Curriculum for entry from CEGEP can be found below.
For a printer friendly version, you can download the following file:
2004-2005 Curriculum Electrical Engineering - seven semester program [.pdf]
First ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 17 cr )
CIVE 281
Analytical Mechanics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Civil Engineering: Kinematics of particles, dynamics of particles. Work, conservative forces, potential energy. Relative motion and general moving frames of reference. Central force fields and orbits. Dynamics of a system of particles. General motion of rigid bodies, angular momentum and kinetic energy of rigid bodies. Generalized coordinates and forces, Lagrange's equations.
Offered by: Civil Engineering
ECSE 200
Electric Circuits 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: Circuit variables. Analysis of resistive circuits, network theorems (Kirchhoff鈥檚 laws, Ohm鈥檚 law, Norton and Thevenin equivalent). Ammeters, Voltmeters, and Ohmmeters. Analysis methods (nodal and mesh analysis, linearity, superposition). Dependent sources and Op-Amps. Energy storage elements. First and second order circuits.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
- (4-2-3)
- Prerequisite: PHYS 142 or CEGEP equivalent.
- Corequisite: MATH 263
- Tutorials assigned by instructor.
- Terms
- Instructors
- Marwan Kanaan
- Marwan Kanaan
EDEC 206
Course not available
MATH 262
Intermediate Calculus
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Series and power series, including Taylor's theorem. Brief review of vector geometry. Vector functions and curves. Partial differentiation and differential calculus for vector valued functions. Unconstrained and constrained extremal problems. Multiple integrals including surface area and change of variables.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- (3-1-5)
- Prerequisites: MATH 141, MATH 133 or equivalent.
- Restrictions: Open only to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Not open to students who are taking or have taken MATH 151, MATH 152, OR MATH 222.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Rosalie B茅langer-Rioux, Kodjo R Madou, Robin S Khanfir
- Charles Roth
MATH 263
ODEs for Engineers
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): First order ODEs. Second and higher order linear ODEs. Series solutions at ordinary and regular singular points. Laplace transforms. Linear systems of differential equations with a short review of linear algebra.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- (3-1-5)
- Corequisite: MATH 262.
- Restrictions: Open only to students in the Faculty of Engineering. Not open to students who are taking or have taken MATH 315 or MATH 325.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Gabriel Martine, Jessica Lin
- Sidney Trudeau, Rosalie B茅langer-Rioux
- Jean-Philippe Lessard
MIME 221
Course not available
Second ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 17 cr )
COMP 202
Foundations of Programming
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Computer Science (Sci): Introduction to computer programming in a high level language: variables, expressions, primitive types, methods, conditionals, loops. Introduction to algorithms, data structures (arrays, strings), modular software design, libraries, file input/output, debugging, exception handling. Selected topics.
Offered by: Computer Science
- 3 hours
- Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken or are taking COMP 204, COMP 208, or GEOG 333; not open to students who have taken or are taking COMP 206 or COMP 250.
- COMP 202 is intended as a general introductory course, while COMP 204 is intended for students in life sciences, and COMP 208 is intended for students in physical sciences and engineering.
- To take COMP 202, students should have a solid understanding of pre-calculus fundamentals such as polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Faten M'hiri
- Faten M'hiri
ECSE 210
Electric Circuits 2
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: Second-order circuits. Sinusoidal sources and phasors. AC steady-state analysis. AC steady-state power. Laplace transform. Circuit analysis in the s-Domain. Two-port circuits. Elementary continuous signals, impulse functions, basic properties of continuous linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. Frequency analysis of continuous-time LTI systems.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Sharmistha Bhadra
- Sharmistha Bhadra
ECSE 291
Course not available
MATH 264
Adv Calculus for Engineers
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mathematics & Statistics (Sci): Review of multiple integrals. Differential and integral calculus of vector fields including the theorems of Gauss, Green, and Stokes. Introduction to partial differential equations, separation of variables, Sturm-Liouville problems, and Fourier series.
Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics
- Terms
- Fall 2024
- Winter 2025
- Summer 2025
- Instructors
- Charles Roth
- Dmitry Jakobson
- Charles Roth
MATH 270
Course not available
PHYS 271
Intro to Quantum Physics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Physics: The observed properties of atoms and radiation from atoms. Electron waves. The Schroedinger Equation in one dimension. Quantum mechanics of the hydrogen atom. Angular momentum and spin. Quantum mechanics of many electron systems. Basic ideas of electrons in solids and solid state physics.
Offered by: Physics
- Winter
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: PHYS 251 or CIVE 281
- Restriction: This course is not available to any student enrolled in any Majors or Honours program involving Physics.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Third ( Fall ) Semester (TOTAL = 15 cr )
ECSE 221
Course not available
ECSE 303
Signals and Systems 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: Elementary continuous and discrete-time signals, impulse functions, basic properties of discrete and continuous linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, Fourier representation of continuous-time periodic and aperiodic signals, the Laplace transform, time and frequency analysis of continuous-time LTI systems, application of transform techniques to electric circuit analysis.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ECSE 330
Introduction to Electronics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: Introduction to electronic circuits using operational amplifiers, PN junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), and MOS field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), including: terminal characteristics, large- and small-signal models; configuration and frequency response of single-stage amplifiers with discrete biasing. Introduction to SPICE. Simulation experiments.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
- (3-2-4)
- Prerequisite: ECSE 210
- Tutorials assigned by instructor.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ECSE 351
Course not available
MATH 381
Course not available
Fourth ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 14 cr )
ECSE 304
Course not available
ECSE 305
Probability & Random Signals 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: The basic probability model, the heuristics of model-building and the additivity of probability; classical models; conditional probability and Bayes rule; random variables and vectors, distribution and density functions, expectation; statistical independence, laws of large numbers, central limit theorem; introduction to random processes and random signal analysis.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
ECSE 322
Course not available
ECSE 334
Intro. to Microelectronics
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Electrical Engineering: Single-stage integrated-circuit amplifiers; differential and multistage amplifiers, integrated-circuit biasing techniques; non-ideal characteristics, frequency response; feedback amplifiers, output stages; digital CMOS logic circuits.
Offered by: Electrical & Computer Engr
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
Fifth ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 16 cr )
ECSE 323
Course not available
ECSE 352
Course not available
ECSE 361
Course not available
ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary I (3 cr) ECSE 4xx Lab Complementary I (2 cr)
Sixth ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 14 cr )
ECSE 483
Course not available
ECSE 484
Course not available
ECSE 494
Course not available
MIME 310
Course not available
ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary II (3 cr) ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary III (3 cr) ECSE 4xx Lab Complementary II (2 cr)
Seventh ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 15 cr )
ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary IV (3 cr)
ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary V (3 cr)
ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary VI (3 cr)
XXXX xxx General Complementary I (3 cr)
XXXX xxx General Complementary II (3 cr)
All courses are core courses except for technical, laboratory and general complementary courses. All core courses must be passed with a grade "C" or better. Also, a grade of "C" is required for an ECSE xxx core course in order to proceed with its follow-on ECSE xxx course(s), and a grade of "C" is required for a MATH xxx course in order to proceed with its follow-on MATH xxx course(s). A grade of "D" is only acceptable for non-core courses.
Laboratory complementaries are normally taken in conjuction with a technical complementary. The courses ECSE 426, Microprocessor Systems, ECSE 431, Intro. to VLSI CAD and ECSE 435, Mixed Signal Test Techniques, can be taken as a technical complementary or a lab complementary.
Technical complementaries are selected from the list of 400-level courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
General complementary studies requirements consist of 3 credits from a special list which relate to the Impact of Technology on Society and 3 credits from a special list of Humanities and Social Sciences and, Administrative Studies and Law (see Section 3.4, Page 207 of the 2004-2005 黑料不打烊 University Calendar).
Students who opt to take the multi-discipinary projects must take the two course sequence, ECSE 483 course description not available and ECSE 484 course description not available, in lieu of ECSE 494 course description not available.
REVISED August, 2004