Public Health Day 2023 Poster Directory

Posters by topic

Poster in alphabetical order

Author Poster title
Afuape, Ekundayo Spatial variation of personal exposure to ultrafine particles along selected routes in Downtown, Montreal
Baragar, Signy Congenital Syphilis and a Promosing Practice for Public Health
Baraka, Eugene Characterization of Prognostic Factors of Patients with Chronic Urticaria
Barrera Patlán, Andrés Scaling-Up and Integrating a Psychosocial Intervention in Humanitarian Programs
Boudi, Ibtissam Insight into the compliance of Hazardous workplace materials with the Hazardous Products Act and Regulations
Butler, Sandra A Scoping Review of Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood in Canada: Practicum Report
Churipuy, Maureen Psychological, financial, and educational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among children with cancer and their families: A systematic review and thematic analysis
Combet, Virginie Discovering the Meaning of Decolonizing Public Health Research and Services
Dalal, Sanya Why do vaccinated parents have unvaccinated children? A qualitative research study on the determinants of COVID-19 vaccination for young children in Montreal
Dinu, Tudor Prevalence of Pathogens included in the Source Attribution study conducted at the sub-product level
Eruala, Levi Spatial and Temporal Variation of Ultrafine Particles in Montreal's Neigborhoods by Income Levels: A Short-Term Mobile-Monitoring Campaign
Faraji, Sana-Eve Efforts Towards An Intervention to Combat Excessive Screen Time
Fazio, Marissa Organizational risk factors for nosocomial infection in the NICU
Fleming, Daniela Canada’s Role in Pan-American Health and Policy
Gebreweldi, Frezghi Barriers and facilitators to access and utilization of HIV health services in Tajikistan: A mixed study
Gibson, Diana Assessing long-term care resident health care movement: A bipartite analysis
González, Nadia It’s statistically significant… But is it clinically important? Minimal clinically important difference of the GDS-15 depression symptom scale: systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Gruber, Paula Association between eating out and body fat mass: Results from a cross-sectional pilot study in Switzerland
Holmes, Kieran Mental health in Older Bhutanese with a Refugee Life Experience: A Mixed Methods Latent Class Analysis Study
James, Britnei Ten Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury in Children
Koripalli, Maanasa Monitoring International COVID-19 Trends and Global Mental Health Priorities to inform Canadian Health Policy
Lakrouf, Racha Plan d’évaluation du programme d’intervention de Dans la rue
Lall, Rina A descriptive analysis of socio-demographic characteristics and perinatal outcomes for the patient population at La Maison Bleue Côte-des-Neiges and Park Extension locations
Li, Wanjin Operational and Health-economic Assessment of the Initial Impact of Opal Patient Portal App at the Cedars Cancer Centre
Ma, Qihang Everyday and Emergency: Routine Immunization Program Restoration and Vaccination Program Planning of the Monkeypox Outbreak in Ontario
Modler, Jacqueline Bloodstream infections in children hospitalized for influenza, 2010-2020
Moidu, Nora Community Approaches to Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in Parc-Extension: A Socio-Ecological Approach
Moreau, Juliane Résultats préliminaires de la revue rapide de la littérature sur les interventions psychosociales en lien avec du logement permanent et privé pour les jeunes en situation d’itinérance
Nichols, Vanessa Understanding the contribution of environmental factors and reservoirs in the spread and development of antimicrobial resistance
Noza, Aklil Current Public Health Interventions Addressing Black Mental Health Outcomes
Ouizzane, Soukaina Socio-Demographic and Health-Related Characteristics of Older Adults That Died by Suicide in Quebec
Pannunzio, Matteo A cross sectional look at COVID-19 seroprevalence and mental health in school staff at different levels in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: An EnCORE cohort substudy
Perlman-Arrow, Sara Transitioning STI and Hepatitis Surveillance Analyses from Excel to R: A Process Improvement Project
Poirier, Mathieu Identification of Potential Predictors of Pediatric COVID-19 Undervaccination in the United States
Qiang, Vivian Intersectional Approaches to Stakeholder Engagement in Public Health
Reveiz, Manuela Exploring ethical challenges experienced by clients of family planning services in Senegal
Roberge, Camille Plan climat et équité : considérations socio-spatiales de l’équité en santé dans un contexte municipal
Sambou, Patrick Environmental Noise Pollution Levels among Neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada
Semelhago, Claire Bridging the Gap from Exposure to Burden of Illness: An Analysis of Human Factors for Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Colonization
Senga, Joyeuse Best practices for community-led strategies to boost vaccine confidence: A case study in Parc- Extension, Québec
Shephard, Rosemarie Public Health Core Competencies: Opportunities and Recommendations for Modernization
Shiraz, Mehrunnisa

Healthcare barriers and mental health among Canadian adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic

Sidhu, Harsimren The Tale of Two Badakhshans: Barriers to Access and Utilization of HIV Healthcare for PWIDs along the Afghan-Tajik Border
Streef, Katrina Strengthening the public health surveillance workforce at the Public Health Agency of Canada
Swain, Joshua Survey Development, Public Health Communications and Surveillance at the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay
Thibault, Melina Long Time Coming: COVID-19 in Ontario Long-term Care Facilities
Description of a Prospective Cohort of Residents, Caregivers, and Healthcare Workers
Tian, Jingyi Parental income, educational expectations, and the fertility desire of Chinese adolescents
Tope, Parker Income inequalities in site-specific cancer incidence in Canada from 2006–2015: analysis of the CanCHEC cohorts
Vanden Eynde, Claire Real World Outcomes of Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Retrospective Chart Review
Wan, Xinbei COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Children and Adolescents Aged 5-17 Years: Factors Associated with Pediatric Vaccine Hesitancy in the U.S.
Zary, Miranda The Accuracy of Dose Reports Generated by Digital Adherence Technologies for Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review
Zhang, Ruhan In the Wake of COVID-19: Updating the Recommendations for the Control of Respiratory Infection Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Homes, 2018
Zhang, Yang Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP), Demographic and Socio-Economic Determinants of Dengue Seropositivity Among Children: A Cross-Sectional Study
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