The Earth System Science program includes a core set of courses that provide fundamental scientific knowledge and an essential toolkit of quantitative skills.
Beyond this core, students can follow a specialization stream according to their interests or construct their own combination of interdisciplinary courses in collaboration with the advisor.
Students gain hands-on experience with the scientific process, with ample opportunities to join ESS research groups.
For more information please contact william.minarik [at] (Bill Minarik).
Major Earth System Science
Credits: 57
The major in ESS covers the fundamental science of the solid, fluid, and living components of the Earth system and interactions with humans.
Major in Earth System Science courses
Honours Earth System Science
Credits: 66
The honours program builds on the major with additional mathematics and an undergraduate thesis.
Minor Earth System Science
Credits: 18
The minor in ESS includes the core Earth system knowledge and computational skills, with the freedom to choose a specialization.