BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T205258EDT-9989xATgVF@ DTSTAMP:20250313T005258Z DESCRIPTION:On the Challenges and Promises of Promoting Desired Behavior th rough the Use of Insights from Behavioral Science\n\nYefim Roth\n\nRegiste r & watch webinar\n\nYefim Roth holds a PhD in Decision Making from the Te chnion and completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at UTD. Currently\, Dr. Rot h is an Assistant Professor at the University of Haifa\, Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Science\, in the Department of Human Service. Dr. Roth's research focuses on three main areas. Firstly\, he examines the factors t hat influence the search for information. Secondly\, he investigates the u se of behavioral economic tools such as nudges and incentives to alter beh avior. Lastly\, Dr. Roth conducts field studies to examine how to alter be havior using minor incentive. Dr. Roth has published in top-tier academic journals\, including Nature Human Behavior\, Psychological Review\, Manage ment Science\, and Journal of Consumer Research. He has also published in leading journals in the field of Decision Making\, such as Judgment and De cision Making\, Decision\, and Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.\n\nA bstract\n\nTaking the perspective of a policy maker\, how can we promote d esired behavior? Perhaps the most popular ways to do so are through the us e of nudges and incentives. In this seminar\, we will present two novel an d scalable methods for altering behavior with small incentives - namely\, incentivizing exploration and repeated deposit contracts. Next\, we will d iscuss how to bring about desired changes even more cheaply by altering th e choice environment through the use of nudges. We will focus on the most popular default and warning nudges\, showing under which conditions these interventions are expected to be effective and when they may backfire.\n\n Chair: Professor Laurette Dubé (Scientific Director of MCCHE)\n Co-Chair & Moderator: John G. Keogh (Professor of Practice\, MCCHE\; Founder\, Shanta lla Inc.)\n\nPanel Discussion: A panel with scientists\, business and poli cy leaders will discuss how scientific and technological developments and ontologies bridging farm\, food and human behavior\, can accelerate the de sign and long-term performance of convergence platforms ecosystems targeti ng achievable and time-bound real-world solutions placing human and enviro nmental health at the core. This will advance the design of integrative di gital architecture and governance framework to scale up how real-world dat a generated by individuals and institutions within and across disciplines and sectors can contribute to a World reset on convergence economy\, build ing upon the challenges and possibilities reviewed above. Capitalizing on digital transformation of science and society\, convergence economy takes a person-centered approach to bridging organizations and systems across se ctors and jurisdictions\, fully acknowledging that developed and developin g worlds share the same planet\, for world-scale transformation toward sus tainable prosperity and affordable nutrition and health.\n\n\nABOUT THE SE RIES\n\nThe Convergent Innovation Webinar Series features cutting edge sci ence\, technology and innovation in agriculture\, food\, environment\, edu cation\, medicine and other domains of everyday life where grand challenge s lie at the convergence of health and economics. Powered by data science\ , artificial intelligence\, and other digital technologies\, this discipli nary knowledge bridges with behavioural\, social\, humanities\, business\, economics\, social\, engineering\, and complexity sciences to accelerate real-world solution at scale\, be it in digital or physical contexts. Init iated in the agri-food domain\, the series is now encompassing other grand challenges facing modern and traditional economies and societies\, such a s ensuring lifelong wellness and resilience at both the individual and pop ulation levels.\n DTSTART:20230511T150000Z DTEND:20230511T170000Z SUMMARY:MCCHE Convergent Innovation Webinar Series with Yefim Roth URL:/desautels/channels/event/mcche-convergent-innovat ion-webinar-series-yefim-roth-347955 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR