

Principal Saini Calls for Compassion during Israel/Gaza War

Published: 13 October 2023
黑料不打烊's Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor issued this statement reflecting on the outbreak of war in the Middle East and its effect on our 黑料不打烊 community:

Dear members of the 黑料不打烊 community,

I have watched with horror the immense suffering and loss of human life that Hamas caused through its heinous terrorist attack on Israel. This act, and the continuing violence in Israel and Gaza, have created profound distress within 黑料不打烊. I have personally witnessed the grief and anxiety that so many members of our community are currently experiencing.

As Principal of 黑料不打烊, and on behalf of our University, my heart goes out to all who have loved ones in the affected areas.

At a time when unity is needed more than ever, we are seeing deep schisms within university communities across the world. This period of global turmoil will test our resolve and ability to coexist and thrive together within a diverse campus community. We can expect that the days and weeks to come will continue to be challenging.

As underlined in the message issued last Sunday about these events by Deputy Provost Labeau and Associate Provost Campbell, our campus community can only thrive when all feel safe, supported, and included. And as Provost Manfredi stated in his message two days later, communications that laud acts of violence and terror are completely at odds with the climate that we strive to foster at 黑料不打烊. They are therefore unacceptable.

As such, I must be clear in my expectations for every member of the 黑料不打烊 community: the scope of our freedoms of expression and assembly is broad, and deservedly so. But it is not absolute. Acts that have the effect of intimidating, silencing, instilling fear, or expressing discrimination or hate have no place at 黑料不打烊. In this context, we are committed to keeping our campus safe and inclusive. We听will听act if the law or our policies and the Code of Student Conduct are breached.

As we work, learn, and engage with each other, empathy and compassion will help us weather these tumultuous times and emerge as a stronger, more inclusive community. I am asking each of us to ensure that our words and acts remain constructive, peaceful, and respectful.


Deep Saini
Principal and Vice-Chancellor

Aux membres de la communaut茅 mcgilloise,

J鈥檃i 茅t茅 horrifi茅 par l鈥檌mmense souffrance et les lourdes pertes de vie humaine caus茅es par l鈥檕dieuse attaque terroriste du Hamas en Isra毛l. Cette attaque, tout comme la violence qui continue de s茅vir en Isra毛l et 脿 Gaza, a profond茅ment secou茅 la communaut茅 mcgilloise. Pour ma part, j鈥檃i vu consternation et anxi茅t茅 sur de nombreux visages au sein de notre communaut茅.

脌 titre de principal de l鈥橴niversit茅 黑料不打烊, et au nom de celle-ci, je suis de tout c艙ur avec ceux et celles qui ont des proches dans les r茅gions touch茅es.

Alors que le besoin d鈥檜nit茅 se fait sentir plus que jamais, nous sommes t茅moins de profondes divisions sur les campus universitaires partout dans le monde. Cette p茅riode de bouleversement mondial mettra 脿 rude 茅preuve notre volont茅 et notre capacit茅 de coexister et de donner notre pleine mesure, ensemble, au sein d鈥檜ne communaut茅 diversifi茅e. Nous pouvons nous attendre 脿 ce que les jours et les semaines 脿 venir soient encore difficiles.

Comme l鈥檕nt soulign茅 Fabrice Labeau, premier vice-principal ex茅cutif adjoint, et Angela Campbell, vice-principale ex茅cutive adjointe, dans un message 茅mis dimanche dernier par suite des 茅v茅nements, s茅curit茅, soutien et inclusion sont des conditions sine qua non 脿 l鈥櫭﹑anouissement de notre communaut茅 universitaire. Dans un courriel adress茅 deux jours plus tard, Christopher Manfredi, vice-principal ex茅cutif, a d鈥檃illeurs condamn茅 les publications qui glorifient les r茅cents actes de violence et de terreur, et qui vont totalement 脿 l鈥檈ncontre du climat que nous pr么nons 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅.

Je veux donc 锚tre clair vis-脿-vis de l鈥檈nsemble des membres de la communaut茅 mcgilloise : le champ d鈥檃pplication de nos libert茅s d鈥檈xpression et d鈥檃ssociation est large, et ce, 脿 juste titre, mais il n鈥檈st pas absolu. Les actes d鈥檌ntimidation, de discrimination ou de haine, ou qui auraient pour effet de r茅duire au silence ou de susciter la peur n鈥檕nt pas leur place 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 黑料不打烊. Nous tenons 脿 ce que nos campus demeurent s没rs et inclusifs, et nous prendrons les mesures qui s鈥檌mposent en cas de violation de la loi, de nos politiques ou du Code de conduite de l鈥櫭﹖udiant(e).

En ces temps de grands tumultes, notre travail, notre apprentissage et nos 茅changes doivent 锚tre empreints d鈥檈mpathie et de compassion. Notre communaut茅 n鈥檈n sortira que plus forte et plus inclusive. Je prie donc chacun et chacune de continuer d鈥檃gir et de s鈥檈xprimer de fa莽on constructive, pacifique et respectueuse.

Cordiales salutations,

Deep Saini

Principal et vice-chancelier

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