Corporate social responsibility and shareholder wealth: The role of marketing capability
ܳٳǰ:Mishra, S., Modi, S.B.
Publication: Journal of Marketing
Ultimate Campus Celebrity: Professor Ashesh Mukherjee
It's a busy time for both students and professors as final exams and grades loom upon us. But this week, Her Campus ϲ was lucky enough to get a hold of Desautels's renowned consumer behaviour professor and DJ for an interview - Professor Ashesh Mukherjee!
Read full article: Her Campus, December 12, 2015
Distinct threats, common remedies: How consumers cope with psychological threat
ܳٳǰ:Han, D., Duhachek, A., and Rucker, D.D.
Correcting for misspecification in parameter dynamics to improve forecast accuracy with adaptively estimated models
ܳٳǰ:Kolsarici, C. and Vakratsas, D.
Publication: Management Science
Using food as reinforcer to shape children's non-food behavior: The adverse nutritional effect doubly moderated by reward sensitivity and gender
ܳٳǰ:Ji Lu, Suhong Xiong, Narendra Arora, Laurette Dubé
Publication: Eating Behaviours
Using foods high in sugar, fat as rewards can lead to obesity in children
You’re late getting out the door and your six-year-old isn’t co-operating. You know it isn’t the best parental decision you’ve ever made but you offer him a treat if he agrees to obediently put on his shoes and get into the car. What’s the harm in that?
Shareholder value implications of service failures in triads: The case of customer information security breaches
ܳٳǰ:Modi, S.B., Wiles, M.A., and Mishra, S.
Publication: Journal of Operations Management
Using food as reinforcer to shape children's non-food behavior: The adverse nutritional effect doubly moderated by reward sensitivity and gender
ܳٳǰ:Lu, J., Xiong, S., Arora, N., and Dubé, L.
Publication: Eating Behaviors
Whole-of-society approach for public health policymaking: a case study of polycentric governance from Quebec, Canada
Authors: Addy, N. A., Poirier, A., Blouin, C., Drager, N. and Dubé, L. Publication: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Abstract:
An Innovative Approach to Addressing Childhood Obesity: A Knowledge-Based Infrastructure for Supporting Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Decision-Making in Quebec, Canada
ܳٳǰ:Addy, N. A., Shaban-Nejad, A., Buckeridge, D. L., and Dubé, L. Publication: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Abstract:
Management learning at the speed of life: Designing reflective, creative, and collaborative spaces for millenials
ܳٳǰ:Karakas, F., Manisaligil, A., Sarigollu, E. Publication: International Journal of Management Education Abstract:
Civil Society appeals to policymakers to declare malnutrition as a medical emergency
Almost eight million children in India are severely malnourished and have nine times higher risk of death compared to normal children. These children deserve to live. In January 2015 over 100 organisations and individuals collectively urged the government to take action and save the lives of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) through the Generation Nutrition Campaign.
Parental attachment insecurity predicts child and adult high-caloric food consumption
ܳٳǰ:Faber, A., Dubé, L.
Publication: Journal of Health Psychology
The psychology of appraisal: Specific emotions and decision-making
Authors: So, J., Achar, C., Han, D.H., Agrawal, N., Duhachek, A., Maheswaran, D.
Publication: Journal of Consumer Psychology
Correcting for Misspecification in Parameter Dynamics to Improve Forecast Accuracy with Adaptively Estimated Models
Authors: Ceren Kolsarici and Demetrios Vakratsas
Publication: Management Science