Curriculum for eight semester program can be found below.
First ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 18 cr )
- CHEM 110 General Chemistry 1 (4 cr)
- PHYS 131 Mechanics and Waves (4 cr)
- MATH 133 Vectors, Matrices and Geometry (3 cr)
- MATH 150 Calculus A (4 cr, C - MATH 133 )
- XXXX xxx General Complementary I (3 cr)
Second ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 18 cr )
- CHEM 120 General Chemistry 2 (4 cr)
- PHYS 142 Electromagnetism and Optics (4 cr)
- COMP 202 Introduction to Computing I (3 cr)
- MATH 151 Calculus B (4 cr, P - MATH 150)
- XXXX xxx General Complementary II (3 cr)
Third ( Fall ) Semester (TOTAL = 17 cr )
- ECSE 200 Fundamentals of EE (3 cr, C - MATH 261 or MATH 325)
- CIVE 281 Analytical Mechanics (3 cr, C - MATH 260 and MATH 261)
- MATH 261 Differential Equations (3 cr, C - MATH 260)
- MATH 265 Advanced Calculus (3 cr, P - MATH 260)
- MIME 221 Engineering Professional Practice (2 cr)
- ECSE 221 Introduction to Computer Engineering (3 cr, P - COMP 202)
Fourth ( Winter ) Semester (TOTAL = 17 cr )
- ECSE 210 Circuit Analysis (3 cr, P - ECSE 200 )
- ECSE 291 Electrical Measurements Lab (2 cr, C - ECSE 210)
- MATH 270 Applied Linear Algebra (3 cr, P - MATH 261)
- ECSE 322 Computer Engineering (3 cr, P - ECSE 200/MECH 383 and ECSE 221)
- PHYS 271 Quantum Physics (3 cr, P - CIVE 281 or PHYS 251)
- EDEC 206 Communication in Engineering (3 cr)
Fifth ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 17 cr )
- ECSE 330 Introduction to Electronics (3 cr, P - ECSE 210 )
- ECSE 303 Signals and Systems I (3 cr, P - ECSE 210, MATH 270/247; C-MATH 381/249)
- MATH 381 Complex Variables and Transforms (3 cr, P - MATH 265)
- ECSE 323 Digital System Design (5 cr, P - EDEC 206, ECSE 221 and ECSE 291)
- ECSE 351 Electromagnetic Fields (3 cr, P - MATH 265 and ECSE 200)
Sixth ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 17 cr )
- ECSE 334 Intro. to Microelectronics (5 cr, P-EDEC 206, ECSE 291, ECSE 303 and ECSE 330)
- ECSE 304 Signals and Systems II (3 cr, P - ECSE 303)
- ECSE 305 Probability and Random Sig. I (3 cr, P - ECSE 303)
- ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary I (3 cr)
- MIME 310 Engineering Economy (3 cr)
Seventh ( Fall ) Semester ( TOTAL = 14 cr )
- ECSE 352 EM Waves and Optics (3 cr, P - ECSE 351)
- ECSE 361 Power Engineering (3 cr, P - ECSE 210 and ECSE 351 )
- ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary II (3 cr)
- ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary III (3 cr)
- ECSE 4xx Lab Complementary I (2 cr)
Eight ( Winter ) Semester ( TOTAL = 17 cr )
- ECSE 494 Project Laboratory (3 cr, P - EDEC 206 and 42 departmental credits)
- ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary IV (3 cr)
- ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary V (3 cr)
- ECSE 4xx Technical Complementary VI (3 cr)
- ECSE 4xx Lab Complementary II (2 cr)
- XXXX xxx General Complementary III (3 cr)
All courses are core courses except for technical, laboratory and general complementary courses. Core courses are shown in boldface above. All core courses must be passed with a grade "C" or better. Also, a grade of "C" is required for an ECSE xxx core course in order to proceed with its follow-on ECSE xxx course(s), and a grade of "C" is required for a MATH xxx course in order to proceed with its follow-on MATH xxx course(s). A grade of "D" is only acceptable for non-core courses.
Laboratory complementaries are normally taken in conjuction with a technical complementary. The courses ECSE 426, Microprocessor Systems, ECSE 431, Intro. to VLSI CAD and ECSE 435, Mixed Signal Test Techniques, can be taken as a technical complementary or a lab complementary.
Technical complementaries are selected from the list of 400-level courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
General complementary studies requirements consist of 3 credits from a special list which relate to the Impact of Technology on Society and 6 credits from a special list of Humanities and Social Sciences and, Administrative Studies and Law (see Section 3.4, Page 167 of the 2003-2004 黑料不打烊 University Calendar).
REVISED June 2003