
2007 publications

Peer-reviewed journals:

  1. Black MJ (Pintos J, Black MJ, Sadeghi N, Ghadirian P, Zeitouni AG, Viscidi RP, Herrero R, Coutlee F, Franco EL.) "Human papillomavirus infection and oral cancer: A case-control study in Montreal, Canada." Oral Oncol. 2007 Apr 26
  2. Daniel SJ (Duval M, Alsabah BH, Carpineta L, Daniel SJ.) "Respiratory distress secondary to bilateral nasolacrimal duct mucoceles in a newborn." Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 Aug;137(2):353-354.
  3. Daniel SJ (Nader ME, Kourelis M, Daniel SJ.) "Hydrogen peroxide ototoxicity in unblocking ventilation tubes: A chinchilla pilot study." Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 Feb; 136(2):216-20.
  4. Daniel SJ. "Cerumen, vous avez dit ?" Le Médecin du Québec, volume 42, No 5,p 91-94, May 2007.
  5. Daniel SJ, Sahmkow SI, Munguia R, Schloss M, Akache F. "Ototoxicity of triethanolamine polypeptide (cerumenex) in the chinchilla." Laryngoscope. Pub ahead of Print Dec 2007.
  6. Daniel SJ. "Aides auditives à ancrage osseux, de quoi s'agit-il ?" Le Médecin du Québec, volume 42, No 11, p 87-90, November 2007.
  7. Daniel SJ, Kalil G. "La macroglossie ou l'hypertrophie de la langue." Le Médecin du Québec, volume 42, No 1, p 93-95, January 2007.
  8. Desrosiers M. (Desrosiers M, Myntti M, James G.) "Method for removing bacterial biofilms: in vitro study using clinical chronic rhinosinusitis specimens." Am J Rhinol. 2007 Sep-Oct;21(5):527-32.
  9. Desrosiers M. (Dufresne S, Desrosiers M.) "Contamination of post-endoscopic sinus surgery sinus cavities with Pasteurella multocida." J Otolaryngol. 2007 Jun;36(3):E35-6.
  10. Desrosiers M. (Flanders M, Hwang SY, Al-Ghamdi S, Codère F, Desrosiers M.) "Endoscopically assisted strabismus surgery." Am J Rhinol. 2007 May-Jun;21(3):297-301.
  11. Desrosiers M, Hussain A, Frenkiel S, Kilty S, Marsan J et. al. "Intranasal corticosteroid use is associated with lower rates of bacterial recover in chronic Rhinosinusitis." Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2007, Apr;136(4):605-9.
  12. Desrosiers M. (Zhang G, Rodriguez X, Hussain A, Desrosiers M.) "Outcomes of the extended endoscopic approach for management of inverted papilloma." J Otolaryngol. 2007 Apr;36(2):83-7.
  13. Desrosiers M, Bendouah Z, Barbeau J. "Effectiveness of topical antibiotics on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm in vitro." Am J Rhinol. 2007 Mar-Apr;21(2):149-53.
  14. Desrosiers M. (Al-Shemari H, Abou-Hamad W, Libman M, Desrosiers M.) "Bacteriology of the sinus cavities of asymptomatic individuals after endoscopic sinus surgery." J Otolaryngol. 2007 Feb;36(1):43-8.
  15. Desrosiers M. (Duval M, Desrosiers M.) "Guidelines for management of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis: impact on Quebec physicians' prescriptions for antibiotics." Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 Feb;136(2):258-60.
  16. Desrosiers M. (Nagi MM, Desrosiers M.) "Surgical management of inferior turbinate hypertrophy in nonallergic rhinitis." Clin Allergy Immunol. 2007;19:375-81.
  17. Fanous N, Brousseau V.J, Yoskovitch. "The 'bikini lip reduction': A detailed approach to hypertrophic lips." Can J of Plastic Surgery 2007; 15:205-210.
  18. Frenkiel S. (Small P, Frenkiel S, Becker A. et. al.) "Rhinitis: An executive summary of a practical and comprehensive approach to assessment and therapy." J of Otol 36 (supp 1) S1-S4, 2007.
  19. Frenkiel S. (Small P, Frenkiel S, Becker A.et al.) "Rhinitis: Comprehensive approach to assessment and therapy." v. 36 suppl 1 S5-S27, J of Otolaryngol, 2007.
  20. Frenkiel S. (Young J, Frenkiel S, Tewfik M, Mouadeb D) "Long-term outcome analysis of endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic sinusitis." Amer J of Rhinol 21:743-747, 2007.
  21. Funnell WRJ. (Akache F, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ) (2007): "An experimental study of tympanic membrane and manubrium vibrations in rats." Audiol Neurotol 12: 59-63
  22. Funnell WRJ (Ellaham NN, Akache F, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ) (2007): "Spatial vibration patterns of the gerbil eardrum." Can Acoustics 35(4): 38-39
  23. Funnell WRJ (Nambiar S, Chakravarty MM, Funnell WRJ & Collins DL) (2007): "Non-linear registration of histological images for 3-D middle-ear modelling." Can Acoustics 35(3): 78-79
  24. Funnell WRJ (Qi L, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ) (2007): "Non-linear finite-element modelling of the newborn ear canal and middle ear." Proc 30th Ann Conf Can Med Biol Eng Soc, paper M0181, 4 pp. (CD-ROM)
  25. Funnell WRJ (Ellaham NN, Akache F, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ) (2007): "Experimental study of the effects of drying on middle-ear vibrations in the gerbil." Proc 30th Ann Conf Can Med Biol Eng Soc, paper M0173, 4 pp. (CD-ROM)
  26. Hier M (Al-Qahtani K, Brousseau VJ, Paczesny, Domanowski G, Hamid Q, Hier MP, Black MJ, Franco E, Kost KM.) "Koilocytosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma: What does it mean?" J Otolaryngol Feb. 36(1):26-31, 2007.
