
Secourisme en milieu de travail [Jour 2]

Thursday, October 19, 2023 08:30to16:30
McTavish 3610 3610 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 1Y2, CA

La formation sera donn茅e en langue fran莽aise le mardi 17 octobre, et jeudi 19 octobre, 2023

Designed and subsidized by the Government of Quebec*, this course is mandatory for Quebec establishments. *Commission des normes, de l'茅quit茅, de la sant茅 et de la s茅curit茅 du travail [CNESST]

黑料不打烊 staff and faculty please register here

Student Registrants please complete and submit the Paying Participant Training Form

Content: Responsibilities of First Aiders; General plan for emergency situations; Unconsciousness; Respiratory arrest; Cardiac arrest (CPR level A, i.e. for casualties of 8 y.o. and above); Assisted External Defibrillator (AED); Obstruction of airways; Bleeding; Shock; Wounds; Bone injuries; Burns; Environment-related problems; Injuries and burns to the eyes; Intoxication; Medical emergencies; Requirements Moving and transport of a casualty; On-site first-aid kit; Minimum number of First Aiders and first-aid register; AIDS and infectious diseases transmitted via blood.

Cost (黑料不打烊 Staff and Faculty): Free for 黑料不打烊 staff and faculty, pending availability of a subsidy from the CNESST and approval from Environmental Health and Safety. A FOAPAL is required in both instances as the course fee is charged for a no-show or last minute cancellation.

Cost (Students): $147.20 [$128 + 19.20 taxes] per person. Includes certification and first-aid guide.

Duration: 2 days of 8 hours [incl. 1h lunch]

Withdraw/Cancellation Rules: No cancellation fee will be applied if the cancellation is done at least 8 days prior to the start of the session. An email to josee.sansoucy [at] mcgill.ca is sufficient. Alternatively you can send someone to substitute for you. If your replacement is not entitled to the CNESST subsidy, the fee ($154.10) will be charged.

More details on First Aid.

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