This version of the ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Department of English, Undergraduate Studies site is deprecated but has been preserved for archival reasons. The information on this site is not up to date and should not be consulted. Students, faculty, and staff should consult the new site using the link below.
Theory and Criticism:
317: Theory of English Studies 1 – Philosophical Approaches (Fall)
319: Theory of English Studies 3 (Winter)
346: Materiality and Sociology of Text (Winter)
352: Theories of Difference (Winter)
460: Studies in Literary Theory – Theories of Comedy (Winter)
Major Author:
315: Shakespeare (Winter)
316: Milton (Fall)
345: Literature and Society – Is Shakespeare Modern? (Winter)
403: Studies in the 18C – Swift (Fall)
409: Studies in a Canadian Author – Alice Munro (Winter)
410: Theme or Movement in Canadian Literature – Ondaatje and Atwood (Winter)
416: Studies in Shakespeare – Shakespeare and the Theatre of Conversion (Winter)
417: A Major English Poet – Byron (Winter)
418: A Major Modernist Writer – TS Eliot (Winter)
440: First Nations and Inuit Literature – Alootook Ipellie (Fall)
503: Samuel Johnson (Fall)
516: Shakespeare – The Sonnets (Fall)
Literature Before 1800:
301: Earlier 18C Novel (Fall)
307: 17C Literature (Winter)
315: Shakespeare (Winter)
316: Milton (Fall)
345: Literature and Society – Is Shakespeare Modern? (Winter)
348: Great Writings of Europe (Fall)
403: Studies in the 18C – Swift (Fall)
416: Studies in Shakespeare – Shakespeare and the Theatre of Conversion (Winter)
503: 18C – Samuel Johnson (Fall)
516: Shakespeare – The Sonnets (Fall)
Canadian Literature:
229: Canadian Literature 2 (Winter)
313: Special Topics in Canadian Drama and Theatre – Quebec Theatre (Fall)
327: Canadian Prose Fiction (Winter)
333: Development of Canadian Poetry (Fall)
409: Studies in a Canadian Author – Alice Munro (Winter)
410: Theme or Movement in Canadian Literature – Ondaatje and Atwood (Winter)
440: First Nations and Inuit Literature – Alootook Ipellie (Fall)
American Literature:
225: American Literature 1 (Winter)
227: American Literature 3 – The American Novel after 1945 (Fall)
326: 19C American Prose (Fall)
418: A Major Modernist Writer – TS Eliot (Winter)
422: Studies in 19C American Literature – Poe, Hawthorne, Melville (Fall)
Backgrounds of English Literature:
348: Great Writings of Europe (Fall)
348: Great Writings of Europe (Fall)
307: 17C Literature (Winter)
315: Shakespeare (Winter)
316: Milton (Fall)
345: Literature and Society – Is Shakespeare Modern? (Winter)
416: Studies in Shakespeare – Shakespeare and the Theatre of Conversion (Winter)
516: Shakespeare – The Sonnets (Fall)
18C Literature:
301: Earlier 18C Novel (Fall)
403: Studies in the 18C – Swift (Fall)
503: 18C – Samuel Johnson (Fall)
332: Literature of the Romantic Period 2 (Fall)
417: A Major English Poet – Byron (Winter)
535: Literary Themes – Nonhuman Romanticisms (Winter)
312: Victorian and Edwardian Drama (Winter)
329: 19C English Novel 1 (Fall)
330: 19C English Novel 2 (Winter)
504: Victorian – Victorian Fiction and Feminist Narratology (Winter)
568: Topics in Dramatic Form – 19C Melodrama (Winter)
19C American:
225: American Literature 1 (Winter)
326: 19C American Prose (Fall)
422: Studies in 19C American Literature – Poe, Hawthorne, Melville (Fall)
418: A Major Modernist Writer – TS Eliot (Winter)
505: 20C – Modernism out of the Archives (Winter)
227: American Literature 3 – The American Novel after 1945 (Fall)
297: Postcolonial and World Literature in English (Winter)
320: Postcolonial Literature – Canadian-Asian and American-Asian Novel (Winter)
336: 20C Novel 2 – Postwar British Fiction (Fall)
408: The 20C – The Novel in South Asia (Winter)
415: Studies in 20C Literature 2 – Espionage Literature (Winter)
531: Literary Forms – The Graphic Novel (Fall)