BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T203935EDT-0988aIh4NI@ DTSTAMP:20250313T003935Z DESCRIPTION:The #1 International Program in North America (Eduniversal 2017 -2021)\, IMPM is one of the world’s most innovative and impactful executiv e programs. Created by ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University management guru Henry Mintzberg\, IMPM is a partnership between 5 top universities from around the globe\, including ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University.\n\nLooking for something more than an EMBA\, with a proven ROI? Learn how to think more creatively to solve complex org anisational challenges\, with direct impact on you\, your team\, and your organisation. Join us for our next online information session to gain valu able insights into the program and determine if the IMPM is the right fit for you. Find out about our new PhD option for executives.\n\nHear about t his program from Worldwide Academic Director Dr. Martin Brigham and Global Executive Director Ron Duerksen.\n\nDate: Thursday\, July 13\, 2023\n\nTi me: 12:00 EDT/17:00 BST/21:30 IST/13:00 BRT\n\nRegister now\n\n\nAbout the International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM)\n\n\n Video of IMPM - International Masters Program for Managers\n\n\n\nThis international execu tive certificate and degree has a truly global reach with top academic par tners and modules in the UK\, Canada\, Japan\, India and Brazil. The IMPM is designed around managerial mindsets instead of functional silos and is taught by world-class faculty in five top international management schools . This unique program leverages the collective wisdom of diverse participa nts and uses innovative pedagogical tools and personalized program support to enable behavioral change and create impact.\n\nThe IMPM takes your lea rning beyond the confines of the classroom\, brings it back into your work environment\, and creates real and lasting change. With a modular format it minimizes time away from work and family.\n\nIMPM • International Maste rs Program for Managers #1 is a consortium of five leading business school s:\n\nºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University\n Lancaster University\n FGV/EBAPE\n Indian Institute of Management Bangalore\n Yokohama National University\n\nFor more informa tion\, visit\n DTSTART:20230713T160000Z DTEND:20230713T170000Z SUMMARY:IMPM Online Information Session: July 13\, 2023 URL:/desautels/channels/event/impm-online-information- session-july-13-2023-348745 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR