

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


For students:

To find information about the academic dress for convocation, please click here. Please note, booking your academic dress begins on April 19, 2010 and ends May 14, 2010.

To find your convocation check list, please click here.


There is a limit of 4 guests per graduating student. Seating is on a first-come, first served basis. We ask students to please respect this limit.

However, there is an additional viewing venue located in Leacock 132. For this room you will require tickets. These will be available, upon email request, closer to the date of the ceremonies and may be picked up during business hours in the University Secretariat, James Administration Building, Room 325A (across the hall from Room 313).

All ceremonies, with the exception of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, will take place on lower campus, under a tent. Please make sure to dress properly for an outdoor event and keep in mind the weather conditions of that day.

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