascular epidemiology

Research areas: 
Health Services and Health Policy
Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology
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