

Webinar - Convergent Innovation: Applied Complexity with William Sutherland

Thursday, July 16, 2020 11:00to13:00
William Sutherland

Applied Complexity: From Epistemic Drift to Epistemic Shift

William Sutherland, MD

General practice physician presently working in primary mental healthcare, general practice psychotherapy, and functional medicine. He is the innovator of the Complexity Medicine paradigm and the author of the book on the subject, Grand Rounds: Healing Wisdom for a Complex World.

Complexity Medicine, by answering the call towards greater holism, looks at the embodiment of individual, cultural, and ecological health from an aesthetic, patterned, relational, and systems-based stance. He is a graduate of the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University and has completed a residency in rural family medicine. Presently, he is an adjunct faculty member through the School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability at the University of Waterloo and an External Affiliate Researcher at the Waterloo Institute of Complexity and Innovation (WICI). Research, discussion, and teaching interests include complexity and health, second-order cybernetics, systems biology and physiology, indigenous ways of knowing, radical constructivism, and epistemological and ontological considerations within the complexity sciences

About the Series

The Convergent Innovation Webinar Series features cutting edge science, technology and innovation in agriculture, food, environment, education, medicine and other domains of everyday life where grand challenges lie at the convergence of health and economics. Powered by data science, artificial intelligence, and other digital technologies, this disciplinary knowledge bridges with behavioural, humanities, business, economic, social, engineering, and complexity sciences to accelerate real-world solution at scale, be it in digital or physical contexts. Initiated in the agri-food domain, the series is now encompassing other grand challenges facing modern and traditional economies and societies, such as ensuring lifelong wellness and resilience at both the individual and population levels.

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