CI Webinar Series: Professor Erkko Autio, Chair in Technology Venturing at Imperial College Business School

Tracing and bridging the commons and close ecosystem games
Insights for fueling food convergence innovation platforms at worldscale for sustainable prosperity and affordable nutrition and health
Professor Erkko Autio
Chair in Technology Venturing at Imperial College Business School
Professor Erkko Autio is Chair in Technology Venturing at Imperial College Business School (since 2006). He has a PhD in Industrial Management from Helsinki University of Technology. Erkko co-founded the and served in the Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. He also co-founded the that profiles country-level systems of entrepreneurship, as well as the European Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems . His research focuses on digitalisation and its impact on entrepreneurial ecosystems, innovation ecosystems, new venture internationalisation, and business model innovation. He has been cited in The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Fortune, MSNBC, and in some 400-500 news media globally.
As businesses and other actors throughout society reorganize their value-creating activities around platforms, the shared digital infrastructure becomes an increasingly important determinant of competitive advantage. Yet, few businesses pay any attention to what I call the ‘commons ecosystem’ game that shapes these infrastructures, and even fewer actively participate in it. I suggest that they ignore this game at their own peril, as digital infrastructures can regulate firm-level competitive advantage. My speech will describe how the commons ecosystem game is played by digital businesses. I describe the operational, community-level, and strategic motivations of playing the commons ecosystem game, and we describe how four commonly used strategic maneuvers – Scaling, Sponsoring, Shaming, and Scheming – shape the evolution of commons ecosystems. I conclude by recommending how platform firms and other organizations should strategically integrate commons ecosystems in their game plan and by discussing more general implications of the phenomenon. A panel will follow to build upon this ground breaking management research to advance research and on-the-ground action to fuel food convergence innovation platforms at worldscale for sustainable prosperity and affordable nutrition and health.
Chair: Laurette Dubé (Scientific Director of MCCHE)
Co-Chair & Moderator: John G. Keogh (Managing Principal, Shantalla Inc. Toronto )
Special Panel: A panel will follow with scientists and action leaders to build upon this ground breaking management research to advance convergence science and innovation convergence innovation at the agriculture, food, environment and health interfaces for world-scale transformation toward sustainable prosperity and affordable nutrition and health.