Deborah Da Costa, PhD

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor, Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Division of Experimental Medicine, Department of Medicine

Deborah Da Costa, PhD
Contact Information

5252 de Maisonneuve West, 3E.10 Montreal, QC H4A 3S9

Email address: 
deborah.dacosta [at]
514-398-4400 Ext 44723
Chronic Illness
Mental Health
Current research: 

My research focuses on the interplay between modifiable psychosocial and behavioural (e.g. exercise) factors and health status in various chronic illnesses and in relation to depression in populations at risk. This has laid the foundation for the knowledge-transfer phase of my program which focuses on tailoring and evaluating evidence-based e-health interventions to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to optimize their health and wellness. My research activities focus on:

  1. Maternal and paternal mental health during the transition to parenthood – identifying predictors and developing e-health psychoeducational interventions;
  2. Delineating the role of behavioural and psychosocial variables on health outcomes and quality of life in patients with chronic conditions; and
  3. Developing and testing gender-tailored tools to help individuals initiate and sustain healthy lifestyle behaviours over the lifespan.


Selected publications: 

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