Cleghorn Professor /desautels/taxonomy/term/552/all en Trium tops FT Executive MBA programme rankings 2014 /desautels/channels/news/trium-tops-ft-executive-mba-programme-rankings-2014-239717 <p>For the first time in six years, a new challenger has topped the FT’s ranking of executive MBA programmes.</p> Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:21:10 +0000 63504 at /desautels FGV/EBAPE offers 4th edition of the International Master’s Program in Rio de Janeiro /desautels/channels/news/fgvebape-offers-4th-edition-international-master%E2%80%99s-program-rio-de-janeiro-239136 <p><span>From today (23rd) until October 3, the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) of Fundação Getulio Vargas will hold the fourth edition of the </span><strong><a href="" rel="nofollow">International Master’s in Practicing Management (IMPM)</a></strong><span>, an international Master’s program focused on management practices in Brazil.</span></p> Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:26:17 +0000 63418 at /desautels Ontario co-op movement could use a legislative leg-up /desautels/channels/news/ontario-co-op-movement-could-use-legislative-leg-240513 <p>Despite member-controlled and community-centric businesses gaining much appeal and generating billions in revenue, laws that govern co-ops in Ontario are strikingly outdated and restrictive.</p> Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:32:13 +0000 63689 at /desautels ϲ celebrates top teachers /desautels/channels/news/mcgill-celebrates-top-teachers-240319 <p><span>With the highest admission standards in Canada, ϲ attracts many of the brightest students in the country and from around the world. Being entrusted to guide these exceptional students is a huge responsibility, which is why the Principal’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching was established in 2000 to celebrate teachers.</span></p> <p><span>... <span>Faculty of Management Professor <strong>Henry Mintzberg</strong> was also honoured when he became only the fifth person to be presented with the ϲ University Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership in Learning.</span></span></p> Thu, 20 Nov 2014 15:43:00 +0000 63647 at /desautels Rethinking Management Education And Its Models /desautels/channels/news/rethinking-management-education-and-its-models-240186 <p>In<span> their book, The Business School In The Twenty-first Century, Howard Thomas, Peter Lorange and Jagdish Sheth share insights on designing the business school of the future and how to make it work.</span></p> Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:36:33 +0000 63625 at /desautels ¿Queremos una universidad burocrática o innovadora? /desautels/channels/news/%C2%BFqueremos-una-universidad-burocratica-o-innovadora-240019 <p><span>En los últimos años hemos asistido a una serie de cambios en la universidad española, entre los que destaca su creciente burocratización. Si bien es verdad que cuando hace una década se propusieron e introdujeron medidas que subrayaban la meritocracia, o promulgaban mejorar y normalizar en cierta medida los procesos de trabajo a través de organismos como la ANECA, en general estas fueron muy bien recibidas por la comunidad universitaria.</span></p> Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:48:04 +0000 63571 at /desautels The default mode for managers needs a reset /desautels/channels/news/default-mode-managers-needs-reset-240017 <p><span>Grayson Perry, the transvestite artist, took aim last month at "default man": the cabal of white, middle-class, heterosexual, middle-aged males who run the British establishment.</span></p> Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:37:12 +0000 63569 at /desautels The fall of the Berlin Wall—a triumph for capitalism? /desautels/channels/news/fall-berlin-wall%E2%80%94-triumph-capitalism-240013 <p><span>The Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago; hence we are now hearing a good deal about it. We are not, however, hearing much about the adverse impact this has been having on so many lives ever since. While the collapse of the wall freed the East Berliners of the shackles of communism, vast numbers of people around the world have since been shackled by another dogma, thanks to a misunderstanding of what brought that wall down. </span></p> Tue, 11 Nov 2014 15:43:14 +0000 63565 at /desautels Decepcionante Informe “España 2018” de las grandes empresas y la RSE /desautels/channels/news/decepcionante-informe-%E2%80%9Cespana-2018%E2%80%9D-de-las-grandes-empresas-y-la-rse-239961 <p><strong>Una gran ocasión perdida</strong></p> <p>Las grandes empresas españolas se han manifestado con una batería de medidas sobre el empleo a través del “<a href="" target="_blank">Informe España 2018</a>”  presentado por el <a href="" target="_blank">Consejo Empresarial de la Competitividad</a>, formado por representantes del Instituto de la Empresa Familiar y los Presidentes de 15 grandes empresas globales españolas.</p> Thu, 06 Nov 2014 17:15:31 +0000 63552 at /desautels New building to give Sheridan room to grow /desautels/channels/news/new-building-give-sheridan-room-grow-239907 <p>College degree programs in business are proving popular with students, with one Ontario institution expanding its footprint to meet demand.</p> <p>Sheridan College has announced plans for a 220,000-square-foot building to open in fall 2016 at its Mississauga campus, named for the municipality’s long-serving and just-retired mayor Hazel McCallion. The new building will house an expanded business faculty and other disciplines.</p> <p>... <strong>New honours for Henry Mintzberg</strong></p> Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:48:16 +0000 63536 at /desautels “Los bonus de los ejecutivos destruyen las compañías” /desautels/channels/news/%E2%80%9Clos-bonus-de-los-ejecutivos-destruyen-las-companias%E2%80%9D-239715 <p><span>No le gustan los MBA. No le gusta George W. Bush. No le gustan los disparatados bonus de los ejecutivos. No le gusta el enorme poder de las grandes corporaciones en nuestras vidas. Y sostiene, con alarma, que se están dando algunas condiciones en Estados Unidos similares a las de la Alemania e Italia de principios de los años treinta del siglo pasado.</span></p> Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:12:27 +0000 63502 at /desautels Chef de file de l’économie sociale et de l’investissement responsable /desautels/channels/news/chef-de-file-de-l%E2%80%99economie-sociale-et-de-l%E2%80%99investissement-responsable-239048 <p>La carte d’affaires de la Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins se lit comme suit : principale institution financière consacrée à l’économie sociale et à l’investissement socialement responsable (ISR) au Québec. Elle soutient financièrement près de 3000 coopératives, organismes à but non lucratif, syndicats et entreprises socialement engagées. Au 31 décembre 2013, son chiffre d’affaires dépassait les 1,4 milliard de dollars et son actif tournait autour de 738 millions.</p> Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:43:47 +0000 63401 at /desautels Extraordinary Pakistanis /desautels/channels/news/extraordinary-pakistanis-238745 <p><span>It takes a certain type of courage to bite the hand that feeds you. Dr Shahid Qureshi is a fierce critic of the way business schools churn out graduates in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world. </span></p> Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:38:53 +0000 63352 at /desautels The End of Thinking? /desautels/channels/news/end-thinking-237477 <p><span>Francis Fukuyama revisited his influential "</span><a href="">End of History?</a><span>" article recently and </span><span>told readers of the </span><em>Wall Street Journal</em><span> (on June 6) that he was right after all.</span></p> Tue, 15 Jul 2014 20:53:59 +0000 62919 at /desautels