Technical Complementaries (6 courses) 18 credits
Students following the regular Electrical Engineering program should take 6 courses (18 credits) from the following list, including 3 courses from one of the 5 areas of specialization. It is possible that not all the courses listed will be offered in any given year. Please refer to the up-to-date course assignments (posted on the Undergraduate Bulletin Board) before selecting a course. Permission will not be granted to take technical complementary courses that are not listed below.
Computer Systems Technology:
- ECSE 424B Human-Computer Interaction (P-ECSE 322)
- ECSE 425A,B Computer Organization and Architecture (P-ECSE 322 and ECSE 323)
- ECSE 427A,B Operating Systems (P-ECSE 322 or COMP 273)
Control and Automation:
- ECSE 404A Control Systems (P-ECSE 303)
- ECSE 412A,B Discrete Time Signal Processing (P-ECSE 304)
- ECSE 426A,B Microprocessor Systems (P-ECSE 323 and EDEC 206)
Integrated Circuits and Electronics:
- ECSE 425A,B Computer Organization and Architecture (P-ECSE 322 and ECSE 323)
- ECSE 431A Intro. to VLSI CAD (P-ECSE 323 and ECSE 330)
- ECSE 432B Physical Basis: Transistor Devices (P-ECSE 330, ECSE 351 and PHYS 271)
- ECSE 435B Mixed Signal Test Techniques (P-ECSE 304 and ECSE 334)
- ECSE 423B Fundamentals of Photonics (P-ECSE 352; C-ECSE 305)
- ECSE 430A Photonic Devices (P-ECSE 423)
- ECSE 432B Physical Basis: Transistor Devices (P-ECSE 330, ECSE 351 and PHYS 271)
Power Engineering:
- ECSE 404A Control Systems (P-ECSE 303)
- ECSE 460B Appareillage 茅lectrique (Electrical Power Equipment) (P-ECSE 361)
- ECSE 462B Electromechanical Energy Conversion (P-ECSE 361)
- ECSE 464B Power System Analysis 1 (P-ECSE 361)
- ECSE 465A Power Electronic Systems (P-ECSE 334 and ECSE 361)
- ECSE 468B Electricit茅 Industrielle (Industrial Power Systems) (P-ECSE 361)
Telecommunications - Required Courses:
- ECSE 411A Communications Systems 1 (P-ECSE 304 and ECSE 305 )
- ECSE 414A Intro. to Telecom. Networks (P-ECSE 303, ECSE 305 and ECSE 322) and any one of the following:
- ECSE 412A,B Discrete Time Signal Processing (P-ECSE 304)
- ECSE 413B Communications Systems 2 (P-ECSE 411)
- ECSE 423B Fundamentals of Photonics (P-ECSE 352; C-ECSE 305)
- ECSE 451B EM Transmission and Radiation (P-ECSE 352)
Laboratory Complementaries (2 Courses) 4 credits:
- ECSE 426A,B Microprocessor Systems (P-ECSE 323 and EDEC 206)
- ECSE 431A Intro. to VLSI CAD (P-ECSE 323 and ECSE 330)
- ECSE 435B Mixed Signal Test Techniques (P-ECSE 304 and ECSE 334)
- ECSE 485B IC Fabrication Laboratory (P-ECSE 334, EDEC 206; C-ECSE 432 or ECSE 533)
- ECSE 486B Power Laboratory ( P- ECSE 334, ECSE 361 and EDEC 206)
- ECSE 487A,B Computer Architecture Laboratory (P-EDEC 206;C-ECSE 425 or ECSE 525)
- ECSE 488B High Frequency Laboratory (P-ECSE 291 and EDEC 206; C-ECSE 451)
- ECSE 489B Telecommunication Network Laboratory (P-EDEC 206; C-ECSE 414)
- ECSE 490A,B Digital Signal Processing Lab (P-ECSE 291 and EDEC 206;C-ECSE 412 or ECSE 512)
- ECSE 491A,B Communications Systems Lab (P-ECSE 291 and EDEC 206; C-ECSE 411 or ECSE 511)
- ECSE 492A Optical Communications Lab (P-EDEC 206, ECSE 423 or ECSE 527)
- ECSE 493B Control and Robotics Lab (P-ECSE 291 and EDEC 206; C-ECSE 404 or ECSE 502)
Revised June 2003