  27. Hier M (Aslani M, Sultanem K, Voung T, Hier M, Niazi T, Shenouda G.) "Metastatic carcinoma to the cerfical nodes from an unknown head and neck primary site: Is there a need for neck dissection?" Head & Neck. 2007 June 296):585-590.
  28. Hier M (Mlynarek Alex M, Balys Richard L, Su Jie, Hier MP, Black MJ, Aloui-Jamali Moulay A. "A cell proteomic approach for the detection of secretable biomarkers of invasiveness in oral squamous cell carcinoma." Arch Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surgery 2007,133:910-918.
  29. Kost K (Cote V, Kost K, Payne RJ, Hier MP) "Sentinel lymh node biopsy in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: Where we stand now, and where we are going." J Otolaryngol 2007 Dec; 26(6) 344-9.
  30. Manoukian JJ (Duval M., Al-Macki K., Chen M.F., Chauvin P.J., Faingold R., Manoukian J.J.) "Infected dermoid cyst of the tongue with a sinus tract to the submental skin." Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol extra 2, (3): 176-179, 2007.
  31. Nguyen LH (Shah MD, Nguyen LH, Campisi P, James A, Taylor GP, Forte V.) "Piloting a novel porcine model for endolaryngeal injury following prolonged intubation." Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2007 Sept 71(9):1399-406.
  32. Payne RJ (Yehuda M, Payne RJ, Seaberg RM, MacMillan C, Freeman JL) "Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Thyroid: Atypical Cytopathological Features." Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2007; 133:477-80
  33. Payne RJ (Pace P, Payne RJ, Espi S, Walfish P, Freeman JL) "Cost Savings of Patients With a MACIS Score of < 6 When Radioactive Iodine is Not Given." Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2007; 133(9):1-5
  34. Payne RJ (Hu A, Clarke J, Payne RJ, Eski S, Walfish P, Freeman JL) "Extrathyroidal Extension in Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Macroscopic vs Microscopic as a Predictor of Outcome." Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2007; 133(7):644-9
  35. Payne RJ (Noordzij JP, Lee SL, Bernet VJ, Payne RJ, Cohen SM, McLeod IK, Hier M et. al.) "Early prediction of hypocalcemia after thyroidectomy using parathyroid hormone: an analysis of pooled individual patient data from nine observational studies." J of Amer College of Surgeons 2007;205(5):748-754.
  36. Samaha M. (Tewfik MA, Latterich M, DiFalco MR, Samaha M.) "Proteomics of nasal mucus in chronic rhinosinusitis." Am J Rhinol. 2007 Nov-Dec;21(6):680-5.
  37. Tewfik TL (Brousseau V, Tewfik TL.) "Consultant's Corner, questions regarding: Excess Ear Wax." Canadian journal of CME 19 (3), 31, 2007
  38. Tewfik TL (Szeto C, Tewfik TL.) "Treating positive streptococcal pharyngitis." Canadian Journal of CME 19 (6), 34, 2007
  39. Tewfik TL "Comment doit-on traiter une otite séreuse avec ou sans composantes allergiques?" Le clinicien 22 (7) : 21, 2007
  40. Tewfik TL "Quels sont les conséquences possibles et le degré de risque pour un enfant voulant faire un voyage en avion avec une otite aiguë ou sous traitement" (i.e. : liquide persistant derrière le tympan)? Le clinicien 22 (7) : 24, 2007
  41. Tewfik TL "Quelle est la conduite à tenir devant un symptôme d'otalgie avec un examen normal de l’oreille ?" Le clinicien 22 (8) : 23, 2007
  42. Tewfik TL "Certaines personnes ont une rhinorrée importante lorsqu'elles vont au froid. Quel est le mécanisme en cause et peut-on les aider ? Si oui, comment ?" Le clinicien 22 (8) : 27, 2007
  43. Tewfik TL "L'utilité des traitements par stéroïdes per os de la laryngite virale." Le clinicien. 22 (10) : 24, 2007
  44. Tewfik TL "L'enfant qui ronfle souffre t'il d'une pathologie ORL ?" Le clinicien. 22 (10) : 27, 2007
  45. Tewfik TL "Is surgery necessary for ear infections?." Canadian Journal of CME 19 (11), 34, 2007
  46. Tewfik TL "Le nettoyage de l'oreille avec une seringue : sécuritaire?" Le clinicien. 22 (11) : 26, 2007
  47. Zeitouni AG (Aleisa M, Zeitouni AG, Cullen KE) "Vestibular compensation after unilateral labyrinthectomy: normal versus cerebellar dysfunctional mice." J Otolaryngol. 2007 Dec;36(6):315-21.
  48. Zeitouni AG (Abou-Jaoude PM, Zeitouni AG, Soualmi L, Leblanc R.) "Multimodal multidisciplinary surgical approach for the treatment of pituitary tumours." J Otolaryngol. 2007 Dec;36(6):322-6.

Electronic media:

  • Tewfik, T.L., Hagr A.A.: "Choanal atresia." In: Arlen Meyers (ed), Emedicine Textbook of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, () Jan 2007, vol 8, # 1
  • Tewfik, T.L., Al Garni, M: "Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma." In: Arlen Meyers (ed), Emedicine Textbook of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, Available at: (), Jan 2007, vol 8, # 1
  • Tewfik TL, Sestier F: "IME Report" in Surgery, MMD 6220-A11C, Available at: () February 2007
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